Chapter seven

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I go out into the garden in the backyard to enjoy the sun and the beauty. The assortments of flowers flow in the breeze and bees buzz around them.

I smile and look to the trees. The birds fly from their nests to collect food for their babies.

I have actually always wondered how they find time to keep this garden so we'll maintained. Do they have a gardener?

It feels good to be away from Taehyung and his crew. I had done some research and found out that Taehyung used to be a member of BTS but then he wanted to be in charge so he left and made his own company. Maybe that's why Chris had BTS help rescue me because they knew Taehyung well.

I hoped that Chris and the boys would be ok on their mission. I started doing yoga and Pilates so that I could be more flexible and in shape and it feels like it's working. It also calms my mind from anything bothering me.

I did a few more yoga poses before deciding to see if anyone else was awake and wanting to play games since I was getting bored.

I stood up and walked inside the house.

Unknown pov

I watched her walk inside. She is beautiful. A shame Chan won't get to have her for much longer. Yes. When I get my hands on her, I will relish her being with me while simultaneously making Chan lose his mind. A payback fitting for what he did.

I will reveal myself in due time. And if  Y/n comes with me willingly, perfect! But if she doesn't, well, I'm prepared to take....alternative courses of action.


We arrived at the meeting place, which was a parking lot. Great. Not suspicious at all to have two cars meet and have people with guns hop out of each car. Why would they choose here?

Me, Hyunjin, Felix and Minho hop out of the car and take out the money. We were doing a simple trade for some gadgets. Night vision goggles, high quality electric jammers that are hard to come by, long distance communication ear pieces that are waterproof since we've had many break because of water, and the works. 

The other car pulls up and three people get out. This is a new group that has recently been climbing the ranks so we were intrigued and wanted to do business. Armin, the leader, is in the front, flanked by Ian and Liam who is  holding the bag of what I can assume is our gadgets.

"Pleased to meet you, Bangchan. Sorry we're late. I got...held up,"  Armin has a slight British accent that would make many girls swoon.

"Likewise." I say. Armin nods to Liam and he brings the bag forward.

"These are the promised materials." He brushed his blonde hair from his face and I see a scar on his arm.

"The money." Hyunjin steps forward with our bag.

"Wait. I'd like to check the items first. Forgive me for seeming paranoid but you can never be too sure." I say as I nod to Hyunjin. He takes the bag and starts to rifle through it. After a minute or so he looks up to me and nods.

"Alright. Everything seems to be in order." Hyunjin hands the money bag over and Armin examines it. He passes it to Liam which I assume means he approves.

"It has been a pleasure doing business with you," Armin says in his respectful manner.

"Same to you," I wait a beat before continuing. "What is your group called? You have been climbing your way up the food chain relatively quickly and I wonder who you are." Armin smiles.

"We are Shadowbane."

On our drive back something scratches at the back of my mind. Shadowbane sounds familiar but I cannot place where I have head the name before.

"All good, boss?" Minho asks, looking back from the drivers seat in the rear view window.

"All good." I smile.

We arrive back at the mansion to see Y/n playing uno with Jeongin, Seungmin, Changbin and Han.

"Playing uno? Without me?" I say with mock hurt and Y/n's eyes shoot up to meet mine. She jumps up with a smile and hugs me.

"I missed you," She says into my neck.

"We were only gone for a few hours..." I can't help but smile at her clinginess. She is so sweet and caring.

"Five hours is more than a few." She rolls her eyes as she separates from the hug.

"You're right. But we're fine, so it doesn't matter." She sighs in defeat and then her mouth breaks into a smile.

"Come play?" She asks me and I laugh.

"You know I could never say no to a face like that," I say as I cup her cheek and her lips part slightly. I pull her close and kiss her. She kisses me back.

"So....should we deal you in...?" Han asks hesitantly. Y/n breaks away and turns to him.

"Of course! You know I would never stray from an opportunity to beat you all."

There is a brief protest from all the members and myself. We won't let her win.

"Let's do this," I say with determination.

"Do I really have to do this?" We decided that whoever lost between me and Y/n would have to record a video stating that the other person is better.

"Yes!" Y/n says as she pulls out the camera. "Start talking." She points it toward me. The members watch behind her, covering their mouths to quiet their laughter.

"After a long and grueling game of uno, many plus four stacks and skips later, I have determined that Y/n is the master of uno and can't be beat."

Y/n laughs. A beautiful, true laugh that is so perfect and innocent that the sound of it makes me feel like nothing could ever happen to anyone who hears it. She moves over to me and points the camera over both of us, kissing me as she does so.

Her lips are soft and true and they fit perfectly against mine. I kiss her back, an urgent sort of kiss that can't wait any longer. She is a piece of the puzzle that completes me.

"I love you." She says against my lips.

"I love you too."

Felix and Han start clapping and soon the others join in. Me and Y/n both laugh and I realize then that the is team is more complete and perfect than it us ever been.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16 ⏰

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