Chapter One

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Chapter One

Aiden Valley, August 3021

"Get up, boy! We've got a lot to do before you have to go to that pathetic excuse of a school you attend to!"

He sat up groggily, unceremoniously woken up by the incredibly annoying voice of his father, Richard Daniels. He wiped his eyes, attempting to wipe the sleep away but failing miserably. His sleep was horrible; plagued by dreams which he couldn't even begin to fathom.

"Yes, yes, father! I'm awake!" Landon Richards yelled back to his father. He slid his feet down to the floor, practically crawling out of his mess of a bed, and went to the kitchen where he found his mother and father eating breakfast. They were having bread - or what is supposed to be bread, but it can't be that because it's rock hard and inedible - and milk. At least they had something to eat. The past weeks, the Government was slacking on delivering their relief supplies that they didn't have anything to eat for three days straight.

Life was hard. Life was difficult ever since The Explosion, as people like to call it, have occurred. Everyone needed to ration their food and resources because ever since Kronus assumed its place as the Supreme Government over the world, things were never the same. Or at least that's what people said. He wasn't alive when The Explosion happened seventy years ago. He didn't know whether he should consider himself lucky that he didn't have to experience the terror that consumed the whole world or unfortunate because he wasn't able to see the fictitious world before The Explosion. People said it was beautiful and bountiful; no one was starving, everyone was truly enjoying their lives. God knows the current world is anything but.

"We need to feed the cows, clean the stables, all those things. We should also water the plants because the irrigation system seems to have been damaged. More work than usual," his father sighed loudly, not at all pleased that they have a laborious task ahead of them. This snapped Landon out of his reverie.

"What else did I miss? I guess that's it. We better hurry before it gets too hot out there," his father continued.

Landon inhaled deeply, and then slowly breathed out, obviously not wanting to do any work. He followed his father out of their small hut that was just enough between the three of them. He stopped right outside the front door and stared at his surroundings. His gaze went over the vast meadow, to the forest on the side of their house, wondering what it would be like out there.

"Landon!" Yelled his father.

"Coming, dad!" He called back.

School was bad. It was usually unpleasant, but that day was worse. Landon felt that something was amiss around him. He didn't know whether it was the weather, those surrounding him, or just his mind playing tricks on him, but he was sure, deep down in his gut, that something is not right.

The day started off normally, with his friends Christian and Dennis greeting him as he entered the school doors. Everything was the way they should; the popular crowd in a huddle, talking by the lockers; girls relentlessly gossiping about the latest and hottest topic, which, at the moment, is about some mystery guy named Erwin or something like that; and everything surrounding Landon was just the typical brouhahas that was occurring pretty much everyday.

Then it happened.

The shocking, almost painful, chill that ran down his spine which took him aback and stopped him in his tracks. He looked around him, trying to understand as to why it happened. Nothing was out of place and everything seems to be fine, but he knew that something was definitely amiss.

He continued strutting towards his first class, History, completely bothered and unsettled. His eyes scanned the place, the faces of his peers that he has grown accustomed to, the all-to-familiar hallway that leads to his first class, and then finally, his gaze landed on a face that he doesn't recognize.

The unsettling feeling intensified. His skin grew cold, goosebumps instantaneously rising up on his skin. He felt a weight settle in his stomach, almost like a heavy metal making its way to his gut - cold and dense, making him extremely uncomfortable.

The stranger looked at him directly, his eyes boring into his own, practically searching for his soul. It looked as though the unfamiliar face was figuring out all of his secrets, and it was making Landon feel disconcerted and anxious.

What the hell was happening?

William Davidson was having a crappy day. His head was aching, his temples pounding; every inch of his body was throbbing. And it wasn't because he had too many to drink the previous night. It was the crowd of obnoxious high school students making noises incessantly.

"That girl was hot!"

"Oh my gosh, the party tonight is going to be awesome!"

"That new boy looked strange."

 "First week of classes, and we have exams. Ugh"

 "The team needs to practice more before the competition next month."

The people were annoying him so much, he wanted to strangle each one of them. He was hating the place more and more after each passing second. He was a transfer student from Riverrun, two hours away from Aiden Valley. He hoped everything would be great in his new home, but his hopes were rapidly diminishing, going down the drain faster than one could say the word 'fast'.

"Can't they stop thinking for a second? It's making my head ache," he muttered under his breathe, not wanting anyone to hear what he just said. No one did.

He sighed exasperatedly, knowing that he had to suck it up and just go through the day. He entered the school doors and walked to the reception area, collecting his timetable, his locker number, and all those things. When he was done, he went to his locker and put all the unnecessary belongings he had, and gathered what he needed for History, his first subject. Afterwards, he immediately made his way to his first class and waited for the period to start.

Then a stranger entered the class, walking alongside two other unfamiliar faces. He focused on the stranger who entered the class first.

 His name is Landon Daniels. He's 18 years old. His father is Richard Daniels; mother's name is Marjorie Camp-Daniels...

He studied him, reading his mind, extracting all information he could. A smirk making its way to his face, growing steadily bigger after each moment.

 First Esper, spotted.


Author's Note:

Hello y'all. Lol. This was a shitty chapter, but I can't think of a way to do this. Lol. Sorry. Sorry.

Mwah. x

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2015 ⏰

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