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It had only been 5 years since he was home but it felt like a lifetime.

It was dark, the lights in the houses glowed in the night, the lacewing flies continued to dance in their bushes and the wind lightly blew on the grass.

Sebastian carefully found his way to his old home, making sure to visit Anne at her grave. Solomon was rested beside her. He bowed his head, showing respect to both, before bending down to touch Anne's gravestone.

"Anne...I've missed you so much. I'm sorry I haven't visited more often..."

He saw a light inside the home, adjusting his hood, he carefully pressed himself against the stone and peeked into the window.

It was her.

As beautiful as the day he left her. Her hair was tied up, loose strands were fallen on her face as she worked in the kitchen. The house was clean, new trinkets and books decorated the walls, the home looked happy. 

Sebastian stood there at the window, taking in the details of the moment. Her lips still had that wrinkle at the ends when she smiled, her eyes still sparkled in the light...her cheeks still had a slight blush of pink if she was working her muscles. He missed her. He loved her. Earnestly.

"Why are you looking at my mummy?"

Sebastian jumped, he let his guard down and a child stood next to him with an inquisitive look.

"That's...that's your mum?"

He stood there wide eyed, he felt a feeling of both shock and jealousy wash over him. Of course...he couldn't have expected her to wait for him. He knew she wanted to start a family...but he couldn't risk her safety being around.

"Yes! Do you know her?" The child didn't seem afraid of him despite his hooded robe and lurking in the darkness. Amused, Sebastian answered back.

"Yes I suppose you could say that...we are old friends."

"Oh! Okay. Mummy has a lot of friends. What's your name?"

Sebastian paused for a moment, pondering what to say.

"She....I was known as her 'Kindred Spirit'."

"That's a weird name."

Sebastian chuckled. This child had no fear, only questions and adventure in her eyes.

"How old are you, young one?"

"I'm 5!"

Five. She was five. Sebastian looked back into the window, remembering the last moments he had with her before sneaking out and abandoning her in the middle of the night. He remembered the pain he felt when he saw her crying during their argument. He remembered how warm she was when he embraced her; how soft her lips were when they kissed. He remembered how peaceful she was when he held her until she fell asleep.

He looked back at the child, she tilted her head in confusion.

"What...what's your name?"

"My name is Anne! Mummy says I'm named after my aunt, she's gone now...but she says she was a great person!"

Sebastian squeezed his fist and clenched his jaw to keep the tears from coming.


I've missed so much...

Despite wanting to hold her and tell her the truth, despite wanting to run into the house and embrace her again...despite wanting to turn back time and start over...all he could do was smile back at the child.

"That's a beautiful was nice to meet you, Anne."

The child beamed and smiled back.

"Nice to meet you too! Bye!"

She turned around and skipped away, running into the house.


"Hi Mummy!"

"Hello darling, did you have fun outside?"

She was cutting carrots, preparing a stew for dinner. With her hair in her face, she used her mouth to blow it to the side as she listened to her daughter chatter about bugs and beasts.

"Oh, and I met one of your friends outside! He was nice."

"Oh? Which one?"

"He said his name was 'Kindred Spirit', such a silly name."

She froze and dropped her knife. Within seconds, she ran out of the door and scanned the area. She ran to the back to Anne's gravestone.

"Sebastian?" She whispers into the darkness.

There was no one there, only her and the wind.

"Sebastian please...come back."

Tears welled in her eyes as she slowly fell to her knees.

"Please...don't leave us again..." Her voice cracked, her hand sprang to her heart and she cried.

As her tears fell onto Anne's grave, Sebastian watched from a distance, he turned his face away as his own tears fell from his eyes.

Revisiting (Sebastian Sallow x MC Short)Where stories live. Discover now