Chapter four

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I rush through the house, looking for her. Everything has been upturned, it's like someone intentionally destroyed things so we would know they were here.
"Damn it!" I hit my fist on the wall and sit down against it, head in my hands.
"We'll find her, Chan." Felix reassured me.
"We better. You know where she is." His eyes widen.
"You mean......Tae-
"Yes!" He runs his hand through his hair and sighs.
"You don't know she's there...she might've had a party and then left or something!" Felix tries to make us feel better but for once it doesn't work.
"No. Taehyung has her. She doesn't have long left if he follows his patterns." Hyunjin says.
"Lee know. We have to make a plan." He nods and pulls out his phone.
"Like what?"
"We have to get in and out without them knowing. Or else....she might have to pay for our mistakes."
He nods and goes into his office.
I take a breath of air and stand up.
"It isn't going to help y/n if we just mope around and feel sorry. We have to get her soon. They might not do anything to her at first, so we have to get to her before they do." Felix nods too and goes into Lee knows office with him.
I stand for a minute and think about what the next best thing to do is. I look out the window into the now darkening sky and let out a shaky breath of air. She hasn't even been with us for long and yet...everyone is so close with her. If we don't find her........I don't know what any of us will do.
I hear a sound outside the door before something slides under it. I run over to the door and slam it open. No one. Absolutely fucking no one. I grab the object, which is a note of paper from the ground open it. There is a note.

Christopher. You will pay for what you and your parents did to us.

The only other thing with it is a picture of her, unconscious and tied to a chair with both arms and legs tied. I put my hand over my mouth in horror. I'm frozen in spot for what feels like forever, looking at the picture before Lee know comes out and looks at me.
"Are you ok Chan?" He asks with worry.
"What are you holding?" I can't answer. My feet are rooted to the spot and my mouth is dry.
"Chan! Answer me!" He walks over and I hand the paper to him as I regain my control.
"Oh my.." he looks at me again and I feel tears welling up, threatening to fall.
"We have a plan, but it is t foolproof and it will need training to prepare. We won't be able to have a chance with success without about a week of preparation." Felix says as he comes out of the room holding a piece of paper.
"A week?! That's way to long!" I protest angrily.
"It was the most foolproof plan we could think of! This is the shortest amount of time for preparation, and the least likeliness of success but it still has a fair chance!!" Felix cries out.
"Fine. I'll hear it."

A/n: I know this is a very short chapter. I just wanted to let you all know that I am starting school so it may be harder to find a time to post. I apologize for how quickly the story moves along. I will try to slow it down but I don't have much experience. I know it probably isn't a good story but thanks to those who read it!! 💕

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