IV. Case of Aced

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AN: I only own Princess Elena and my own ideas. Everything else belongs to Square Enix and Disney.
Aced came at Invi from a rooftop, but Invi quickly jumped out of the way, summoning her Keyblade to defend herself. However, Invi was no match for Aced, who sent the snake-masked girl flying through the sky.

Invi caught herself and deflated an incoming attack from Aced. Running on the side of the houses, both Keyblades clashed with one another, sending both of them plummeting to the ground below.

Aced sent an attack at Invi who jumped out of the way and deflated more of Aced's attacks.

"Why do you get in my way?" Aced asked Invi.

Invi's Keyblade soon flew out of her hand and she landed safely on the ground.

"Don't be so conceited! I'm protecting the balance, just as the Master told us to! You need to come to your senses!" Invi pleaded with Aced, who just ignored her.

Both Keyblade wielders panted from the fight before Aced spoke.

"If we don't do something, the light will expire?" Aced shouted.

Behind a building, Gula and Elena watched as the two fought.

Elena asked Gula, "Should we do something?"

"No. Not yet." Gula replied.

Aced walked closer to the defenseless Invi, holding his Keyblade ready to strike.

"We need to defy the Master's teachings to protect the world," Aced told Invi.

Invi asked, "You're saying he was wrong!?" regarding her Master's teachings.

"He's not here anymore. I won't let his prophecy come true. I won't let the world fall into darkness!" Aced yelled.

"Don't you see, Aced. It's already happened...." Elena thought, feeling the consume her friend.

Invi shouted, "You fool!" as she dodged the attack Aced launched at her.

Invi sent her own attack at Aced and the two Keyblades clashed once again.

Both Keyblade wielders were sent flying in opposite directions as Gula looked worriedly at his comrades.

Gula and Elena noticed a Chirithy running forward, followed by Ava.

"Ava, over here!" Gula called out to the fox.

Ava, Gula, and Elena went to stop the others.

"Invi, Aced! What's going on!?" Ava asked her comrades.

"I found out who the traitor is, unfortunately," Invi answered.

Elena remained silent, clutching her heart in pain, pale and sweating.

"No, that's not true!" Ava refused to believe that Aced was the traitor.

"Ava, there's no time to lose!" Gula said, summoning his Keyblade.

"Elena, I suggest you find somewhere to hide," Gula said, turning to his lover.

"No! I refuse to leave you! I won't!" the white-haired princess pleaded.

"Just go! Now!" Gula said, looking into her blue eyes.

Elena hesitated for a moment before nodding and finding a place to hide.

Soon the battle ended and destruction took over Daybreak Town. Hiding in the wreckage, Gula and Elena were looking over a page from Gula's book--- the missing page from the Book of Prophecies.

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