Chapter 3: A Hope

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Every single skyscraper you see that is stand proudly in the city, they are started with one brave decision. Everyone that are involved on its construction aware of every risk that they will face. In the construction process, they prepared to face things like natural disasters, economy crisis, or the government changing. They're even aware that the building that they worked hard can be destroyed in a matter of second. But all of them only one thing in their mind; One day they will stand proudly before their masterpiece that are stand reaching the cloud, showing the whole world what they worked hard for paid off.

There's a moment when one have to take a risky decision for a brighter future.

It's not about can or not. Cast aside the doubt and just do it.

A few moments after that incident, Izumi together with Izuku walks together towards a tunnel, which it's the way to go back to their home. Might that they are not live in same place or even their house close to each other, it's that they are in same way.

 "There." Izumi suddenly stops as soon they enters the tunnel, and she hands the torn notebook back to Izuku. Izuku pursed her lips when two pieces of notebook landed on her two hands. 

"Kakyoin-san, are you afraid that Kacchan might target you next?" Izuku asked as she grips her notebooks. " Don't you regret picking fight with someone like him, for a useless like me?"

" It's not my problem that he will get mad that there's someone finally stands against him. I just cannot stand watching a brat that act like the world is revolving around them. Yeah, I aware that basically everyone in our school looking up to that guy." Izumi looks up to the sky for a second before she takes a deep breathe.

" And I know I will soon get treated like how you are, Midoriya. Aldera Junior High is technically his kingdom for now. But at least you finally a buddy that are same level as you. Be happy." Still maintaining her serious face, Izumi walks to Izuku.

" Sorry. I'm sorry so much that I made you involved into this mess, kakyoin-san." Izuku can't contain the sadness inside her which made her hugs herself. Izumi sighed as she saw the tears trickled on her cheeks. 

"Maybe Kacchan is right. Maybe I should jump from any building-"

" You!" Out of the sudden, Izumi grabs her shoulder which she pulls her to standing, and she quickly pushed her to the tunnel wall. The emerald eyes girl went speechless looking the violet eyes girl glaring on her.

" There's countless case when people that's assumed as Quirkless that then suddenly developed their Quirk. Hei, ever heard a term "late bloom"? Just believe in miracle, Midoriya. God never test His slave more that they can bear."

" Plus, you have dream, right?" Izumi points to the notebook on the forest green haired girl. " This morning, I was also there, Midoriya. I saw that you were talking with that man. I saw he gave you a thumb up. Can you see it? You already have someone rooting for you."

" You also want to go to U.A, right, Midoriya Izuku?" Izumi grabs both Izuku's shoulders and she starts to shake her body. " Don't give up on your hope. There's always a rainbow waiting after the storm."

Izuku starts sobbing. " There's a limit on how you believe on miracle, Kakyoin-san. I already give up the "late bloom" crap long ago. I always pray that even the petty one, that least I will be given the chance to be equal-"

" AER YOU CAN EVEN KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN TOMORROW?!" Izumi shouts, which made Izuku quiet altogether. " If you just listen what people say, that's it, you lose! You won't go anywhere by just let flows made by people around you push you around. Everyone have a strength called hope-"

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