What if Maul was raised as a Jedi? ( with a twist )

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( I would like to say before we start, Vergere is a bit stronger than she originally was, but she still isn't beating Sidious or Yoda )

Dathomir was a planet located far in the Outer Rim territories and was a planet the Jedi didn't particularly like to visit. Jedi Master Mace Windu had been selected to investigate the birth of a Force-Sensitive Zabrak Male on the far side of Dathomir and hopefully bring him back to be trained as a Jedi. His personal starship landed a few kilometers outside the village of the Dathomirian males and he walked out, heading into the village. Upon entrance he was greeted by a woman who he instantly recognized as Mother Talzin of the Nightsisters tribe. Talking led him to a small hut located in the center of the village and told him of her son she recently gave birth to, and his strong affinity for the Force. Master Windu asked if he could see the boy, which Mother Talzin agreed to. For a few hours, Master Windu would talk with Talzin and play with the child who was only a year old. Mace Windu asked if the young boy named Maul could be trained as a Jedi Knight, and Talzin agreed, on the condition that the Jedi would help her and her people if ever in need. Windu relayed these terms to Grandmaster Yoda who agreed, and so, Maul would be taken to the Republic capital of Coruscant to be trained. On Coruscant, he would begin his ten year training as a Youngling, growing quickly and fitting in well with the other students. By the age of 11, Maul was already being promoted to Padawan, due to his quick learning and ability to naturally balance his Light Side emotions with his inherent darker tendencies. The same Jedi Master who found him a decade before took him as his own Padawan, believing he'd be the perfect student to teach Vaapad to later on. Windu would immediately begin training Maul in lightsaber combat and the ways of the Force, never being easy on him, but still fair. Maul blossomed under the training of Windu, quickly learning the ways of Form VII combat
( via permission of Master Yoda ) and beginning lessons in Vaapad by 15. Meanwhile, Sith Lord Darth Sidious was beginning his plan under his Mastee Plagueis. Sidious had recently found a secret apprentice ( who he told Plagueis was only a mere assassin ) named Vergere. She was a fallen Jedi Knight who craved power, and wanted to find it with the help of Darth Sidious. They had begun plans to lead the Republic into war and change it into a Sith Empire led by the three of them. Meanwhile within the Jedi Temple, Maul had been knighted at 20, making him the youngest Knight out of all the Younglings he trained with. Advancing two years, Jedi Knight Maul and Jedi Master Qui-Gon are commanded to stop the Trade Federation on Naboo. While on Tatooine due to mechanical failures, Qui-Gon and Maul find a young boy powerful in the Force, and Qui-Gon believes he is the Chosen One. After a pod race and the ship being fixed, Maul and Qui-Gon head back to Naboo. As they prepare to deal with the Trade Federation, Vergere, Now Darth Verge, came out to kill the three Jedi. Her main concern was Qui-Gon, since she knew her Master feared him. She ignited two crimson lightsabers and kept forward, barely giving the Jedi time to react. Maul ignited a double-bladed amethyst lightsaber and begin blocking heavy but quick attacks as his fellow Jedi joined the fight. Verge shot underneath Maul and swung upwards against Obi-Wan, her speed catching him off guard. He barely dodged the swing but didn't react in time to her second lightsaber, which sliced through his right leg like butter. Obi-Wan hissed in pain as Verge backflipped away from a strike from Qui-Gon. Verge smirked and ran forward again, this time swinging one blade towards Maul and the other towards Qui-Gon. Both of the Jedi went to block, but she switched her blades off and spun under the swings. She reignited one of her blades and jabbed forward, piercing it all the way through Obi-Wan Kenobi. She ignited her other blade and blocked a strike from Maul before frontflipping and turning around as Obi-Wan collapsed to the ground, lifeless. Qui-Gon pulled his students lightsaber to his hand and ignited the sapphire blade, his eyes flickering between brown and yellow. Verge cackled and begin blocking strikes from Maul. Qui-Gon ran forward and swung towards the Fosh Sith Lord, only for the third strike to be parried and for a crimson blade to slice through his heart, killing him. Maul used the Force to toss Darth Verge across the hanger bay and ran after her. She got up and began a quick offensive against Maul, but she kept feeling weaker and less energetic with every strike. She could see Maul was hitting harder and harder, and quickly realized he was somehow draining her energy. She attempted to run and regroup, but Maul used the Force to pull her back into combat. She slammed both blades downward towards Maul, who switched his blades off so her swing would trip her forward. He slammed his lightsaber handle into her beak, causing it to break off her beak tip. She screamed on impact before being tossed back into a wall with the Force. The sound of Mauls blade reigniting filled the hanger bay, and Verge looked up in time to see a purple blade slam itself into her abdomen. Her eyes widened in shock and pain as it was yanked out by the Force and back to the young Knights hand. He walked over and stood above her, his blade at her throat.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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