Whos this..?

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I was annoyed. He let go of my hand, picked me up and put me on his back. His wings were fluffy :0
I proceded(idk how to spell it , sorry) to play with them, but he told me to keep my hands away from them(the wings)."they are sensitive."he added.
He suddenly asked-"what's your name?"
"Y/n." I answered."yours?" I was curious.
"Urogi." He said.
"Mhm" I mumbled.
Still I was upset about the fall even though, I caused it. "I'mma take you to my friends:D".urogi said. Happily.
" wow, you have friends?"I said jokingly.
He looked at me and said "fuck you^^"
"Dawg.. Rude." I said quite annoyed. He didn't say anything.

(Time skip)
He threw me to the ground.. I saw 4 other demons. They looked..similiar to each other.
I looked at urogi, he had yellow eyes. I got up and look at the others. Green, blue, red and orange eyes. The one with orange eyes looked a bit different. And shorter. I came closer to urogi, I don't know why, but I trusted him more than the rest.
Green:"Ay,Urogi, have you brought us food?"
Urogi:"no.i want to keep them."
Red:"you can't keep a human, Urogi!"
Urogi"damn, calm down, you aggressive bitch, it's my business with this human."
Urogi then pulled me close and grabbed my waist. I was shocked..
"I will keep them anyways~" he then hugged me. Quite too tight..
I couldn't breathe. "I can't breathe..-"
I mumbled. He softens the hug, now I was breathing heavily.
"Ah-yeah- by the way, the orange one is zoha, th-" urogi got cut off by zoha.
"It's zohakuten, stop calling me zoha."
He was annoyed.
"Yeah, yeah, anyways. The red is Sekido, blue is Aizetsu and green is Karaku^^"
(Another part, probably on 1-5 July, not sure, can't promise tho)

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