Chapter 7 Movie Night 2 ( Pranks and Nightmares)

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Because of the long wait I thought you guys deserved a double update! HEY! That rhymed.


He put the glass to his lips. But just as he was about to drink he placed the glass back into my hands.

" I don't want coke. You get nice hot chocolate and all I get is just plain old coke? That isn't fair." He whined. DAMN IT YANG YOSEOB!!!

"Fine I'll go make you some hot chocolate but promise me that you won't start the movie until I'm back." I said.

"I promise" He smiled before closeing his eyes and attempting fall asleep. I giggled once again and headed toward the kitchen.

In the kitchen I got out he ingredients for hot chocolate and brainstormed on how I would get revenge without taking it too far. I came to a conclusion that sleeping medacine wouldn't be a good idea since we would be watching a horror movie and if he falls asleep I would be all alone. Oh! I got it! A smirk formed on my lips as I poured in the ingredients as I made my "special hot chocolate" for Yoseob.

"Here you go!" I stated as I happily woke him up and gave him the hot chocolate.

"Thanks!" Yoseob beamed as he lifted the cup up to his lips once again. I crossed my finger behind my back hoping that my plan would work this time. As the hot drink ran down Yoseob's throat I could see no sign of horror. Did I put in enough? Bit as he was about to swallow his eyes popped out, his eyebrows went up and his face turned red.

"Blah!" Yoseob spat the liquid out back into the cup.

"KIM JAEHYEON!!!!! WHAT DID YOU DO!!!" Yoseob screamed in anger. I tried to keep myself form laughing.

"I did nothing oppa." I replied innocently.

"I KNOW YOU DID SOMETHING YOU WOULD NEVER CALL ME OPPA!" He shouted once again. "You put salt in my drink didn't you!!!"

"Hehe...." I stammered.

"YAH! KIM JAEHYEON I WILL KILL YOU NOW!!" He screamed as he picked me up and carried me onto the couch. He started tickling me as I begged hum to stop. He kept tickling me.

"I won't stop until you say sorry, Ms.Kim." Yoseob said as he kept tickling me.

"NEVER!" I screamed in between laughs.

"Okay then I will have to punish you even more." He stated as he pulled me into a hug and tickled me 2 times as much. I tried to get out, but his grip was too strong.

"Fine I give up.. Sorry.. sorry.." I said as he finally stopped. As I was catching my breath his face lit up as he smiled and sat down on the space beside me. But before I could reach for my untouched drink, he quickly grabbed it and gulped it all down. I was about to say something when he placed a finger onto my lips.

"You owe me." He smirked and moved his fingers in a tickling motion and that was all it took to get me to shut up.

The movie started and we both watched it with interest. The movie was about a little girl who had been killed by her parents in a house and she remained as a ghost making all the families that come kill each other.(The movie plot is from my pure imagination it isn't a real movie.) So far the ghost hasn't come out  yet and we both were enjoying the movie.

Scary music started playing and BAMMM! The ghost came out!

"AHHHHH!!" I screamed covering my face with my hands. Yoseob chuckled.

"I thought you weren't scared." He laughed.

"I never said that. I said I simply enjoyed watching horror movies. I didn't say I wasn't scared of them." I stated.

"Fine you win." He raised his arms up and showed me he had surrendered. I stuck my toungue out at him before turning my attention back to the movie.

By the time movie finished both of the pizzas were gone and we both were really full. We got up and went to or seperate rooms to sleep.

In my room I kept tossing and turning and couldn't sleep at all. Everytime I closed my eyes the ghost from the movie kept appearing. But slowly after much effort I fell asleep.

I was awakened by the sound of plates crashing in the kitchen. I got out of bed and slowly opened my bedroom door. The noise grew louder as I got closer. I looked into the kitchen there was no one. I stepped inside and looked around. There was still no one. Maybe I was just imagining stuff. As I turned around to head back I saw a figure. Yoseob? What was he doing here? I approached the figure. It was facing the other direction. When I got to the figure I touched it's shoulder and turned it around. To my suprise it was the ghost girl from the movie!!!.

"AHHHHHHH!" I screamed.

I woke up and there were tears rolling down my cheecks and beads of sweat on my forehead.

"Phew..." It was just a dream.

Just then Yoseob came rushing into my room. Panting loudly.

"What happened!? Are you okay Jae?" He asked. His voice was full of concern.

"Yeah. I'm fine Yoseob. It was just a nightmare." I weakly replied. A look of realief washed over his face.

"Okay then. I guess you shouldn't watch scary movies at night anymore. I'll be going. If you need anything just come to my room okay." he said sweetly before exiting my room. I kept trying to sleep again but I wouldn't let myself. I just don't dare to anymore.

YoSoeb's POV

I shut the door and plopped onto my bed once more. I hope Jaehyeon is okay now... I know I am mean to her and everything but I like teasing her we just met. I know there is more to her than the annoying and perfect girl. I know that she is a great person. I'll just have to find out.

As I closed my eyes I heard the door creek open. I slightly opened my eyes and saw Jaehyeon standing there with a stuffed toy. It was a cute bannana that looked old and dirty. She stepped into my room and walked towards me. I opened my eyes fully to let her know that I was awake.

" I sleep here tonight?" Jeahyeon asked nervously. I felt bad for her. I just remembered this is her first night here. She has never slept in that room alone before and she just watched a ghost movie.

"Sure Jae. Here." I said patting the empty space beside me. She climbed on the bed and faced me.

"Can you sing for me?" she asked sweetly.

"What song should I sing?" I asked

"I don't know. A song about rain its raining outside." She commented. Sure enough it was raining heavily outside. I didn't even notice.

~Play BEAST On Rainy Days~

"On rainy days you come and find me throught the night you are all I see. When the rain stops falling you would slowly fade. In the end you would always slip away..." I sang the chorus to her and I saw she was alseep. I soon fell alseep too.

Jaehyeon's POV

After Yoseob's song I tried to sleep by closing my eyes, but I failed so I just kept silent. When I looked beside me I could see Yoseob's sleeping face. He looked so calm. Today is my first day here at the Yang residence yet a lot of things has happened. Imagine what 2 years would be like. My eyelids started feeling heavy. As I closed my eyes I saw Yoseob's face one last time and I thought to myself............

Maybe Yang Yoseob does have a heart after all............

Is this second chapter enough for the wait? Next chapter BEAST oppas will be introduced and Jaehyeon might find out they are idols. What will they do?

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