Pride Month Tribute(nsfw)

209 4 7

Republished because half of the story was missing.


Notes at the end.


It was the 1st of June. The rain had finally stopped and started to clear up, it had been raining since night. Now, it was sunny and mud puddles could be seen clearly.

Law had opened his eyes after a nice sleep of listening to the pitter patter of the rain hitting against the roof. He was yet again, on another island but this time he wasn't doing any voluntary work, he was here for vacation.
He sat up from his bed and stretched his arms out until he felt a very familiar presence beside him, snoring quietly away. Suri. Right, they had accompanied him to the island. (They did plan out this vacation in the first place anyway)

Law smiled a little bit with little blush covering his cheeks. He really loves them.
He looked to his side, out the window, he saw a rainbow-after-the-rain. It was pretty, the colours were not overriding eachother, they were separated neatly.

He then realised, its the first day of Pride Month. Haha, he wonders how they would celebratethis month. Since he celebrates it by just being him(ehe) and also supporting other queers.

While lost in his own thoughts, Suri awoke as well. They realised their lover was staring out the window, seemingly lost in thought. Well of course he would, it is the first day of Pride Month. They had planned it already. But they needed Law to agree because consent is hot.
They lifted their arms and put them around his stomach, squeezing it lightly. "Oh, good morning love" he turned his head towards them and looked at them with adoration filled in his eyes. Just how were they able to score a man like this!?

"G'.. mornin..'.." they said, still a bit drowsy. Law stared at them. He still stared at them. He had still stared at them. Their eyebrows twitched before they admitted defeat, "Fine fine..I'm up, I'm up." They sat up and yawned. Causing Law to yawn as well. "Hah! See you still want to sleep more!" They said energetically.

Law rolled his eyes playfully, "It seems you're already energized, did you transfer your tiredness to me? Hm?" He teased with a seductive 'hm?'.

Suri blushed a little, "i- well what if I did!"

"Then I would be going back to sleep and leave all the household chores to you...." he trailed off. "For the whole month."

"Okay okay stop, you win" Suri didn't want to do all chores for a month repeatedly. Law successfully won. What did he win? Amusement.

"Mhm, I'm gonna go get changed out of Pajamas." Law announced and put out two of his legs so that he could stand up and go get changed.
But when he turned around to walk to the bathroom, he was met with a chest. Suri. They had made their way to the other side of the bed so quietly, he hadn't even noticed.
Then, his chin was tipped up and a pair of lips met his.

They were kissing him.

The kiss was soft.

They broke the kiss and asked, "Would you let me ravish and give you pleasure for a whole month?" They breathed, "And also allow me to conduct a party for the celebration of Pride month?"

Law was struck between shock and embarrassment.

"Of course you can reje-"

"I... give you permission to do so." Law answered. He looked to the side and was blushing, "And either ways, you already do that..."

Suri blinked. They realised that way too late.
"Well- this one is gonna be special, I'll include sex-toys, tentacles(do not ask me how they would achieve that), urethra insertion, prostate vibrators, and lots of love!" They said shamelessly.

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