𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

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Law woke up to someone hugging him from behind. He was a tad bit confused on who that was.

But the odd thing was, he never felt discomfort or intimidated by the presence. Even if he was naked.

He looked around the room and analysed that it was around midnight. He felt little pain on his lower parts.

Thats when he realised, this someone was his soulmate. 'Suri..' he thought. He remembered what had happened last night and covered his face with his hands as a scarlet red blush was spread across his face and ears.

There was another thing bothering him.

The thing was, he had knowledge about "multiple soulmates" shot into his brain.

As in, how we download updates into computers, right? Thats what happened to Law. He suddenly had knowledge about it. And theres no explanation about it.

Same thing happens to the other party.

When the soulmates finally have unwavering feelings for all participants, they get knowledge about soulmates. Like an update.

Though, they cannot talk about it because once they've gained knowledge of it, it'd be like they'd always known it and never will have a reason to discuss about it. Thats why, theres so less info about it.

Hey, remember when we mentioned the "unwavering feelings for all participants" bit? Well, that applies to everyone. If they don't return their love to the other participants, they'll simply be removed from the whole Soulmates agenda.

But if they do return their love, they stay in the Soulmates agenda.

Sometimes though, the system gets rid of some soulmates. And there is no explanation for this either. The system works in mysterious ways and it is not important.

And right now, some soulmates of Law have surprisingly not at all lessened or rather gotten rid of...



It seems they truly love him.

Anyways, back to Law blushing madly.
His little movements had awoken Suri. "....hm..can't sleep..?" They asked. Which startled Law and made him look at Suri with wide eyes. "Ah.. n-no.." he stuttered.

Suri's breath hitched. Those beautiful gold eyes were on full display and they were fucking beautiful. It was looking as though they were glowing a bit. Strange but beautiful.

"Suri..?" Law asked after a moment.

"Huh? Oh uh yes darling?" They responded.

"You were spacing off a bit there" Law said.

"Who wouldn't be when your eyes are so beautiful, darling~" Suri said in a seductive tone.

"I- stoppp.." Law was shocked and was now covering his face with his hands. Blushing under his hands, once again.


They both snuggled to eachother and fell back asleep.


This time, they woke up at daytime. It was 7am. Birds chirping could be heard. And light rain was there as well.

The perfect day to finally relax.

Law pried Suri's hands off of him and sat up with slight pain in his lower back. He should take some pain killers. The 'slight' pain was bothering him.

He put a hand on his lower back and made an attempt to stand up before arms made their way to him and pulled him into being carried. (Bridal style)

"Darling, don't move yet. I'm sure your lower parts are hurting. Let me take care of you" Suri says in a sweet voice. Taking Law by surprise.

"How.... How long were you awake?" He genuinely asked.

"Since midnight"


Law was at a loss for words. I mean, what should he say? 'Get some rest'? 'Go to sleep'? 'Why were they awake since then'?  Did they wait for him to wake up so that they could stop him if he does something hurtful to himself? A lot of questions and yet to no prevail does his voice come out. His mouth opens and closes, not knowing on what he should say.


"I'm..out of words to say" Law would end up saying

Suri would laugh, amused. "It's alright, how about I talk and you just listen?" They suggested.

"..sure" Law agreed.

Suri smiled and put him back on the bed as they went to Law's closet to get clothes for him to wear. Suri was already wearing clothes.

"You know, we were so surprised to know that you were our soulmate. We couldn't even believe!" They mused.

They put on underwear and pants on Law. Careful not to cause discomfort.

"But we were too madly in-love to just let go of you.."

Next, they put on a black tee with a brown sweater on top.

"And, who would be so stupid to not be in-love with someone like yourself.."

They brushed Law's hair and kissed him on the lips, softly. Law gasped.

"We love you" Suri chorused.

A deep shade of red would appear on Law's face as he quickly stammered, "I-I love you all too"

Suri only smiled as they cupped his cute face and stares with adoration.

They would stay in silence, basking in eachother's presence.


This chapter. I forgot to publish it. Kkeowokwkk2o2l1l

I need professional help. So do you.

Lets jump off of a microwave together and grow wings and fly to the sun and live on it as we prank scientists and astronauts by cutting off some bits of the sun and throwing it towards them<3

Words: 883

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