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A s I walked down the stairs I noticed that all the lights were off in the living room and kitchen. It seemed a bit suspicious so i was very wary of going down at first but then decided that I would be just fine. The minute my foot hit the last step the lights flipped on and my entire group of friends screamed "Surprise". A large grin spread across my face and my heart swelled up in my chest. Before I had anytime to react I felt arms wrap around me and squeeze me tighter than I've ever been squeezed in my life.

"Al-alright Dimitri I can't breathe" I managed to gasp out. Dimitri loosened his grip but he didn't let go. After a few more minutes he finally released me completely and stepped back with tears in his eyes. "{Y/N}, I swear if you ever put me through something like that again I'll kill you the minute you wake up. You scared the absolute shit out of me" He murmured. "I promise I won't do anything drastic like that again" I giggled and ruffled his hair lightly. "I'm glad to see you again. I feel like it's been ages" Dimitri opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by a rather familiar voice.

"HEY EVERYONE LOOK WHAT THE MIGHTY ASSASSIN BLACK*STAR CAN DO!" My attention turned to Black*Star and I nearly died of laughter when he attempted a back flip but instead fell and broke Kid's coffee table. Kid's eyes widened and he went on an uncontrollable fit of ranting and ended up kicking Black*Star in the head. Only five minutes into my surprise party and already I've nearly been squeezed to death, a table has been broken, and someone is already unconscious. "Talk about a wild party". My gaze shifted from Black*Star to Maka and Soul who seemed to be in a very serious conversation in the corner. Dimitri had already stalked off to Oxford and was joking around with him about Death know's what. I approached Maka and Soul but when I was within four feet of them they broke apart before I could say anything. I turned towards Maka, determined to find out what was happening but felt Kid's arms slide around me and pull me into his embrace.

"Are you enjoying your party, love?" I smiled at his soft voice and kissed his cheek softly. "It's perfect. Thank you so much, Kid" I replied softly. Kid smiled and softly planted a kiss on my lips and began swaying me back and forth to the beat of the music playing. Everyone had seemed to get into their usual social groups and all the excitement from before calmed down. That was until Dimitri and Soul though it would be "cool" to play a prank involving the punch bowl.

"Makaaaaaaaaaaaa CHOP" I turned around just in time to see both Dimitri and Soul collapsing to the ground and Maka standing over them holding a book. Kid and I quickly made our way over there to hear her reasoning.

"What the hell did they do this time" I questioned, trying my hardest not to burst into a fit of laughter. Maka shook her head and sighed. "The idiots were trying to spike the punch" She rolled her eyes as she said it. Kid shook his head and rubbed his temples. "Those two along with Black*Star give me migraines" I nodded in agreement. "I don't think we have to worry about them doing it now" I chuckled. Maka smiled and walked away to talk to Tsubaki who seemed to be having a hard time calming Black*Star down.

The night seemed to be going smoothly and everyone was having a great time. Kid and I danced to each song that played and my mind was finally stress free for once since I awoke from the coma. It almost felt as if everything would be perfectly fine.

But of course, I was wrong.

*I do not own any Soul Eater characters mentioned in this fanfiction. Except for my OC's*

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