Hell Spawn Part 2

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They forced me down deep into the castle bringing me to a floor of harsh succubus' they were mercilessly cruel as they bathed me no matter how much I fought and argued they still worked leaving no stone unturned all the while talking to each other commenting on everything about me. By the time they tried to dress me I was being very difficult, constantly biting, snapping, fighting and screaming so instead of fighting me they simply knocked me out.

When I came too I was in a very strange place indeed. My body was completely clean and I smelt of strawberries, a revolving sweetness given what I was used to. My hair washed and brushed out completely smelling of honey and pinned up on my head with a hair pin. My body covered by a small white cotton dress that reached my ankles and even had long sleeves to my wrists. I sat on a fairly large octagon shaped bed with blankets, pillows and all manner of luxurious softness. However I couldn't leave the bed, at each side of the octagonal bed was a bronze coloured metal frame each holding a plane of glass, these continued above my head forming a cage around me with no way out, like a fairy trapped in a lantern, or a bird in a cage it was beautiful but it was still a cage. And the second reason I couldn't leave the bed was that around my ankle sat a chain of diamonds glittering slightly whenever I moved it but it was tight around my ankle, unable to be broken.

I heard a door open and close so I turned to see who had come, and it was him smirking widely as he came close leaning on the glass between us

"Hello little bird" he cooed "don't you clean up nice" he smirked pacing around my cage to make sure he looked at me from all angles I merely turned my face away from wherever he stood "awww come on now I want to see you" he smiled so I sighed and turned to look at him "beautiful" he smiled blowing me a kiss "relax, I'm not going to hurt you" he says "I want information." He says

I didn't bother to answer watching as he leant against the glass again

"What are you?" He asks

Making me perk up and glance over at him

"What are you little bird. You're not human. I know that much. But you're certainly not one of mine. Or even an offshoot. What are you and where did you come from?"

I was so confused what was he talking about "I'm human"

He was taken back a moment but he smiled "so you do talk" he chuckled "first words out your pretty mouth are lies"

"I am a human. Your demons -"

"They think everything taller than a rabbit is a human. I am not so easily fooled" he says as he continued to walk around "you have the scent of a human, even now. But there's something more to you. Something I can't place." He explained

"I am a human."

"You're not. And I know you're not." He snapped "your something else. How else would you have survived this long. The last human was gutted by yours truly five years ago. We have hunted every corner and cave of this earth not a single human still breathes. Doesn't it strike you as odd you'd survive this long? That knowone had found you or come after you until now? You have a human scent but it's diluted with something else. Must have been why we took so long find you" he says

"I'm human. Just human. I've survived this long because I've had to. I was born after the riders came this is the only world I know. You learn to live in it"

"What?" He asks

"You learn to -"

"Not that! After the riders came?"

"Yes. I don't remember a time when the world wasn't like this"

"That's not possible." He muttered "even so you've been unharmed this whole time. And there's something strange about you"


"You're completely innocent."


"You've never done anything, your soul is as pure white as that dress. That's how I know you're not human. I can see your soul and I know there is something else in you. Until I find out you're staying in here I can't risk whatever you are." He says "rest up little bird, I'll come visit you when I have time" he smirked before leaving the room.

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