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I stood in the middle of a near empty room where there wasn't a stitch of color outside of the bed frame, vertical chest, and matching nightstand that occupied it. All were hand crafted with tiny floral details were engraved in the feet of each piece of furniture, making them all a matching set. They were left in their natural wooden state and I wondered if I'd be allowed to stain or paint them.

With my bag clutched tightly to my chest, I wasn't ready to unpack. Even though I was told to do so, and even though I had longed for a new space beyond my parents' home, I found that I still wasn't ready.

To obey after realizing someone close to me had lied, felt like a surrender and I feared it would be the first of what could become many if I gave in so easily.

But I had to pick my battles, and this situation was better than any alternative I could be facing. I could be forced to stay in his room. I could be told to go down to a cold, dank basement. I could be chained up in a barn.

Safe solitude such as this was as good as it was gonna get for me.

The clothing I brought with me filled two and a half drawers in the tall dresser. The nightstand had my hairbrush atop it, my bible and favorite bird book stored easily in the stand's single drawer.

I opened the closet and hung my bag upon a hanger then turned and surveyed the room.

Aside from the brush atop the nightstand, the room looked exactly the same as it did when I first entered.

That was how little of me existed.

How little of a change my presence in this world made.

The visual representation of my worth and contribution was so minimal it made me nauseous.

No wonder Papa wanted me gone. I didn't have proof that it was him, but I wouldn't put it past him to have been the one behind this change of plans. His reasons for practically anything he does are always skewed and selfish, I'll never know for sure but I'd bet my life that this was his doing.

"All settled?"

Elijah's deep voice caused me to jump, startling me from my thoughts.

I nodded. "Yes, sir."

He looked around the room, eyes pausing on the hairbrush for a moment before taking a final glance. "Do you not have anything else you'd like to display?" he asked after finding nothing else of mine.

"No, sir." I shook my head, folding my hands behind me and squeezing them tightly together. "I wasn't able to bring much."

"I can fetch for the rest of your belongings if you wish."

"I was told the bag was all I was allowed to bring."

He stared at me for a moment before nodding. "Then just let me know if there's anything you find yourself needing. I'll make sure it's procured for you."

"Thank you, that's... kind of you." Though true, the words were thick in my throat to speak.

His lips curled in on themselves into a brief, tightly pressed grin. "Shiloh has put together a large spread for supper. Her way of welcoming you into our community."

"How many are people are here? Are all the homes occupied?"

Elijah nodded. "Yes they are. There's 12 of us now that you're here. You'll be the last to join us for a while."


"Because we have what we need for now."

I nodded in acceptance of his response even though it wasn't quite as telling as I had hoped. Silence stretched on between us and in that moment, something dawned on me.

Reaping A PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now