To Shout and to Fight

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Ch – 6

After my very obviously jealous admission about Rosa’s note, Guru Zen called us both inside and demanded an explanation. While Carl started telling him all that he knew, I sat there numbly thinking about what it all meant. I had been Rosa’s friend for more than 8 years and I thought I knew her more than anyone else. But apparently, like many other things, she had been keeping her love-interest a secret too. Here I was imagining that she loved me too, getting ready to sacrifice my life for her stupid suicide mission and she was going around with Carl behind my back! She could have at least told me how she felt about Carl and saved me some very embarrassing admissions about my crush on her.

Damn it! Of all the girls in this world, I had to go and give my heart to the only one who didn’t want it. And what is it about this stupid Carl anyway. Other than his super strength and speed I mean. If you ask me, he can be an athlete but not a gifted one! I mean, my powers are way too cool when compared to his.


And what can he do? Move a ton of weight with just his pinky finger and move like flash? That is all I have heard of or seen even. And he doesn’t seem very bright to me either. Dumb and slow are the adjectives I would give him if I had to describe him. I am even taller than him!


When I find Rosa, I am going to demand an explanation. I seriously could not see an attraction there and not that I think Rosa is shallow or anything but she is so pretty, the least she could do is have better tastes.


What the hell is wrong with me?!

The love of my life is struggling for her life somewhere in the clutches of a rabid wolf pack and I am wondering what she saw in Carl. I will have to rescue her first if I want to win her heart. This thing with Carl must be a passing phase, an infatuation. Although with all the mature things that Rosa does normally, this seems really immature! And what was all that “xxx” nonsense in that note? Has this worthless, piece of junk kissed my Rosa? Has she kissed him back? Was it good?


Great! There I go again!!!

I better stop torturing myself and find a way to save Rosa. All this nonsense could wait. She is my friend after all, more than anything else.

“…and when I returned tonight, that is when I found her note in my room.” Carl was finished.

In-fact for the past 10 minutes while I had been busy with my inner battles, Carl had been explaining something to Guru Z.

“This changes things…a lot!” Guru Z said.

“What do you mean it changes things? We already knew Rosa has left to sort out her past.” I said puzzled.

“Have you not been listening, man?” Carl turned towards me questioningly.

“Listening to what?”

“It’s not just about her past or her parents’ past anymore, Spike. Her present and her future depend on it too.” Carl said, while Guru Z seemed lost in his own thoughts.

“I am sorry…but I don’t follow.” I said, getting confused by the minute.

“What Carl is trying to tell you is that if Rosa fails on her mission, she may not come back… ever.” Guru Zen said abruptly.

This night just keeps getting worse! If I have been rendered speechless once, I have been speechless a hundred times.

“Guru Z, I want to help. Please tell me how to bring her back safely and I will do everything in my power to do it.” Carl was talking again.

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