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  (Y/N) WAS RUNNING LATE, It's the barely been the first half of the week of  the new school year and she's already been late more than 5 times

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  (Y/N) WAS RUNNING LATE, It's the barely been the first half of the week of  the new school year and she's already been late more than 5 times.

   this time her reason was that her alarm clock didn't go off because she had forgotten to set it at 6 am, it's also because her older brother who literally didn't  care enough to wake her up. She woke up ten minutes before school started, but luckily she didn't live that far. But she did have to run to school.

10 minutes late... not bad y/n.

  once she entered her classroom all eyes landed on her. They were all doing class work already. 
She was embarrassed because of the attention.

I hate this class so much. pls look away.

  She tried adverting her eyes to somewhere else but instead she met eyes with her friend's green ones.She realized that her friend, Katsuo, was sitting next to someone else.

  That confused her a bit since they always sat next to each other since the beginning of the school year. She raised an eyebrow at Katsuo and he simply just shrugged.

"Ah, (L/N). You're late, we have already moved to our new seats."  The teacher, Mrs. Sato, informed the confused looking girl. Which made her even more confused.

"New seats?" (Y/n) asked clearly confused. The teacher nodded and pointed to the board, (Y/n) directed her gaze towards the board which had a white chart on it, it was seating chart.

  "Look for your name, and go sit in your assigned seat." Mrs. Sato said while walking over to the girl looking at the chart, handing her a paper and saying, "Then start on this writing assignment."

Okay, pls let me sit next to someone smart or at least tolerable. OH PLS DONT LET IT BE HIM!

   (Y/N) let out a low sigh once receiving the paper and looking for her name.

   Once she found her she realized she her seat was near the window which she felt a sense of relief for because she loved looking out the windows.

   Her heart dropped once she read who was sitting next to her. Chifuyu Matsuno

FML, it's gonna be so awkward.

   Taking a deep breath, she made her way to her seat, and once she sat down she took a fast glance at her ex-boyfriend, Chifuyu.

He looked really uncomfortable in her perspective.

  (Y/n) is really hopes they won't be awkward when it comes to working on projects together. She doesn't hate him... okay maybe a little, and  she's been avoiding him ever since she found out they were in the same class because she feels like he legitimately done with her.

As time passes by, (Y/N), was doing her work, she had gotten stuck on this one part of the assignment that she couldn't understand.

She really hated the thought to do this but she asked Chifuyu for help. Which led him to ignoring her and then eventually saying,

"It's easy. Figure it out yourself." Chifuyu went back to his sheet of paper.

Her mouth slightly dropped at his reply.


She heard snickering coming from the front, so she looked towards who ever was laughing, only for it to be, Katsuo, a friend of hers who was laughing at her situation.

She glared at Katsuo and gave him the middle finger which made him laugh even more.

Well this year is gonna suck.

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