Chapter 1 l Bad News

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Jaehyeon POV


Shoot! My alarm is ringing.

I stretched before reaching out and turning off my alarm. Ugghh another normal and boring day... I plastered a smile on my face and got up.

Anyway my name is Jaehyeon .... Kim Jae Hyeon. But my friends and family call me Jae. I am 18 years old and I live in Seoul. Ooh did I mention that I liked Kpop??? I dunnoo but i do... a lot.... I abosolutely looovvveee infinite. L oppa is too handsome ~kkyyyaahhh~ okay enough fangirling. I cleaned myself up and put on a Tshirt and some shorts before running down the stairs to have breakfast.

When I got there I saw my parents sitting there dicussing something with a serious look on their faces. Oh! They made breakfast for me yayy!! Oh.. how I love my parents, they are the best! I approached them, but unlike other days they didn't greet me with a smile. Instead, their serious faces turned to sad as soon as they saw me.

"Sweetie, we need to tell you something very important." my mom said with her voice full of sorrow and concern.

"Ok sure mom!" I replied with an enthusiastic smile just to lighten up the mood. 

"We want you to listen carefully and be strong okay?" said Dad as he stared directly into my eyes." Your mom and I will be leaving Korea for a buisness matter. We won't be gone forever it just depends on our work. But we have to stay atleast a year and we can't bring you along."

"What?" I said with a mouth full of cereal. Tears started welling in my eyes.

"I am so sorry. We can't do anything about it. We can still visit you on holidays and you can come visit us too. We'll call you too okay Sweetie don't worry." Mom said as a teardrop fell from her eyes.

" S_s_so I'll be staying all alone?" I stuttered.

"No you'll be staying with my close friend for the time being. I heard she has a child around your age who loves music so I'm sure you will fit in just fine." said Mom.

"Okay..... I guess it is ok. When are you guys leaving?" I asked. Somehow the sad feeling in my mind just disappeared.

"Tomorrow..." Dad answered with a sad smile. The crying feeling came back again. I can't believe I'll be away from my parents for so long and they are leaving tomorrow. I guess they didn't tell me because they just found out. I tried to be strong and put on a smile.

"Oh... well I'll miss you. I think I better start packing now." I said trying to sound fine.

"I'm so sorry Sweetheart. Thank you for being strong.Come here..." my mom said while engulfing me in a hug.

I wiped away my tears and went up to my room to pack. If you look at the bright side though, I get a friend and more freedom so it wouldn't hurt that much right? It took forever to pack everything I want so I fell asleep as soon as I was done. Yes, I know you are thinking that it wouldn't take a whole day to pack but still... if you were as sad as me and had to pack basically everything you own, you would take a while.

The next morning, I said goodbye to my parents and they promised to call me as soon as they arrived before they left. In an hour the car to take me to my temporary home would arrive so I decided to play games and fangirl. keke :P

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