A Rose for Love

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Guru Z knew who is holding Rosa?

This whole situation was getting way twisted for my taste. Up until now, I was under the impression that Rosa may have seen something about her past and had gone to her old place to investigate may be. I was secretly hoping to catch up with her at the mansion itself. I am not a coward but I am not a daredevil either. Despite my exceptional power of teleporting, I have never been the hero kind. If I think about it, all the good and brave things I have done in my life were because Rosa was there to lead the way. She would always take a heroic decision and I would bumble around, trying to make sure that none of us get killed while being brave.

And now that she is gone, I am seriously losing my nerve every other minute. As if the disappointment of not finding Rosa at the house was not enough, I am strangely saddled with the responsibility of this Sheba girl! I feel she knows more than she is letting on. But maybe I am just being paranoid. Rosa used to say that I have an un-trusting disposition. Whatever that means!

Oh God! Is she going to pop up in my head every second?!

“A penny for your thoughts!” muttered Sheba next to me.

“Umm…here we are. You can spend the night here. It’s my room but I won’t be using it tonight, I guess.” I said showing her my room, finally reaching it.

“Wow!” Sheba said.

I scanned my room once and almost turned red!

Damn, I had never noticed that I live in such a trashy way. There was stuff littering every available surface.

“I know it is a little messy but I assure you, no funny stuff is lying around. You can relax… Or maybe you would like to stay elsewhere…”

“No no…Don’t worry. It’s very…cozy? I will manage” she said with a smile.

“Alright then. I better be on my way to see Guru Z.” I said turning.

“Uh…Spike!” I heard her almost whisper.

“You wanted to say something?”

“I just wanted to thank you… I was pretty sure I was going to die alone in there. Thanks for bringing me here and saving my life.”

“Oh! It’s no problem… don’t worry about it” I mumbled and left her to go back.

I don’t know why, but this Sheba person was making me feel weird. I doubt I am ever so aware of my awkwardness around people as I felt around her.


As I was about to knock on Guru Zen’s office door, somebody touched my shoulder from behind. Out of instinct I teleported and appeared 2 feet behind my previous location, ready to attack.

“What the hell, Carl?” I almost shouted; “What are your doing sneaking up on me like this?”

“I didn’t mean to startle you, Spike. I just wanted to talk to you a minute.” He said tightly.

“What is it?”

“I just got to know that Rosa has left the CCs and… and nobody knows where she is.”

“How did you get to know about it?” I asked.

“Well…I kind of heard you mention Rosa when I was leaving Guru Zen’z office and I rushed to her room, but she wasn’t there. I went to my room wondering what could be wrong and I found a note from Rosa there.” said Carl.

“She left you a note too?” I asked incredulously.

“Umm… yeah, she did.” He admitted, almost shyly.

I couldn’t believe my ears. Rosa left a brief note in her room, addressing nobody in particular and only stating that she is leaving the CCs. There was just a PS for me, asking me to not come after her. And she left a whole personal note for this guy?

I get a post script and he gets a complete note?

Wow, that hurts!

“Spike?” Carl was looking at me queerly. As if I had gone deaf or something.

“What does her note say?” I asked.

“Dude, it’s kind of personal.” I could see indignation in his manner.

“Look Carl, Rosa is in grave danger and it would be best if you share whatever you know about her so we can rescue her from a possible horrific fate.” I gritted out.

“Danger? But she said it is nothing to worry about…” he murmured. Then in a dream like motion, he pulled out a piece of paper from his jacket and held it out to me.

I opened it carefully and read Rosa’s words, my heart sinking with every passing second…


I am leaving the CCs to look for some answers about my past.

My visions are getting clearer and I can’t just sit around in the false safety of the CCs anymore, knowing that my family needs my help out there.

I had hoped to see you one last time before I left, but may be that was not to be.

I can’t tell you where I am going and when or if I will be back.

But that doesn’t mean I don’t care…for you.

Know that you are in my heart and in my thoughts wherever I am. Always!




She loved Carl? I felt numbness drain over me the moment I was done reading the note.

“Spike! Carl! What are your two doing out here?” Guru Z emerged from his office with a frown on his face.

“Guru Zen…”Carl started but Guru Z cut in; “I believe I told you to go to your room Carl. We will discuss about your sessions and trip tomorrow. And what have been holding you up Spike? We must not waste any time.” He said turning to look at me.

“I think it would be better if we include Carl in our quest Guru Zen. He may know more than us.” I said, handing Rosa’s note to Guru Z.

 “After all… Rosa loved him more than anyone else.”

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