Chapter Twenty-Four

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Hermione Granger's POV

I slowly pulled myself out of my strange, green mist-induced dreams. 

I was in a large, black room with my hands tied behind my back. There was no gag in my mouth. 

I shuffled around until I was able to pull myself into a sitting position, and looked around the room. I almost screamed because I wasn't the only one in here. All the girls on the quest were. Ginny, Annabeth, Sophie, Biana, Linh, Piper, and Hazel were all tied up too. Hazel stirred, shuffling slightly. 

My wand was gone from my sweater pocket. Curses. How much time had passed? Was the four-day limit up?

I figured not, because we weren't dead. Our kidnappers needed us for a reason. Luckily, Ron taught me a way to break ropes if I was ever stuck without my wand.

Since my arms were behind my back, it was a little difficult to perform the snapping motions needed to break the rope. It took me longer than it had when Ron taught me, but eventually, I freed myself and went to work on Hazel's rope.

She stirred more as I slowly slid the rope out from her hands. I untied the rest of the girls, undoing Piper last because she was the farthest from me.

"Hermione? Is that you? I can't see, it's dark in here!"

Hazel's panicked voice said from the shadows.

"Yes," My voice said, although I sounded hoarse. "Don't worry, I untied you all."

I almost tripped over Ginny, who was just getting to her feet.

"What's happened? Where are we."

"Stupid mist," Annabeth said, helping Sophie to her feet. 

"I agree with that statement."

Piper said from her shadowy corner. She moved closer to us. "How are we breaking out so we can save the boys? They one hundred percent need us, they'll never figure it out on their own."

"Duh, that's why I already found the door," Sophie said. Hazel hugged me from behind.

"Thank you Hermoine. I owe you one." 

"It-it was nothing."

"Alright, if your definition of nothing is breaking a bunch of rope, maybe we should talk," Linh pushed herself up from the floor, rubbing her wrists where the rope had cut in.

"Uugh, I smell like pond water," Biana complained, blinking in and out of sight as she paced the length of the square room. Sophie, Annabeth, and Piper were trying to figure out how to open the door.

"I don't know, it's not like there's a big red button that says OPEN on it!"

Sophie threw her hands in the air and kicked the door. Miraculously, it started sliding open.

"Okay. I won't ask." Ginny's attitude was on fire. She was clearly annoyed at being kidnapped. 

"So, we just walk out and find the guys? This is too easy."

"I also agree with that statement." Piper chimed in."

We all slipped cautiously out the door, Biana first to chock invisibly for guards. She reported nothing. 

Whatever building we were in was a large circle, so we picked to go left to find the boys. We found them soon enough.


"Not with my hands tied!"

"I'm going to lose brain cells if you two don't stop," A voice that sounded like WIll said.

"Well, maybe you should have untied us!"

The arguing went around and around. Ginny stepped closer to the door.

"Oh look, a big red button so that we can open the door."

Ginny pressed the button, and all Hell broke loose.

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