Chapter 1: New World!

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Jayson Pov:

My name is Jayson, Jayson YuGo you are probably wondering what a guy like me is doing well let's just say I am enjoying my life here in New York city since my life back in Japan went down hill after my parents were killed in accident leaving me with nobody just myself. Being was hard for me after I lost my family but that didn't stop me to keep on going and move on because I know that my parents would want me to live and carry on with my life. I moved out of Japan when I was nineteen and moved to New York, the biggest city in the world and there I spent the new four years living a good life as well as getting myself a decent job as well as a nice penthouse. I still think about my family and I miss them dearly but I know that they will always be in my heart no matter how far apart we are. I got job as a comic book artist where I helped make the comics and draw out the characters in which I helped my team make new comics for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and I have to say I am huge fan of that show especially the villain known as The Shredder. I been a comic book fan for years but ninja turtles was my absolute favorite, when I was young I used to stay home and watch the classic ninja turtle shows and my favorite one was the 2003 version because it had more action and more adventure. The Shredder of the series was badass even though he was an alien but he was still cool; I used to dress up as him for halloween and mom always takes pictures of me pretending to be the Shredder.

Life was starting to open up for me in New York and I was having the fun of my life until everything changed when I was heading home from my job all of sudden without knowing a speeding truck that went out of control hit me and I fell to the ground badly injured and couldn't move my body meaning that my time has come and that I will soon be joining my parents up there in the heaven or so I thought.

End of Pov.

After the accident with the truck and Jayson was killed all of sudden he wasn't brought into the afterlife but instead was taken to heaven by the god who saw saved him and thought that Jayson should be allowed to live a new life in totally new world. When Jayson woke up and found out that he was in heaven he looked to see the god who looked like around his age but in reality the gob was beyond aged that Jayson couldn't place it. The god explained to Jayson of what happened and Jayson remembered it all that he was walking home from work when he was struck by a speeding truck and ended dead.

God: Amazing isn't it, I have richness lots of people dying at the ages of 20 but never would have guessed your death was quite fast and unknowing

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God: Amazing isn't it, I have richness lots of people dying at the ages of 20 but never would have guessed your death was quite fast and unknowing.

Jayson: Yea it was quite shocking, I guess I should paid more attention to the streets for now on.

God: Indeed and I am sorry for your death Jayson YuGo, you were an interesting young man who lived a good life and had such wonderful parents though I am truly sorry for their losses.

Jayson: Thank you God, but since now that I am dead I can no longer go back home. My time on earth had come and I guess I will be going into the afterlife.

Jayson Yugo: The ShredderWhere stories live. Discover now