↪ Interviewers

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The interviewers of the community are chosen after a short interview

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The interviewers of the community are chosen after a short interview. They help in either recruiting members and/or interviewing up-and-coming artists. They are answerable to the Founders and the Captains of Interviewers.

The assigned character is Colin Creevey.

Interviewers are divided into:

🐉 Mischief Interviewers (2/5)
The Mischief Interviewers interview authors, graphic designers, artists, etc. about their works for the community's magazine. They will work as a drafting press member.

🐉 Recruitment Interviewers (2/5)
The Recruitment Interviewers interview applicants of certain roles, like that of administration, during the process of selection. They assess an individual's abilities and proficiency and state whether or not the person is to be recruited.

The Potterheads wishing to apply as an interviewer must uphold the following rules, and complete the necessary steps.

꒰⚡꒱ Kindness.
This is the most important rule. Be kind like Luna! Everyone is here to make friends, so let us all spread positivity towards each other and grow together!

꒰⚡꒱ Collaboration.
What's collaboration with the context of within a community, you wonder? Well, it means teamwork and cooperation! The Dumbledore's Army is here with a purpose to unite everyone. Clarify your doubts, and find yourself among us.

꒰⚡꒱ Activeness.
If you're interested in joining us, try to be active and take part in all the activities hosted by the DA. We'll be glad if you mingle with us!

꒰⚡꒱ Creativity.
Creativity is the important factor in interviewing. Come up with interesting, mind-boggling questions.

꒰⚡꒱ Socials.
Discord is compulsory. Having discord eases communication, and there will be a lot of fun activities in the community server to take part in. There will also be an interview server for you to interview people in. Pinterest and our Chat Book will also be available for communication, but the preferred means is Discord.

꒰⚡꒱ Form.
Kindly fill the form neatly, and in one comment. We don't want haphazard forms with each info commented beside the criteria. It makes it really hectic for us, so kindly co-operate!

꒰⚡꒱ Enjoy.
Your time here is solely meant to be enjoyed, and we're strict about that! >:]

꒰🦉꒱ Community.
Kindly give the community account a follow. Tag: ꒰ DA_Community ꒱.

꒰🦉꒱ Founders.
Kindly follow the founders as well. They work hard for the smooth functioning of the community! Tags: ꒰ g-lil-ginny && pxrfectly_sxrene

꒰🦉꒱ Reading List.
Add our hiring book to a reading list of yours.

꒰🦉꒱ Shout-out.
Give the hiring book a shout-out. This is to inform that we exist, and are open to new Potterheads. More the merrier!

 More the merrier!

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Activeness on a scale of 10:
Hogwarts House:
The designation of interviewer you are applying for:
Are you a Potterhead (fun question!):
Do you have discord?/willing to get an account?:
Experience (if any):
Have you followed the rules?:
Tag Potterheads you know (3+):

Fill your forms neatly in one single comment! Fill it inline or in the comments section!

Fill your forms neatly in one single comment! Fill it inline or in the comments section!

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