Chapter 6

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𝕴 𝖜𝖔𝖐𝖊 𝖚𝖕 early the next day and snuck out of the common room to the great hall. There weren't many people there, mostly teachers and a few early bird first-years. I grabbed a piece of bacon and carried it up to the Owlery.

I fed Sadie the piece of bacon and tied the letter to her legs. I kissed the top of her head, carrying her over to the window. "Safe flight." I murmured to her. She hooted softly, nibbled my ear, and then took off into the early dawn.

Then, I hurried back to the Great Hall for my own breakfast. I ate as Professor Sprout started to hand out Hufflepuff schedules.

Monday: Herbology and Charms
Tuesday: Defense against the dark arts, double Potions and Transfiguration
Wednesday: astronomy at midnight, History of magic and Herbology in the afternoon
Thursday: Transfiguration, double Charms, and Defense Against the Dark arts
Friday: double History of Magic, Potions, astronomy at midnight, and Herbology with a free period in the afternoon.
Saturdays and Sundays were days off to work on other things, although teachers could hold bonus classes on those days if need be.

So, I hurried back to my dormitory to grab my Herbology and Charms textbooks, wand, and dragonhide gloves. I put all of them in a new leather bag that I had bought in Diagon Alley this summer. I slung it over my shoulder and checked my appearance in the small mirror.

I hesitated, looking at how childish my face looked with the round glasses on. Granted, I was eleven but. . .it also made my cheeks look rather round- and I wasn't fat. I took them off, putting them in the glasses case, putting it in the bottom drawer of the bedside dresser. Only if I really needed them would I wear them.

I walked down with the other first-year Hufflepuffs down to the greenhouses where we were naturally paired with the house I was trying to avoid: Gryffindor. Hermione waved and came over to join me, leaving Ronald and Harry to talk amongst their selves.

"It's so exciting, isn't it?" She asked, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

I nodded glumly. "Extremely."

I avoided looking at Harry and kept opening my Herbology textbook to random pages, reading the information on them. We were going to be in Greenhouse 1 which was the Greenhouse with the least dangerous plants.

Hermione was describing the Gryffindor common room and I blocked out the information. Knowing that I would've been in Gryffindor was still a little to fresh to think about it nonchalantly.

I described the Hufflepuff common room to her when she was done, going into great detail about the furniture and the types of wood that were used. We walked into the Greenhouse where Professor Sprout was waiting for us.

Hermione and I stood next to each other, the dividing line between the Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors who had clustered comfortably with their houses.

We went over the beginning stuff first: safety, rules, and basic planting techniques. Hermione and I constantly kept answering Professor Sprout's questions. We seemed to be the only ones who knew anything. Ronald just stared at us with open mouths. It was like a competition between the two of us, who could get more house points. I was glad to finally have an equal. It would've been somewhat awkward if I was the only one who could answer questions.

After Herbology, we went our separate ways.

The next day at breakfast, Sadie came back with a letter in her beak. I offered her a plate of my food and she helped herself to some bacon again. I stroked her head while reading the letter, and then let her fly off to the owlery when she was done.

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