Episode 2: Start of the Beast Wars!

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(Note: I do not own Beast Wars: Transformers nor Amphibia they belong to their respective creators, distributors and owners this is purely made for entertainment purposes) 

*We first see Anne, Sasha and Marcy get their calamity powers as they alongside Polly & Sprig head into a portal 

We first see Anne save Hilda from a Troll..........Marcy chatting with Wall-E as Eve giggles in the background

Then we cut to more serious moments as we see Sasha help Dinobot fight Megatron.........Polly & Frobo fighting an Omnidroid with Marcy helping her heroic counterpart fight the Underminer

And Anne helping Lincoln Loud Duke it out with Morag for the crown as the crown falls we cut to the title card*


*We cut to Anne at work during her lunch break with some friends*

Anne: you know Maggie out of all people I'm surprised you're working at this aquarium specifically it's Mesozoic aquatic life 

Maggie: well kids need to learn that Coelacanth's didn't die out with the dinosaurs in some way am I right Boobchuy

Anne: it's kinda ironic that you used to say that in a bullying tone but now it's more of a tease than anything 

Maggie: well things change Anne, I mean I used to bully you until you did save us from Frogvasion 

???: yeah you're practically a hero 

Anne: I know Roberto you don't need to rub it in 

Roberto: I'm not I'm just giving you a compliment 

*Suddenly Anne's phone gets a text message*

Anne: excuse me 

*the text message is from Marcy and it reads "it's time Anne!"*

Maggie: what's going on Boobchuy? 

Anne: sorry *lies* an emergency with Marcy again 

Maggie: let me guess she got lost in the city again? 

Anne: yeah something like that, I'll be back in a few minutes 

*she heads to the nearest closet and activates her powers as she opens a portal to the guardian lair she enters and is already met with Sasha Marcy, Polly and Sprig*

Anne: what's the problem? 

Marcy: the guardian said that we need to go to the transformers universe 

Sasha: I just hope it's not the Bayformers 

Polly: *confused* Bayformers?

Marcy: it means the Transformers films directed by Michael Bay which began in 2007 and ended ironically enough in 2017, 10 years after the first one and well 

Many fans like Sasha here aren't not big fans of it at all 

Sasha: *angry* that's because they ruined my bot Optimus Prime!! And that is unforgivable!

Anne: we get it Sasha, anyways let's get to this universe

*we see the calamity trio, Polly and Sprig heading to an unknown planet as they land* 

Sasha: why did the guardian send us here?

Marcy: well it's a universe in need of our assistance 

Sasha: but it did state that they're are supposed to be transformers so where are they 

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