chapter 9

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Nico's eyes snapped open as, once again, he realized he had no idea where he was. A plain white ceiling with cracked paint slowly came into focus. His eyes shifted to the ugly yellow wallpaper.

A motel room, he thought as he rubbed his eyes. A few memories stirred in his mind; leaving the pancake house, walking to the closest motel, and bribing the man at the desk to give them a room despite the ridiculous hour. Nico's wallet had taken quite a hit from that. He would have to loot some of the hastily disposed of corpses around New York again soon.

He rolled over and discovered Percy asleep on the other side of the bed, without any covers. The older boy had folded all the blankets double and piled them over Nico, probably because the heat in the room was broken, which made things pretty chilly.

Sadie and Carter shared the other bed. Both of them were at opposite ends of the bed, so close to the edges that it was a miracle neither of them had fallen off in their sleep. Bast was curled up on the sofa.

What time is it? wondered Nico. There didn't appear to be a clock anywhere in the room.

A little bit after noon, answered the familiar voice in his head.

Anubis, Nico telepathed wearily. Did I miss anything important?

Only a rather long winded debate about sleeping arrangements. The alley cat wanted a bed to herself. Sadie and Carter had objections about sharing the same bed. It nearly became bloody.

They're siblings, why would they care? Nico wondered. Bianca and I used to share a bed all the time.

They're a bit older than you and Bianca were. And they don't seem to be as close. From what I know of their past, it is . . . complicated.

More complicated than spending sixty years in a mind-numbing, time-warp casino, after having all their memories washed clean by the River Lethe?

Anubis hesitated. Sadie and Carter were raised separately after their mother died when Sadie was six. For the next six years they only saw each other two days a year, until their father tried to summon Osiris to resurrect their mother. Julius Kane ended up blowing up the Rosetta Stone and releasing Set, Isis, Horus, Nephthys, and Osiris, and allowed himself to be possessed by Osiris. Sadie and Carter were possessed by Isis and Horus, respectively.

Alright, they win, Nico surrendered. That is complicated. But at least they're able to be together now. Unlike . . . Nico shook his head and tried to force thoughts of his own sister from his mind. Bianca being dead couldn't be equated to the Kane siblings' situation, or their previous situation, when they lived apart. They hadn't chosen that, after all. They were just kids, powerless preteens who had to obey what grownups said. Carter didn't decide to leave Sadie because he didn't want to be saddled with the responsibility of her. Sadie didn't suddenly decide she didn't want a brother anymore.

Sadie actually had the chance to return to a normal life, after they banished Set, Anubis told him. She chose to stay with Carter and help him find others with the blood of the pharaohs, to fight in the war that is on the horizon.

Nico's respect for Sadie rose several levels right then and there.

She has hidden depths, Anubis told him.

I guess so, Nico agreed. He knew that Anubis could tell what he was thinking, and was grateful that the death god didn't make any comments about it. To cover the awkward silence that began to fill his own head, he sat up slowly and carefully, trying not to wake Percy. I'm hungry. Is there any food in this room?

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