Mother May I

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I'm Back in business. My laptop broke and is currently still down so I'm using my grandmothers desktop. I will update as much as possible. Thank you for 134 floptarts. I'm so thankful for all of you little love bugs. Anyway finally an update.

        Kid was trying his best to calm me down as my heart beat faster than a hummingbirds wings and my chest tightened. I couldn't hear Kid as he cooed soothing words into my ear, trying his best to comfort me. The only thing I could think about was how terrible my mother treated me and how badly I wanted to get the hell away from her. Finally after 15 years of torture I escaped her grasp and began my journey in the DWMA. But now she was coming back and I am terrified. I became entranced in the past as the present faded away and the horrors of my former life began flood my memories.

 3 years ago

      "{Y/N} get in this living room right now young lady!!!!" My mother's inflamed voiced vociferated.

              My heart skipped a beat as I jumped out of my creaky twin bed and dashed into the living room as quickly as humanly possible.

     "Yes Mother" I voiced weakly.

      "How many damn times do I have to holler for you. Damn child. I can't believe I gave birth to such a lousy, good for nothing, whore like you.

Her words stung like a slap to the face and I fought back to urge to drop to my knees and burst into tears.

      "I apologize mother. It was all my fault" I managed to choke out.

       "You're right. Everything is your fault. Your father's death was your fault. You're the reason I can't get a fucking job. I can't afford to pay a damn babysitter to watch you." She scolded me harshly.

       "M..mother I could stay home alone I'd do chor"

The next thing I knew I was on the cold hard floor holding the side of my stinging red face.

      "You bite your damn tongue child before I make you swallow it. How many times have I told you not to talk back to me" She squalled angrily.

      "Several mother" I whimpered apologetically.

      "I've about had it with you. You're the worst damn daughter anyone in this damned world could ever spawn." With that she sat down on the couch and left me bewildered on the floor, holding in my urge to ball.

After several hours of sulking in my room had passed my stomach rumbled hungrily. I took a few steps out of my room but then fear overtook me and I quickly scurried back inside. I sat down and crossed my legs and stared down at the floor in deep thought. Finally after twenty minutes of indecisive thinking I worked up enough courage to enter the living room where my mother was located.

         "Mother may I get something to eat from the kitchen" I murmured fearfully.

         My mother glared at me coldly. "Speak up child I can barely hear a damn word you're saying"

I took a deep breath and tried once more, this time speaking out but not too much so she wouldn't accuse me of yelling.

          "Mother may I get something to eat from the kitchen"

My heart thumped into my chest as I waited for her response.

          "Go back to your room" She replied sternly.

          "But mother I'm hungry" I pleaded.

My mother slowly rose from her seat and went into the kitchen and pulled out a small package of saltine crackers and threw them into my room.

       "Go to your damn room before I beat your ass until it is red" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

I turned around and dashed into my room and gently closed the door. I slid down until I was sitting and listened intently for any following footsteps. Once I was sure she wasn't coming after me I ripped open the saltine crackers and gorged them down hungrily.

I slowly stood up and crawled up on top of my bed and grabbed the photo of my father and my favorite stuffed dog Buddy. I let my tears flow as I buried my head into Buddy and cried myself to sleep.


I was brought out of my trance when there was a soft knock on the door. Kid stood up and walked towards the door and opened it.

     "Hello I'm looking for my daughter {Y/N}"

It was my mother's voice...

*I do not own any Soul Eater characters mentioned in this fanfiction*


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