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FOUR TEENS SAT A TABLE BOOTH AT THE NEWEST CAFE! They were currently chatting while waiting for their orders number to be called out

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FOUR TEENS SAT A TABLE BOOTH AT THE NEWEST CAFE! They were currently chatting while waiting for their orders number to be called out.

"I'm gonna dropout if Mrs.Sato doesn't let me switch seats." Y/N sighed, resting her chin on one of her palms

"Yea.. no. There's no way i'm letting you dropout. Mom would literally murder you." Itsuki, her brother, said as he turned to her.

"It can't be that bad. Take this as an opportunity to try to be friends again? you said you missed him, no?" Akihito suggested, the other three boys agreed.

"Yeah. Just try talking to him like how you did before." Katsuo began, looking up from his phone, "Can't be that hard."

"But it is!! You don't understand!" She complained, "And, why the fuck are you guys being so nice NOW?, giving me advice and shit." Y/N muttered the last part.

They moved on to a different topic, and once their order was called, Y/N got up to go get it.

She went up to the counter, making sure they got their order right. They employees had actually missed her strawberry shortcake slice that she had order, so she told them.

She wasn't mad since she understood things like that happen a lot. When she was waiting for her cake she her the entrances bell ring indicating that someone walked in.

She could care less about a stranger but... this was no stranger, well since there's multiple people who walked in and one of them called her name. The voice actually belonged to a female, one she recognized.

It was her friend, Hinata Tachibana.

She turned around to greet Hinata but she was instead met eyes with her ex-boyfriend who was standing right behind her.

Chifuyu didn't know it was her until last minute when Hinata called out her name.

He froze when they met eyes.

It seemed like neither of them could look away, the two of them don't know why that was. They stared at each other like they had just seen a ghost.

They snapped out of their trance when the employee at the counter called out for Y/N letting her know that her order was ready again.

Y/N quickly turned around and received the order giving the employee a quiet thank you, and speed walking away to her table.

Once she sat down, all her friends eyes were on hers. They had obviously seen the small interaction.

"Fuck. That was so awkward." Y/N let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in.

"We could tell." Itsuki said to her, slightly chuckling afterwards.

"I don't know if it's just me, but... there's obviously still something there." Akihito pointed out, but Y/N quickly shut that idea down

"There isn't."

"There is. You both just need to talk it out." Itsuki said biting into his slice of chocolate cake he had ordered.

"This is so bomb guys. We should come here all the time." Katsuo exclaim, clearly enjoying his dessert.

"So true." Y/N agreed, "I'll be right back.. I need to go to the restroom." she excused her self and made her way there.

When she came back , she found the chifuyu's group and her group decided to sit together.

Some of the guys sat with her group at her table, and that included, mikey, draken since they were pretty much still the only ones they talked to.

Sure they talked to everyone else but it wasn't as much as they talked to them.

Her table also consisted of Hina, Takemichi and Chifuyu.

they fucking planned this didn't they.

(It's a pretty big table booth?)

"Hey guys!" She said giving them somewhat of a genuine smile, while she slight glared at her group.

Everyone but Chifuyu had greeted her.

"Hey, look who came to join us! it's been awhile since we've all hung out like this, huh?" Akihito said giving her a sly smirk.


"Yeah, it has!" Mikey exclaimed to which Y/N nodded

"So.. where should I sit." She awkward asked.

"Hmm... good question. You should sit there." Itsuki said pointing between at the end where chifuyu was.

"Okay.." She hesitantly said as she sat down next to him on the edge.

The two exes awkwardly made eye contact again, and they both quickly looked away.

"Uh, anyways where's Kat?" Y/N asked no one in specific.

"Right here. I wanted more food." Katsuo suddenly appeared out of nowhere, "Scoot." He demanded, making her scoot over a little.

"Scoot more!" Katsuo said nudging her causing her to scoot closer to chifuyu, almost being squished up against him.

"Sorry." She quietly whispered to Chifuyu when she accidentally brushed against him.

"It's fine." He whispered back, stuffing his face with his order.

It's so awkward.

For the rest of the time they were at the cafe, they had both ignored each other, talking to everyone but each other.

And no, the others didn't purposely sit her next to him for the fun of it, it was actually just a coincidence.

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