𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖓𝖉

763 19 2

??? POV

As I approached the place, the view in front of me shocked me.

"All right, so. These bitches chose a rich sugar daddy, huh?" I was about to enter when I was stopped by guards.

"Miss, who are you?" One of the bodyguards inquired.

"I'm the aunt of the girls, who live here," I explained.

He stated, "Mam, we need proof." Proof?

I tricked them and entered the house. I slammed the door open, making a loud noise.


I was using my phone in the living room. When someone walked in unexpectedly. When I saw the individual, I became terrified. She rushed up to me and began severely beating me. Momo and Nayeon unnie witnessed this and came to help, but they were also beaten. She was brutally beating us when a gunshot went just beside her earring, scaring her.

"Leave them, you bitch." Namjoon explained.

"Who are -, B-BT-TS?" She became terrified as she saw BTS come with guns in their hands. Namjoon, Yoongi oppa, and Hoseok oppa carried us to the couch. Jisoo unnie began treating Nayeon, while Jennie unnie began treating Momo and Rose began treating me. 

Jisoo unnie was crying, and the other three were about to cry. I was staring at them when a liquid landed on my hand. It was Rose, I noticed. She was sobbing. I brushed her tears away.

"Please leave me alone." That person said this while sobbing uncontrollably.

"Who exactly are you?" Yoongi oppa inquired.

"I-I a-a-am their a-aunt." She stumbled.

"Was she the one you talked to, yesterday?" Hoseok oppa inquired, and we nodded.

"Not after what you've done to them," Namjoon explained.

"Guards, take her to the basement." Yoongi oppa explained.

When the guards took our aunt. The guys raced over to us three, picked us up, and took us to our rooms.

"T-Thank Y-You, J-Joonie," I said.

"Does it still hurt?" He inquired. I lied because I didn't want to worry him.

"N-No," I replied.

"Lie," he murmured as we walked into our room. He put me down.

"Sleep, I'll bring you some medicines and painkillers." He said this and walked away. He quickly returned with an ice pack and some medications.

We heard a knock on the door after a few minutes. Rose was there when he opened the door. She was carrying two plates with nice breakfasts on them.

"Namjoon oppa, this is your breakfast," Rose stated.

"Thanks, Rose." He took the serving tray and Rose approached me.

"Are you okay, unnie?" Her face was filled with concern as she inquired.

"Oh, oppa. If you don't mind, could I please feed her?" She asked Namjoon. And he agreed.

She fed me and then left after a while. I dozed off.



The alarm went off while I was sleeping. I awoke without finding Jimin alongside me. I quickly realized he was on a mission. I showered and walked downstairs. My sisters were enjoying breakfast when I noticed them. Jisoo unnie handed me a dish, which I gratefully accepted.

"They went on a mission, correct? So, what are we going to do?" Lisa inquired.

"Let's all go to the amusement park." Jisoo unnie spoke up.

"Yes, unnie, that's a fantastic idea. Let's get started." I said.

We ate breakfast and prepared ourselves. Some bodyguards were with us the entire time to protect us. We went on a lot of rides, ate cotton candy, and then went to the arcade. We were having fun and didn't notice the time. 

It was already 4 p.m. We were gone since 11 p.m. We went to the mansion and watched a movie together. It was now eight o'clock at night. Jimin was causing me concern. It's too late now; since they've left.

We were getting bored. As a result, we decided to bake something. I made a cake with Jennie unnie, Jisoo unnie, and Lisa made muffins, and Nayeon unnie, Jihyo unnie, and Momo unnie baked macarons. We didn't want them to work, but their puppy eyes drew us in. It's 9 p.m., and the boys have not yet arrived.

Everything was baked after a while. As soon as we were finished, we heard the door open and close. I believe Chim has arrived.

But he was covered in blood. He was bleeding from a wound near his head and shoulder. I raced to get the first aid kit and gave some to my sisters as well. I was treating him when he abruptly took my hand in his and kissed me passionately. I finished treating him after a while, and they went to have a shower. They returned immediately. We stood in front of them, holding our works of art.

"You guys made it." Hoseok oppa inquired.

"You're right, Hobiahh. Try the macaroon. I made it." As she fed him the macaroon, Momo unnie murmured.

We were all feeding them constantly. Then all of a sudden, someone yelled.

"STOP." Namjoon Oppa was there. We finally came to an end and stared at their expressions. They had cream in their mouths.

We were all laughing uncontrollably. When they suddenly wiped their faces and brought us to our rooms.

Then you know,🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞


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