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Armin had been the right person for the job. The cadets had drunk every single word he'd uttered with an enthusiasm proportional to his own, their eyes open wide and shining bright with determination, like a bunch of little Erens. There was no doubt about it; between Jean's epic ODM gear demonstration and Armin's passionate speech about the world on the other side of the walls, the top recruits would be lining up to join the Survey Corps this year. Jean was bursting with pride, and couldn't wait to report back to Commander Hange.

They made the perfect team.

Jean had been worried Hange would reduce Armin's role to the Colossal Titan shifter, especially when he learned about her decision to send Sasha with him on this assignment. Sasha would have done a good job, too; her ebullience could be quite contagious—if not annoying, at times—but nobody could spark a thirst for knowledge and adventure quite like Armin. Jean was glad Hange had changed her mind and made the right call.

"Mmm. Tastes really good," Armin said, pulling Jean back to the present.


How long had he been staring at Armin's lips like a weirdo?

Jean cast a swift glance around the mess hall, relieved to see that nobody was looking at them. He opened his mouth to say something, but the words evaporated from his brain when Armin started licking the breadcrumbs from his fingers. Jean froze and watched, hypnotized, as each one of Armin's fingers disappeared between his parted lips, then slowly slid out, for another one to take its place.

"What's wrong?" Armin murmured, his tongue poking out and slowly traveling across his lip, which he then bit seductively–

Jean gasped and dropped his fork. Surely, he was hallucinating; there was no way Armin was doing this on purpose?

The corner of Armin's lip raised into a devilish lopsided smile, confirming his suspicion.

Jean frowned as he bent down to pick his fork from the floor. Did Armin just shamelessly flirt with him in public? Had he forgotten about their agreement to keep a low profile?

His eyes widened as it hit him; Armin was messing with him. Jean had been looking like an idiot, frozen with his fork hovering halfway between his plate and his mouth as he'd stared at Armin's lips, and the little devil was loving it.

How dare you.

He would kiss that smug smile right off Armin's face. He would seize him and turn that mouth into a cute little "o". He would make him gasp, and moan, and beg, until his throat got sore. He would make him shake, and pant, and come undone, and think twice about tantalizing him again.

Jean snatched his fork with more vigor than necessary and straightened back up, then nearly choked on his own saliva when he saw the way Armin was eating his sausage.


Armin barely suppressed a squeal when Jean grabbed his wrist and pulled him into a supply room.

"How dare you," Jean hissed.

Armin didn't even get a chance to pretend not to know what he was talking about, as Jean gripped his collar and silenced him with a rough kiss. He didn't know what came over him, playing with fire like he'd done, but he couldn't stop his stubborn mouth from smiling against Jean's eager lips. He felt guilty for taking advantage of how easy it was to get Jean all worked up, but he was unable to resist; it was the surest way for him to get a taste of this side of Jean he liked so much.

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