The Sacred Dimension

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In the beginning, there was nothing. Then, out of the deep darkness, a dazzling light appeared; the Great Dragon.

Then, with his fiery breath, he created a multitude of different worlds and spread life, light, and heat across the universe. The dragon traveled to explore the realms it created with its power.

Heading to the seas and oceans. The dragon divided the Kingdom into two. One at the bottom of the sea the Underwater Kingdom and One above the sea the Surface Kingdom of the oceans. At the bottom of the oceans. The King and Queen had two sons Prince Terendor and Prince Neptune. The two Princes were the future monarchs of the sea of Andros. But both princes were different. They kept the balance of both sides peacefully, one for the Oceans and one for the Surface.

Outside of the realm. The Great Dragon created a gate called the Obsidian Circle it was said that it was said to be the secret entrance to a dark and terrible place, a black dimension of ultimate fear and hate, and that the gate of the Realm of Obsidian is what keeps evil distant, adding that this was the place where the Witches and Dark Magic were generated. Light and Dark Magic don't mix therefore it had to be separated.

As the Great Dragon made the dimensions with its power. It not only gifted the people with its magic. But it also surrounded the great dimension with castles and other rulers. Many of the kingdoms allied themselves with others and had lots of heirs.

One day a man wielded his sword. His sword was forged with the Dragon's power itself. His name was Prince Oritel. He and Princess Marion were good friends. They always sticked by one another, they played together since they were young, they even sometimes got lost all over the kingdom and managed to find their ways back home. His family had arranged marriage for him and Princess Marion. Prince Oritel loved her very much.

Prince Oritel's family and her family were great friends as well. So both their families arranged a marriage for him and Princess Marion.

Prince Oritel and Princess Marion were happily married together. They decided to travel across the realm to find a spot for their kingdom. Marion found the perfect spot. It might've taken them days but Marion chose the exact same spot where the great dragon made his resting place. King Oritel and Queen Marion called their kingdom Domino. They had a beautiful daughter named Princess Daphne.

Not only that but the Great Dragon entrusted a spark of its miraculous flame to the realm's royal family, where it had been passed down through generations from heir to heir. It is also thanks to the Flame that Domino's monarchy has seemingly maintained high importance when compared to those of other realms.

Years later, Daphne grew into a beautiful woman. Many people across the realm always wondered who she would consider to be her husband. But her father thought she was far too young to get married to a man just yet. Marion was expecting another child. Daphne was hoping that she would have a sister. She wasn't just a sister. She was a guardian of the realm. She just didn't know it yet. Her father would always come home with news happy to see her and her mother.

Young Princess Daphne : Father, what gender do you think the baby will be ?

King Oritel : I don't know Daphne. But by the looks of your mother's womb, it looks like another girl.

Young Princess Daphne : (gasps) Yay! I'll hope I have a sister.

King Oritel and Queen Marion : (laughs)

Young Princess Daphne : Father, how did you and Mother meet ?

King Oritel : (smiles) That is a wonderful question. I'll tell you once, I get you to bed.

Young Princess Daphne : (screams and laughs)

Oritel picked up his young princess tickling her. Marion just laughed following her family. In young Daphne's room she was told the story about how her and parents met years ago. And how it all started, the story of the Great Dragon.

King Oritel : Before me and your mother were King and Queen, before our family allied themselves with one another, before you and your soon to be sibling was born.
In the beginning, there was nothing. Then, out of the deep darkness, a dazzling light appeared; the Great Dragon. Then, with his fiery breath, he created a multitude of different worlds and spread life, light, and heat across the universe. Eventually, he became exhausted and chose to lie down and rest in a place called Domino.

Young Princess Daphne : (gasps)

Queen Marion : (smiles)

Young Princess Daphne : Father, do you know where the dragon is now?

King Oritel : It lives in the Vortex of Flames. A burning pit located in our palace. It is also the home of the Fire Eaters.

Young Princess Daphne : Fire Eaters!

King Oritel : The Fire Eaters are legendary creatures of our kingdom. But the Vortex of Flames is only used to test our powers. We are the Keepers of the Dragon Flame and soon your sister or brother will one day inherit the flame just as you did.

Young Princess Daphne : (smiles) Incredible. How does it work? What do I do? I wanna know more?

Queen Marion : That will be discussed at another time, Daphne. You must get your rest now!

Young Princess Daphne : Yes, Mother.

Queen Marion / King Oritel : Goodnight.

(Door closes)

Queen Marion and King Oritel kissed their daughter. And left her to sleep. Young Princess Daphne looked up at the sky opening her windows. She wanted to know more about her powers and more about the other kingdoms. Little did she and family know, that their lives will soon turn upside down in a few years. As she opened her hands their was a spark of flame and light mixed together.

Princess Daphne : (gasps)

Princess Daphne smiled happily. Once she rushed back to her bed. She couldn't wait to show her family and make them proud. The Princess fell asleep quietly smiling.

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