V. Case of Gula (Part 1)

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AN: I only own Princess Elena and my own ideas. Everything else belongs to Square Enix and Disney.
As Gula approached the Master, who had his back turned, he entered quietly.

"Master," Gula bowed.

The Master of Masters continued to ignore him as he worked.

"Uh... Master?" Gula asked, attempting to gain his master's attention.

"Oh, I see," the Master of Masters murmured.

"If you're busy, I can come back later," Gula suggested.

"Sure. Oh...no, no, stay!" The Master of Masters said mindlessly before realizing who he was talking to.

"Now where- Ah, here it is!" The Master of Masters said flipping through his Book of Prophecies before he ripped out a page and gave it to Gula.

He handed it to Gula, who took it with confusion.

"What's this?"

"Go ahead, read it," the Master of Masters urged his apprentice to read the page.

Gula read it, realizing what it was. "This it from the Book of Prophecies. But-"

"Yup. It's a page that's not in any of your Books," the Master explained.

"What's written here is..."

"Your role. You must find the traitor hidden among you, and stop them before it's too late. However, I also want you to protect my daughter." The Master said.

"Elena?" Gula asked.

"Yup. Make sure her heart doesn't turn dark, okay, Gula?" The Master asked.

"Alright. Should be easy enough," said Gula as he nodded.

"And in order to help you find the traitor," the Master of Masters was cut off.

"I get it," said Gula. "That's why you gave us all different roles, isn't it?"

"If anyone deviates from the job they were assigned," Gula hypothesized, "we can easily conclude that they are the traitor. It's brilliant."

"Way to steal my thunder, show-off," the Master of Masters grumbled.


"It's not fair. My plan was supposed to blow your mind with its grandeur. Your jaw should've hit the floor at my sheer genius!" The Master whined.

"I'm...sorry? But was my logic flawed?" Gula asked.

"No," the Master of Masters said. "You're right,"

"No wonder my daughter talks about you all the time much to my annoyance. You're one smart kid. She should be talking about me! I'm her father! If her Mother were here, she'd-" the Master of Masters began to rant before realizing what he just said. "Uh, forget I said any of that."

"So, I guess now you've earned your time in the limelight," the Master of Masters sat down.

The Master's voice darkened slightly. "Even though there is a traitor, act normally and keep focused. Make sure to protect Elena; the traitor could go after her since she is the embodiment of light magic itself. Trust no one but yourself and Elena."

Gula gasped, then looked down slightly and crumpled the missing page in his hand.
Gula put the missing page in his pocket and murmured what the Master told him, "Trust no one but myself and Elena."

Gula and Elena walked out of the alleyway to see Aced, who was leaning against some boxes after the battle.

"Gula... Elena..." Aced murmured weakly.

Aced started panting heavily.

"Do you want to know what my role is?" Gula asked, stepping forward.

"The Books we were given are incomplete," Gula explained. "There's a lost page."

"Lost page?" Aced asked, getting up in confusion.

"On that page, it is written that there is a traitor. The Master told me...to find and stop that person." Gula summoned his Keyblade and put Elena behind him protectively.

"I called you my comrade. But never again, Gula. It doesn't matter to me if you think I am the traitor and you want to strike me down." Aced spoke with betrayal and vemon in his voice.

"You knew there was a traitor, and you just watched silently as we fought each other, you and the princess both, and I won't forgive you two for that," Aced said, walking towards Gula.

"You can barely stand on your feet! Just give up already!" Gula's voice wavered slightly.

"Don't you underestimate me!" Aced roared, summoning his own Keyblade and readying himself to fight Gula.

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