Is that a god damn snow leopard?!

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Fuck fuck fuck, whyyy!! Why did you have to be so god damn stupid!!

You mutter curses under your breath as you drag yourself through the snow.

You should've at least gotten a horse!

Idiot, idiot, idiot!

You pant as your legs start to feel tired as hell.

Maybe...maybe just a quick nap would be nice...

Despite everything your parents have told you not to do in a snow storm rushing through your mind, trying to get you to listen to reason, you lie down next to a tree. Snowflakes fall on your cheeks and eye lashes and you curl up in your cloak.

Just before blacking out, a yellow figure hops off of a bigger figure you didn't notice until seeing the yellow one.

Idiot...your such an laid down when hypothermia is probably sucking away your life and now you're probably about to die...

You should've gotten more help before running you can't go and find Moon...


You hear a huff and a crackle.

You slowly open your eyes to see a fire.

You...aren't dead??

Something fluffy nuzzles against your cheek and you slowly look up.

Hooooly shit, that's a god damn snow leopard?! This isn't even it's habitat!! Why and how is it here!

You squeak as it nuzzles your cheek again and purrs. You hear a familiar chuckle...hey wait one sec-

You look to the side and see none other than Sun.

Still wearing the outfit from before, but now also wearing a hooded shawl and a mask.

[Finally woke up huh?]

' this a fucking snow leopard?!'

[Yes...and no]

'How?! And what do you mean by and no?!'

[Can answer both with one answer, shape shifter. I have a shape shifter as an animal companion who likes being a huge ass snow leopard in the winter. Or at least, when it snows]

'...this is confusing' 

[I know right. Anyway did you even know where you were going before almost dying of hypothermia?]

' brain went stupid.'

She sighs.

[You seriously thought just what you're wearing would be good?]

'No, my brain went stupid and someone gave me the gloves, cloak and boots.'

[A stranger...]

'Yup. Though, don't know why they just gave me this stuff.'

She stares before groaning.

[I should probably tell you one more thing, a sorceress named Eclipse took off with Moon. I can't say I accept what xey are doing, but I also can't say I disagree. The kingdom of Lucien is actually not quite nice. My kingdom is the only one who has been suspicious and stayed suspicious. Eclipse's parents were hired by mine to spy, try to see what is going on inside Lucien, and perhaps kill their king and queen if needed. The two were caught and executed, then Eclipse lived with me and my parents in our castle. At sixteen xey said xey'd get revenge, and was missing by morning. Didn't think xey'd get so pretty during all that time...]

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