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"Urogi?" I asked.
He answered.
"Why do you want to keep me;-;?" I randomly said.
"Why not?"urogi was happy-
I hugged him. He was quite surprised, then he hugged me back. Happi. He suddenly picked me up and walked away from the other clones.
" where ya goin'?"
Karaku asked.
"Home✨" urogi answered quickly.
"Oh.." Aizetsu said then sit down, leaning on a tree.
After a while, Urogi entered a small house under a cliff. He walked in and put me on a couch. Soft✨.
He processed to close the door and then sit next to me.
He Pat his lap that was covered in feathers, wanting me to sit on it. I automatically said "no."
He picked me up and put me on his lap.
"AY!" I shouted, blushing a bit.
He bit me again. In the shoulder this time. "ow!"I randomly screamed in pain.
" ah- sorry☺-" urogi said.
I slapped him.
" wanna get bitten again?"
"No."I said.
"Good."Urogi was happy.
... After a good minute of silence, he started to play with my hair.
" tf you doin?"I asked.
"Playing.with your hair<33"he said.
"... Let me go.?-" ... "Plz" I added.
"No." He answered.
"Oh" I was dissapointed.
"Now sleep."
"Why." I was confused.
"Because I said so. Sleep or im gonna make you sleep."
"Do it I dare you."

(Don't even think about it, I KNOW WHAT Y'ALL R THINKING🧐)

He then hit me on the side of my neck making me pass out.

I woke up on a bed in someone's room. There were some feathers on the floor so I guess it was his.
I screamed.
He was in another room.
"My neck hurts. Why is that?"
I said quite annoyed.
"Uh.dosent matter^^"he answered quickly.
I laid on the bed and fell asleep again.

(Remember how I said I will publish this chapter on 1-5 July? 🥰Im too bored, so yeah, the dates dosent matter anymore😘)

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