3- Immersion

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It was still raining when she looked out the window. She sat down, resting her chin on her hand as she leaned onto the edge.

The light sounds of the rain on the house sounded like a song, calm but sad, refreshing but cold. It was late and Anne was asleep, but she couldn't find herself falling asleep anytime soon.

She stared at the sky, not really looking at the clouds but as if searching for something else in the distance. Five years. Five years he's gone and suddenly arrives...without even saying hello. Without an apology. Without putting his hand on her face like he used to, or giving her that damned smile that made her heart melt every time. 

She used to be angry at him, livid, but now...now she just wants him back. All the years he missed, all the new things Anne has done that he hasn't been able to experience. All the time lost that could have been spent together...now in the wind, perhaps in another world, but not this one.

She continued to look out the window when she saw a figure in the distance, standing in the rain, face without light.

She squinted and grabbed her wand.

The figure walked closer, their hood was over their face and she couldn't see their features...but that walk. Something about this figure was familiar. 

They were closer now, she stood up from her seat and went to the door, grabbing the knob and swinging it open.

She glanced to make sure Anne was still asleep before she took a breath and walked out in the rain.

The water tickled her face as she continued to walk toward the figure. They paused for a moment when they saw her. All in the same, the figure continued on.

She walked closer. Her heart was racing. Her wand gripped in her hand as she approached.

She clenched her jaw as the figure seemed more familiar. She was soaking now, just like him, walking in the rain and letting the drops consume her.

He was nearly in front of her now.

"Lumos" she casted.

His face caused her breathing to stop. He looked skinnier, dark bags underneath his eyes, the red puffiness shown as he had been crying.

They both stood there, staring at each other.

His face was blank...but it twisted before he spoke.

"I...I'm so sorry." He whispered.

She said nothing.

"I...I was a fool...I just...I'm so sor-"

She interrupted him as they embraced. They did not kiss, but her arms were wrapped around him in such a way that he felt like she was scared he would float away. His eyes shut tightly as he held her. They both held onto each other in the rain, no words to be said, no distance between them.

The water on their faces were a mix of rain and tears as they cried. The thunder cracked above them as she dropped her wand into the grass. The light slowly faded as they continued to hold each other. He was home.

Revisiting (Sebastian Sallow x MC Short)Where stories live. Discover now