Enemies Forever.

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~ The sun was out, it seemed like a lovely day to go outside or something like that. Let's go and see what the murder party characters are up to! ~

Murderer was sitting down sharpening his knife, making sure that it was nice and pointy. Murderer pokes the tip of the knife with his finger, he thinks to himself for a moment. "Hm, needs a bit more sharpening." Murderer goes back to sharpening the knife, after a moment of even more sharpening, he pokes the tip of the knife with his finger again but this time he showed approval of it. "Much better. It's all nice and sharp!" Murderer smiled that he was finally finished.

Sheriff walks into the room, Murderer decided to take this opportunity to bother Sheriff. "HEY SHERIFF!" Murderer shouts, quickly catching Sheriff's attention. Sheriff clearly didn't seem happy to realize that Murderer was the one who said her name. She sighed and rolled her eyes then she speaks. "What is it this time, Murderer?" Murderer chuckles then he speaks again. "How does it feel to be such a goody two shoes?" This clearly offended Sheriff as she responds with anger in her voice tone. "I'm not a goody two shoes! I just don't want people to die because of your idiotic choices!" Sheriff crosses her arms in anger.

"How are my choices idiotic?!" Murderer then gets offended by Sheriff's response as he looked visibly enraged by it. "It's obvious why! You always try to kill people and you sometimes act MORE annoying in rounds." Sheriff responds. Murderer then responds once again. "That's the point of my role! I kill people! I'm the murderer!" Murderer and Sheriff were both getting more upset at each other. "Yeah okay but you're not supposed to camp sometimes because your name isn't camper. Your role also has nothing to do with camping." Sheriff responds, making Murderer even more offended.


This causes Sheriff and Murderer to start bickering even more, they kept on bickering and eventually pulled out their weapons until Hacker walks into the room.
"WOAH WOAH WOAH! you two need to calm down! break it up both of you!" Hacker gets in the middle of both of them and separates them from each other. Sheriff and Murderer looked at Hacker then looked back at each other, both of them sighed and puts away their weapons. When Hacker was sure that the tension between them settled down, Hacker backs away a bit. "So..are we all good now?" Hacker asked with a curious tone in their voice.

"We are." Sheriff and Murderer said at the same time. It seemed like the energy in the room has finally calmed down and was peaceful again.

Murderer then spoke in confusion and seemed like he was about to laugh. "Wait..why are you wearing an apron?" Murderer points at the apron Hacker was wearing. "Oh! I was just cooking breakfast. I thought Sheriff was asleep so I guessed it was my turn to cook breakfast today." Hacker smiled a bit as they explained.

The room stayed quiet so it got awkward very quickly...until Murderer complains.
"WHY DONT I EVER GET TURNS TO COOK?!" Murderer was offended again and the fuel to the fire started again. "YOU WOULD BURN THE HOUSE DOWN IF WE LET YOU COOK!" Sheriff quickly responds, adding more fuel to the fire. When both of them started to bicker again, Hacker quickly gets back into the middle of them separating them as they tried to stop both Sheriff and Murderer from making the bickering worse.

~ It seemed like things were the usual for the murder party characters, how entertaining! ~

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