Stopping Daniel Once And For All

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In the house after the toys tossed Daniel out they went back to the second attic and when they saw the purple trunk landed on top of thunder and snow they started to turn off and go lifeless like last time at the same time maggie and jack came to the second attic 

what have we here, where are cats asked maggie as she was looking around for thunder and snow 

they're doing their freeze thing again, that can only mean one thing said jack as looks at maggie 

the cats must be goners said maggie as she looks at the purple trunk 

suddenly the house started to rumble 

what's going on asked jack 

carlo and carla were outside the attic window

you need to get out of there quick said carlo

there's big trouble on the way said carla 

maggie looks out the window

oh no, the nephew is back with a nasty looking machine said maggie 

this situation is getting totally out of control, we've got to stop him now, no time to waste said jack as he was walking away

huh asked maggie as she followed him 

meanwhile Daniel stopped the wrecking ball crane in front of the house

this house is history said Daniel as he pulled a lever but the wrecking ball didn't move 

ah come on said Daniel as he was pulling different levers to make the ball move 

how does this stupid contraption work asked Daniel 

he pulled a lever and it made the wrecking ball crane back up into a tree

in the house jack as walking to the doggy door

wait jack i'm not sure that's- but maggie was cut off by jack

we have no choice i'm going for it said jack as he tossed his spatula out first then he tried to go through the doggy door but he was too big for it and he got stuck 

oh dear said jack as he spotted the wrecking ball crane and he couldn't get himself unstuck 

oh no, it appears i'm a bit too stout in the girth to make it through said jack 

oh i knew, ok let me see what i can do, suck it in jack said maggie as she was pulling on jack's injured leg to get him out but it didn't work out maggie's smaller than him 

my leg said jack sorry jack said maggie 

meanwhile Daniel was looking around the machine until he spotted a lever he never tried 

oh said Daniel as he pulled the lever back and the ball moved down a bit 

ok now we're talking, i figured that out said Daniel as he pulled the lever and the ball started to go down 

no no no no no said Daniel he pulled another lever and the ball stopped right above his care making him breathe a sigh of relief 

in the house maggie was trying everything she can to get jack unstuck but nothing was working 

hold on jack i'll get help said maggie as she walked away to the attic to get help 

maggie asked jack 

don't want to mess with a car, no, no no no no said Daniel as he pulled the lever making the ball go up and he started to swing the ball 

in the house maggie made it to the attic and she saw the toys were still lifeless as she ran to them 

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