Legacy Dimensions: A Ghostbusters Chronicle - Fallen Gods

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Legacy Dimensions:

Fallen Gods

Volume 1/Book 1

By:  Braudrick, J.

Visit www.youtube.com/@BOLT84 for more information about the book or the series in general as well as updates on all topics related to Legacy Dimensions.

Legacy Dimensions: A Ghostbusters Chronicle
               Volume 1 Book 1: Fallen Gods
       Copyright Ó 2023
John P.



"Where does life take us?"

That's usually a question that gets asked at some point in our lives.

And, yet we still live our lives aimlessly. The thought of a short finite life has not diminished our reserve of hope or help create despair.

The possibility of something beyond the veil has always been fascinating. To learn that Death isn't the big bad boogeyman we should all revere.

It's merely a door to another world.

What wonders.



You fancy yourself a good story, do you? 

That's right.

I'm talking to you.

The one reading this Narrative.

This story is something that will expand your whole reality on what you think Ghostbusting is all about.

I'll be your Narrator as we journey through a new Dimension and embark on wild exploitations from ghost harvesting to inter-dimensional travels. And everything in between.

We will jump right into things by starting where any good story should.

The Beginning.

But this isn't your traditional origin point. Because there is multiple, technically.

This one, however tells the whole story. You'll soon realize this before we're through. But the true beginning is in the end.

I know it sounds confusing but the golden egg that finalizes this maze will be beyond worth it. I assure you.

While the story progresses, I will chime in from time to time when necessary to explain things when our main characters can't quite do so.

So please enjoy as I tell my side of the story. This will be from the perspectives of the characters as well as my own.


       We'll begin in a very familiar place, most definitely all of you will forever know this iconic landmark and its origins. Every single buster has walked through its gigantic halls on each floor or slid down its famous poles. You might even be hearing the sound of the bell in the back of your mind right about now. It's usually a byproduct of such nostalgia.

This first segment will assuredly seem confusing and undoubtedly feel out of place at first but remember no story is complete without its opening.

So, let's dive in, shall we?

Chapter 1

"Got a package here." a postal courier yells walking up past the Ecto-1.

A young woman with jet-black hair pokes her head up from behind an array of computer screens.

"Whose it for?"

"It's a return package from Dr. V."

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me. Another one? He's gonna be pissed."

"Oh, don't I know. Where do you want it?"

"Janine!" the young woman screeches.

A scamper of feet starts to shuffle on the above floor and begins to make its way towards the stairs. A sound of high heels can now be heard echoing the main halls as she descends with each step in a hastily manner.

"What's going on now? Did we get another weird Doppelganger? Oh, please let it be a giant weird monster or ghost. God knows I can't take seeing a version of myself yet! Or another version of anyone else for that matter. ", She said rather hurried coming into view.

The young woman starts to look at Fred kind of awkwardly as she turns to reply back.

"No, but it's uh, Fred with another return package for Pete. Where do you want it?" the young woman relayed still with an awkward look on her face.

Janine replied softly, "Oh." realizing that civilian ears are present.

Upon seeing the package though, she quickly went back to outburst mode. Beginning with screaming, "And damn it! I told Peter that Oscar wouldn't be there. That little mister is going to be in trouble, mark my words!" Janine says screaming and shaking her finger as she approaches. 

"So.....where do you want it?" the young woman urged.

"Just put it in his office." as Janine points over in that direction, aimlessly.

Fred looking around speaks up, "Where is the good doctor anyways? And what did Oscar do this time?"

"That is a wonderful question and complicated to explain right now I'm told. Our friend Oscar has gone missing." the young woman conveyed.

"Again?", Fred said with a soft look of shock.

"No, this was like eight months ago. We just haven't found him yet."

"With so much chaos going on around here I lose track sometimes, but my god.  Eight months? You all keep a tight lid on that it seems. I had no idea." Fred said wide-eyed.

"Yeah. Most don't."

"I'm just surprised." Fred confessed.

"Why's that?" Janine asked.

"I just figured you all would be more worried than upset."

Janine gives a sour look and then proceeds to walk away towards her desk as the courier hands the package over.

"That's the complicated part.", the young woman finally answered for Janine.

"Oh. That boy's middle name is complicated, just like his father!" Janine exudes before plopping down in her chair and laying her face down dramatically.

With a look of bewilderment, the Postal worker started to turn around to walk away when he saw a man striking a funny resemblance to the doctor himself at the top of the stairs. He jerked his gaze back to make a sound before stopping abruptly.

The young woman had quickly put her hand up as if to stop him from speaking. Like she already knew and then gave him a wink. Quickly following that up with a mimed move along gesture with her hand.

Stunned for a moment, the Courier glanced back up, and the figure had disappeared. Fred turned around and just continued to walk on out of the Fire House confused, speaking to himself, "So much mystery.".

Back inside the building, "This is going to be harder to explain if he doesn't stay upstairs out of sight." the young woman said talking to herself as well.

"What's that Kylie? You're mumbling, I can hardly understand you." Janine's head still planted firmly on the desk.

"Nothing Janine." as Kylie walks away shaking her head with the package in hand.

A few minutes later, a loud explosion of thunder crackled to what seemed to be right outside the fire house main doors.  The sound and blast were so intense, it blew the garage enclosure wide open as debris and a dense smoke dissipates away.

Kylie and Janine cover their faces and duck for cover. But the event had ended as quickly as it started.

"What the hell was that?" Janine exclaimed.

"Uh, you might want to come see what's gracing our doorstep right now." Kylie stammered from farther out front near the Ecto-1.

As Janine ran to the Door, she took one look and yelled "Egon!!" at the top of her lungs.


Now that we've established the nostalgia and completely broken the fourth wall by speaking to you personally my fellow reader, I leave you with the perspective of your main character now.



*Flashes of light*----------------*Incoherent talking*

Where am I?

*More flashes*-------------*Chopped, broken language heard*

"(Muffled noise) you (Flat tone) me?"

Broken sentences?  What's happening?

*More flashes*------------*And we start to zoom out*

*Things start to come in focus*

I'm lying on the concrete face down. But why? And who is around me?

​​​*Getting our bearings and rolling over*---------------*We zoom out further*

How did I get to the Fire House? And is this new concrete? Who cleaned up New York? Was I out for all of this? Wait...

I don't remember any of this.

This can't be.

Can it?

*Chattering becomes louder*------*A foot kicks me*

"Are you hearing me?"

I'm seeing old franchise patches on their uniforms as I look around.

Wait a minute.... They're wearing old jumpsuits!

What did I miss?

What year is this?!

​​ "He must not be hearing me. It could be his helmet. Egon, give him another kick."

I realize I should probably say something now. Or she might tell him to do something more than just a kick after this. And did I just hear the name Egon?

Releasing the mechanism on my helmet to my front cover, it opens to reveal my face.

I hear footsteps move back, hurriedly as I wiggle my helmet off, I must have scared them.

"What's going on? Where am I?", I speak.

"That's what we'd like to know Mister." a female voice, that could now be heard, said.

"Why are you wearing that patch and what kind of gear are these gadgets? Firstly though, what dimension are you from?" a male voice could be heard.

"He's got to be from another one Egon." A slightly jovial voice spoke. 

​Dimension? Did I jump? I was only supposed to time travel.

Clearly this is the past though and these guys just think I'm from another dimension because of how I look. Yeah, that's it.

But did he just say another one?

Did someone come from another dimension here?

Oh, I need my head to clear.


​Thinking that, I pause for a moment as a memory starts to flash in front of me. I see a hand grasp me and I come back to reality.

"What the hell was that?", I shake off the moment in a rather spaztastic manner as everyone continues to look over me in an odd manner still.

"What year is this?! And who the hell are you all?", I snap as I start coming out of my original haze.

"You're not making any sense. Calm down, we're the good guys." a new individual spoke up in a deeper more familiar voice.  "Just tell us your name Son."

And with that very familiar set of vocals, everyone and everything came into perfect focus. I saw where I was and who was with me.

Not only am I laying in front of an intact firehouse, but I'm also having a conversation with the original Ghostbusters and Janine Melnitz. 

Just standing in front of me like gods.

Ray Stantz, Egon Spengler, and Winston Zeddemore or Z for short as I've always known him as.

All side by side staring down on me.

But what led to this wonderful outcome. Had I defeated Gozer? What happened?

I don't understand any of this. Is this the afterlife? Or the new timeline I created?

I know my downfall was probably going to happen in the battle of Gozer in the end. I just never expected this to follow afterwards. And what I mean is. I never thought that I would still be a part of it. Being alive.

This isn't the ghost dimension. I don't think.

So how did I get here?

Was that flash of memory the culprit?

If I jumped, and I changed history then this should all look accordingly. But why now? At this specific time?

And where are all my memories?

This is just great. Just what I needed.

I breathe in and speak up.

"I'm Jasper. And I haven't the slightest clue as to how I got here. Only that I should point out that this shouldn't be."

"And what's that supposed to mean?", Ray questioned strongly.

"Who are you really? It says Venkman on your gear?"

"Gentleman, gentleman. Let him get to that." Z said.

Had I changed my timeline?

They don't seem to have an ounce of knowledge to what I'm saying. And why would they? If it had changed, they would have been oblivious to it. So perhaps they were mistaken on the dimension jumping after all.

Still doesn't answer why Ray said another one.

"Who won World War 2?", I asked hastily.

The group gives each other odd glances before looking back at me.

"We did. What does that have to do with anything?" Z said rather annoyingly.

"He jumped Z, that's why he asked. Am I right?" Ray said sounding fascinated.

"I did, I think. But when did you use nuclear bombs?"

"Well for us, it was the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. But...." Ray said trailing off.

"Wait, what do you mean 'for us'?" I asked.

"That's a story in and of itself. Why don't we hear your story first and then we'll tell ours afterwards." Egon explains.

"Well, I need to regain my memory so it's our only option."

"Then start at the beginning." Z spoke up in his deep voice.

"Whatever this might be, I'm just glad to see you all." Jasper gushed.

"Do you know us traveler?" Ray said curiously. 

"Not personally but I know who you guys are. Sadly though, you guys were way before my time."

Another look of major confusion and now concern, swept across all of their faces and Egon was the first to speak up.

"What do you mean before your time? When do you actually come from? And were we all dead? Please be a little more specific. In your dimension, what happened to us?"

This time Z chimed in, "Whoa, whoa fellas. How about we take him inside and get away from all the prying eyes. We've got an audience it seems.

Looking around we can see there is a bit of a crowd starting to form around us. Even a postal carrier.

With an arrival, such as I made, I'm sure it alarmed many. 

And yet, I can't help but feel a wonder of joy that I to get to experience this reality as I look around.

Z walks away from us putting his hands up spouting "Nothing to see here Folks, move along." as he starts corralling the crowd.

"Z is right, Egon. Can you walk Jasper?" Ray said as he looked down at me.

"I'll go grab a folding stretcher."  Janine said running in the firehouse.

They begin to get me up when I lose my balance and smack my head against the pavement. Quite hard too, if I may add. My focus starts to fade in and out once more just as Janine was walking out with the stretcher. It was quick.

"Well, good thing you grabbed that." Ray says before he face-palms his shaking, disapproving head.

Janine walks up as everything finally fades to black.

**2 Hours later**

I wake abruptly, immediately sitting up whilst boisterously breathing.

I see that Janine and Winston are positioned in chairs in front of me. And I seem to have been moved up to one of the beds upstairs in the old bunk rooms.

Only this time I've been taken out of my gear.

You could clearly see it was mid-day from the window and both Janine and Winston were half asleep waiting for me to awake.

My burst of energy broke Janine out of her dozing and she nudged Z.

"Hey there champ, take it easy. You really took a nasty fall out there." Z said groggy.

"My gear caught me off balance."

"Yeah, speaking of that. What is it? Is that a Proton Pack? You had so many toys, we didn't know what to think. But your patch suggests you're a ghostbuster of sorts and I would assume that's all our equipment just heavily modified. Am I right?"

"Yes, in a sense. A lot of it is your equipment just drastically enhanced as you said. But some of it goes way beyond your level of expertise." I explain.

"I'm assuming you're referring to that surgically implanted port in your left rib cage. Or hows about that battle armor while we're at it." Z said intrigued.


"Well do you want to tell us anything about how you got here?" Janine finally breaks her silence.

"Where are you from? WHEN are you from for that matter? You said that we were before your time. When?"

"I'm from a dystopia compared to this reality. A timeline that didn't follow the same outcomes yours did. And the results came to a head at the year of 2134. The year I'm from."

"2134? That's insane. We're just finishing 2024. How come you came to our dimension?! Are we in danger? Oh, my head. I need to sit down." Janine exclaims starting to get ridiculously flustered.

"That I'm unsure of. The last thing I remember was a bright ass light and having a hand grab my arm. Then I woke up here. I'm not even sure where HERE is. For all I know I could be dead right now."

"Well, that doesn't make me feel any better. Are you implying that this is somehow the afterlife?", Janine says sitting looking defeated.

"I frankly don't know. I do, however have this feeling like I know the answer and then, nothing."

"Sounds like some amnesia.", Z explains.

Scratching his head, Z stands up and starts to walk towards the pole in the room.

"Well, I'll go get the guys and perhaps we can all get to the bottom of this. Now that you're awake and all. Hopefully we can jog that memory of yours.", he says turning to the firemen slide.

Z slides down and Janine stands up.

Janine pointing as she spoke, "Why does your uniform have a military presence and why does it have a 'Venkman' patch? Are you related to him? And who the hell is Ghost Corps? What's Casper? Did you watch it or something?"

"You're like a question machine. I assure you this will all be explained here shortly. But can I ask for some water by chance?"

"Yeah, I'll go get you some water and then you're going to tell me everything. I don't care if the guys are still downstairs. You're going to give me some answers!", She spoke quickly, looking about to walk out of the room with an almost impatient gaze about her.

"I'll just tell you this for now, I never thought I'd get to meet the famous Janine Melnitz.

"Oh now, I really need to know!", She seemed to lose her stiff stature and relax a bit with that comment as she walked out of site with a bit more ease.

Now if I could just do the same with the rest of them. They probably see me as a threat still.

As I lay there in that bed, I started thinking of where to start my story for the guys. But a shadow swept passed the corner of the room where the bathroom door is in my peripheral and it quickly caught my attention. I begin to hear footsteps, but they seem to be walking away from the bunk room.

Rather odd.

If the guys are downstairs, and Janine just left.

Who else is up here with me?

I didn't see Peter, maybe it was him? I would imagine he'd want to know why I'm wearing his name tag.

Just then as I was finishing my thought, Janine walked back into the bunk room with a glass of water from the kitchen in the next room.

"Is there anyone else up here?" I ask curiously.

"Uh, um, no. Not anyone but us."

I eyed her suspiciously.

"Oh, because I could have sworn I heard someone in the bathroom."

Janine gave a hesitant look as if to say, 'You're right.' But stuttered for a moment before blurting out "Oh, uh Tully might be back already. That's probably it."

She then looked away as if embarrassed and held out the water glass.

"Okay, so this is going to be a major blast from the past. Gotcha." I readied myself still eyeing her. Being careful not to break my line of sight as I take the glass.

Janine laughed nervously but was still refusing to make eye contact as she walked away from me to sit down.

Why does it seem like they're hiding something? I guess that little curiosity will have to wait for when they explain their story. If not, I'll ask and see if it gets another guilty reaction. I'm sure someone will crack.

Just about that time we could hear Winston coming up the stairs with the rest of them.

Maybe Peter will be with them. I have so many questions.

What would he say to his great great great great grandson?

What will he think?

Chapter 2

​As I sit there in anticipation of a thousand questions, I can't help the feeling of being bothered by not remembering anything after that arm grabbed me. Hell, I can't seem to recall anything before it either. Not a thing for what seems like the last few days, but I could be wrong. I think the last thing I remember was my demonstration of power over my personal apparition and then afterwards it's just a blank. Nothing.

What in the actual fuck, happened?

"We finally awake there slugger?" Ray said rather jovial as he and the gang walked into the room.

But sadly, Peter was not with them. I figured he would have been the first through the door.

"Yeah, I think I'll survive. I'm a bit woozy still. But I got to ask, where's all of my things?"

"Don't worry we've got them somewhere safe. Just didn't want to have to haul you upstairs in that stuff. Geez, it weighed a ton on its own. And I thought ours were heavy." Ray clarified holding his back in show of the results.

"I'll advise you to leave your curiosity of the objects you possess now, alone.", I say in an authoritative manner. "It's highly complicated tech. And I Don't want anyone accidentally getting hurt." I say strongly.

Everyone in the room shot each other suspicious looks and even in my dizzy nature, I still noticed.

"No one has touched the equipment, right?" I ask curiously looking around.

Ray and Egon, both in unison quickly blurted, "No, no." while both trailed off out of sync, repeating their response.

They both shot each other another glance before returning to my gaze.

They messed with something. Typical. But I'll let it go for now.

As I look over these giants among men standing before me, I can't help but realize they look a bit younger than suggested in my studies. Maybe a change in their diet after my supposed reset? I mean it's not like they look a decade or two younger, but definitely less distinguished than what I've witnessed in my history. All I can say is that they look good for their age if this is indeed 2024. I guess I'll find out soon enough.

I really need to ask where Peter is. Whether if he's on the way or not so we can go ahead and start. But I hope he shows.

"Right, okay then. Uh, another question. Where's Peter?" I change subjects.

"That's part of the later talk on our story, but what's he to you specifically? We've seen all of your patches and even your pack's readout said Venkman on the user interface. So, I'm guessing you have to be a distant relative of his or something. Given that you're from the year 2134 as Winston stated downstairs." Egon explained and deduced.

"Yeah, it blew my mind when I heard that.", Ray said putting his hands on his waist. 

"He's my great great great great-grandfather actually."

"I knew it!" Ray screeched.

Z chimed in.  "Wow, Peter having a hand in helping create five new generations of Venkman's? I could never have pictured it. Still don't know if I buy it though.", he said before stopping abruptly.

"Wait? What about us? Did we have any kids from your time?" He suddenly questioned realizing his findings of Pete's life.

You could see the impatience in his eyes as he leaned forward in anticipation for the answer.

This was going to be awkward to explain.

Especially to this man! 

But, not nearly as awkward as explaining the sad truth in the end. I truly idolize this guy. He helped shape my foundation. So, this is tearing me up. Not to mention, having to relive it again in this trip down memory lane when it only happened a few days ago it seems. How do I explain out loud to someone that their entire existence might have been wiped out and that somewhere in there that I might have been the one who caused of it?


The guy who fell in love with his great great great, great granddaughter.

And asked her to marry him.

The thought catches me off guard.


Why didn't my mind go to her first?

What's wrong with me?

In a hurry, my brain panics.

Where's Yasmin?!


My mind goes haywire over and over, I can't remember. If I'm here, did she die? Did I get her out? Why isn't she here with me?

So many questions blur passed me.

I'm useless it seems.

I shudder for a second, physically. But course correct by taking a deep breath as to not alarm anyone of my discovery just yet.

But inside, this realization has just hit me. And all I want to do is curl up and die now.  Did she really die?

How do I move forward now?

The thought scares me, but suddenly it becomes quite clear.

For her....my Yasmin.

She'd want me to move on and work with her great great great great grandad. And that's what I aim to do.

So, I take another breath once more and collect my thoughts to refocus.

"Well as a matter of fact, you guys did. But I'll get to that. Calm down. You guys wanted to hear my story and where I came from. So, I'll start from where my world went into chaos."

"Well, I'm not too keen on the fact that you used the word did.", Z nails.

A silence washes over the room as we both lock eyes.

Me and my dumb mouth.

I really didn't want him to catch that. Yasmin always said he was too astute for his own good. He pointed out the exotic gear, now this. I'll have to be more careful around him while continuing on.

Just thinking of that though, has made me slightly tear up. And I think he saw that because he gave me a reassured smile and leaned back as to end the tension.

"So, when did your timeline go haywire? You said World War 2?" Egon asked eagerly speaking to me as he stared at Z before catching my gaze.

"Yes, that's correct." I said nervously.

"Okay, now I can hear the Venkman in his voice." Z helping verify a side note and sounding much chipper than before.

Everyone kind of chuckled while taking a seat
around me where they could.

"You were saying?" Egon said impatiently as he finished correcting his seat.

I try and relax to come out of my awkward moment. Perhaps maybe, I can get through this after all.

"In our timeline, Germany dropped the first atomic bomb on New York near Manhattan in 1944.  Ultimately crippling our nuclear division and relinquishing us of our masterminds behind it."

"So, the Manhattan Project never happened." Egon said as a statement reluctantly.

"Um, let me think. Yes, that's correct." I say grasping my left forearm realizing something helpful. "Yeah, and can someone do me a favor by go grabbing my bracer? The one with the display on it? It was on my forearm."

Egon straightens up from his slumped position in interest.

"What's it do?" Ray said curiously looking back at me. 

"It's a database or codex really. Nothing harmful. Plus, it helps control some of my peripherals for my uniform and other devices such as traps, my pack and so on. It'll really help while telling you guys about my past. I learned a lot about my history, but even some details are lost on me. So, I need it you see."

Ray and Egon shoot another quick glance to each other.

"I'll be back in a jiffy, go ahead. I'll catch up."

Ray says as he stands up and runs out of the room as fast as possible.

"Hitler had bombs in '44? How? Our Hitler never even had a bomb." Z professes watching Ray run out of sight.

"That we know of." Egon corrected.

"We only learned that his sudden fascination had come from an outside source. Not much information was found on it other than that his initial response to an atomic age was nothing more than a laughing remark about it. But then shortly afterwards, he suddenly sprang into action on gathering the best and brightest minds that hadn't already been recruited elsewhere. This was in early '44. My main objective in my present timeline was to destroy Gozer. If, in the event that things had gone wrong, then plan b would be executed. Which was to go back in time to stop the cataclysm that started my nightmare in the first place, from happening."

I just can't remember more for some reason. And that bothers me. It feels like someone cut out a piece of my memory.

Did the jump cause this?

Well, I'm here, so that has to mean Plan B was the successor in the end and that Gozer had to be stopped by jumping. The only part that doesn't make sense is that I am here, now. Not in my timeframe.

I can still only recall that I was standing in what looks like a portal or bright light around me as the hand grabbed my arm after in the end. But that was right after that massive.....

Just about then Ray walks back into the room a little winded but has the bracer in his hand.

"So, I heard something about a fascination before it faded going down the stairs. Not sure what I missed but when did your world get hit with a cataclysm? Was it '44? Ray said apologetically as he catches his breath handing me the bracer. And then it begins to come to life on its own.

Looking it over, I give it an odd look and Egon catches notice.

" Is that not it? What's wrong?"

" No, it appears to be mine. It just doesn't come to life without connection to a power source such as a trap's cell or in most cases an eMooglie device."

Dropping it, the device loses all life as if it hadn't even been prompted to wake to begin with.

" Fascinating. It must be touch sensitive or reactive. Is that not it's normal functionality?", Egon pushes.

" No, not in the slightest.  Firstly, it needs a power source and it's downstairs. At the very least, I'd need a trap cell as an emergency alternative. Generally, we start the sequence with an eMooglie"

I grab the bracer again and it springs to life. What in the world is going on?

" What's an eMooglie?", Janine pops off.

" Small personal device used for global communication."

" Oh, that phone looking thingy you had on you. We thought that's what it was.", Z said sounding relieved.

" Phone? That's so retro. We just called them PPDs or a moog."

" PPD?", Ray questions next.

" Personal Palm Device"

" Ah, I see. Well, uh. Maybe jogging your memory will tell us why this thing I grabbed is acting differently than your used to. What exactly was it that you were going on about as I was leaving?", Ray finished.

Ray shoots another glance at Egon before correcting his seat. Either they feel uneasy, or something is going on.

Looking back from the bracer to him, I slip it on my arm, "You're right, where was I?"

" I asked if the cataclysm began in '44.", Ray refreshed the conversation.

"No, 1944 started things as I was saying. We ended up relocating our base of operations to Boston at Harvard University. There we doubled our efforts and began to develop an arsenal. There would never be an enemy like this again if we had anything to say about it. So, by '45 we had a worthy armament capable of decimating any and all threats."

"Hitler only used one? He didn't hit with a mass attack having had a head start on your military?" Z questions.

"Remember I just said he originally made a laughing remark about it, right? Well even with his informant's info, he was still arrogant and thought that one bomb would be enough. With as cocky as that man was, it makes sense. We didn't take that approach. And this was our downfall in the end.  Hitler may have started the atomic race, but we ended it and with a vengeance that overshadowed anything in comparison from before or thereafter. We sacrificed so many innocence's of others in the wake of our onslaught. Which only aided in the destruction of the veil being broken from the aftermath that ensued once the dozen or so atomic bombs dropped across the Motherland."

"My God!" Janine said with a ghostly blank expression of horror on her face mumbling to herself. "A dozen? That's just bonkers."

"We didn't stop there.", I said shaking my head back and forth. "While that was being carried out, we simultaneously hit Japan to show that we never forgot about Pearl Harbor. You said you dropped two on them? That's it? We dropped about eight and destroyed the last surviving dynasties in history including the emperor."

"Holy mackerel! The United States were not messing around trying to send that message. "Ray blurted and then paused. "That much destruction though." He said shaking his head.

"Yeah, we didn't need to worry about what that message sent to everyone else because it soon didn't much matter compared to what came next. In our world when World War 2 ended, World War 3 started automatically. Only with what we thought were aliens at first believe it or not."

"Having twenty or so atomic bombs dropped will most definitely have an effect on your reality. So how did the spooks appear? Was there a major baddie involved? You said aliens?" Z pushed.

"The alien part was what we thought was happening. What manifested were rifts across the world once the dust settled and so many people hadn't a clue as to what to make of them. Not until a mysterious sparkle ridden figure appeared in front of the great pyramids that came complimented with two death hounds. One on each side. Many took it as a sign from the old gods and thought it to be a revelation from the Book of the Pharaoh's. But soon we learned the name of this entity."

"Gozer." Egon said flatly ominous.


"So, what form did it take in your world?" Ray quickly asked.

"Form? We never got that far, I guess. We just ended up dropping a few more atomic bombs on the pyramids and destroyed the entity. According to our records, every rift in the world had a massive eruption of power that surged from each of its epicenter's. From that surge, a sea of ghostly figures came washing out of each rift before closing for good. It almost seemed like the rifts were all connected to the focal point from Giza. The Ghost Dimension, as we call it, must have been neutronized from the blast of the atomic barrage."

"So, your world just thought that using what created the rifts in the first place would be alright to use to close them. Got it." Z says sarcastically.

"We originally didn't know we had caused it. And naturally finding something unworldly, when we were on the precipice of a new technology only made us use it in defense." I defend.

"So, the pyramids were used as a conduit? Ghost Dimension?" Egon mutters to himself then speaks up. "Continue, this is all very fascinating."

"Hold up, so you beat Gozer in '45 by using atomic bombs. How did you all survive the rest? What did you use to bust some ghosts?" Ray asked inquisitively.

"Well to answer that, I have to take you down the first two years of the hardest time in our history. We couldn't keep using atomic bombs. So, anything and everything that could be useful was a necessity. Reconnaissance was very difficult, so research proved challenging. We learned in the beginning, but not quickly enough that most ghosts only come after you if you make any human sounds. I mean like the sounds of talking or making any sound that even hints at the spirit of life. Sign language and finger snapping techniques were taught and applied. But with that aside, we could be as loud as we wanted with walking or dropping things." I explained.

"Let's just put it this way, you could play a full game of basketball next to a gaggle of apparitions and they'd never know you were there unless you made a sound with your mouth. I guess it had to do with the frequency of the actual life essence a person had that lured our enemies to us.  I, as of right now, still don't understand how that could be. But here we are." I professed honestly.

"You make it sound as if they were all blind or something. Could the atomic blast have caused them to weaken before they were released? From all this equipment we found on you, it's daunting to think you never figured that out. Given that you've had almost two hundred years of research that could have been had and all." Egon says almost in a scolding manner.

"To be honest, the fact that it happened kept the population from plummeting and allowed us a fighting chance. I'd say why look a gift horse in the mouth?"

"And spoken like a true Venkman indeed." Z snorted with a laugh.

I laugh nervously. I'm not sure if that's a bad thing or not from his tone.

"You said the first two years? Did you guys come up with something to use against the ghosts or what?" Janine suddenly blurted out in a slightly high pitch tone.

"Jeez Janine, let's take it down a notch. Will ya? You want us to lose our hearing before he even gets the story out?" Z said massaging his ear canals.

"He's taking forever!" Janine jabs.

After we all cleared the ringing out of our ears, I continued.

"Taking shelter was paramount in those days, not to mention keeping quiet. Just a sneeze could mark instant death for you. The worst part of our invasion was when you finally got heard. The ghost would take over your essence and use you to kill as many of us as possible before making itself commit suicide to destroy the body it inhabited. If in the event it wasn't already harmed to the point of death. The entities would make the inhabitant it was controlling almost superhuman. A group only needed one host to get possessed and it was over.  This is where some of our earliest forms of technology stemmed from. The harvesting of ghosts to possess superhuman strength."

"So that's what that port is on your rib cage." Egon said leaning in closer to get a better look.

Just as he brought that up, I suddenly remembered my entity that was with me at the end. Where did Tress go? I have a feeling I'd learn everything I need from her about what's happening.

Snapping out of it, I answer.

"It is. As well as the others on my back and neck.", I say beginning to point at him. "You were the mastermind behind the design. You created the first prototypes and first few versions before your work was carried on by another."

The room fell silent again.

Egon sits there perplexed and seemingly speechless.

"Wow, Egon not asking a million questions right now is almost unbelievable. I have to applaud you kid. I think you did the impossible. You broke Egon." Z congratulated with slow hand clapping.

Egon sat there looking like the hamster in his head was just about to lose his mind running for dear life. Just mumbling things and using his fingers in a pantomime fashion.

"Is he going to be okay?" I said with a bewildering look on my face.

"He's just in his own little world right now. I'm sure you triggered the time he almost drilled a hole in his head. He swears it would have worked. So, with you telling him that he had full access to body augmentation probably broke his natural thinking ability at the moment. Hearing all of this, I know I'm shocked. But I think his brilliant mind has taken it a few steps further."  Ray quickly assured.

"Keep talking. He's still listening. I think. Maybe it'll snap him out of his trance. You said ghost harvesting? What's that?" Janine urged.

"Yes, and I'll get to that soon." I assured.

"Oh, why am I not surprised.", she mumbles as she folds her arms.

"So how did your world survive?" Ray redirected with a chuckle.

"We honestly had no idea of what we were up against. Ghostbusting wasn't even heard of. Let alone a theory yet at the time. So surviving was rough for most of the population anywhere."

"How low did the population get?"  Janine couldn't help herself again.

"We believe the event caused about sixty percent of the world to be wiped out. What remained took refuge in quiet, desolate places. Many people took to going underground where sound dissipates through the foundation."

"Sixty percent, you gotta be shitting me!"  Janine blurted out.

"Once we found out how to keep them at bay as far as speech went, the whole process became a lot easier.  It was still a challenge don't get me wrong, but we didn't have to live in fear as much as we did the first moments this all occurred. It was nowhere near the original simple lives these people once had but things were looking up." I droned on.

"You said that these ghosts would attack and possess the bodies. How did you guys fend them off with their super strength and all?" Ray poked.

"Well believe it or not, we found that iron actually defended against an apparition. Whether it was in caporal form or in a host. The metal composite would weaken the entity. However, it did not help the host it was occupying.  As the body was severely beaten to death before the ghost would vacate. They were no doubt more powerful in a host's body than caporal form, but for some reason no match for something as simple as iron. I mean, selenium is very conductive supernaturally as well. Makes sense other materials would have a connection. I'm just not a metallurgist so I can't confirm."

"So, what happened to your government? Who took control of the situation?" Z's military background sprang to life it seemed.

"Just a minute, I'm getting to that. There's just one other thing that turned the tides for us. And that was sound waves."

This seemed to wake Egon up or break him from his own thoughts because he asked the very next question. And to my surprise, no one even flinched at him snapping back. Glad to see my history books stay true.

"What kind of sound frequency does your organization use? It's quite effective."

And there it is, my confirmation of what they'd touched so far.

The reason behind all the side glances they thought I didn't see.

I looked at him knowingly and asked in a flat tone.

"Hand me my trap please. You clearly messed with one if you're making that statement. So, hand it over."

It was Egon who then began to laugh nervously and repositioned himself in his chair yet again. Knowing damn well what he had done.

He looked at the guys and they all seemed to have the same look I did. Cause I'm sure they also knew, given they were with him.

I sat there waiting patiently with my hand out as Egon pulled out a cylindrical object.

It was about the size of a small thermos, and he placed it in my hand.

I'm guessing he had it in his lab coat waiting to ask about it. Probably because he couldn't get it open seeing how my bracer couldn't turn on with me being up here away from it.

I only say this because I expected it to be on him upon hearing the manner of his tone. He just reassured my suspicions.

I stare at him for one last second before looking down at my bracer and the trap.

"Before I open this, let me finish this part of the story. I'll explain how the sound works and then give a little demonstration."

"Get on with it already then!" Janine chirps. I of course, ignore her.

"The sound I speak of was later found by the end of our second year while these entities were taking over our planet. It was by accident really." I say getting more comfortable in the bed I lay in as I hold the trap.

I continue on, "You see a family had taken refuge inside a radio station and had been overrun by a swarm of these parasites. The father had been the first to be taken possession of. The mother, shortly afterwards. Their two children had managed to sneak by them into a sound studio somewhere in the building. The miracle of this whole story was that the room they found had an emergency backup power supply that needed to be turned on."

"So, you're telling us. These kids were smart enough to just switch on a studio like that. Is that what you're saying?" Z said confused.

"It kind of helps when it's the only button lit up on the board." I added.

"You know, you could have led with that instead of adding to the suspense." Z scoffed.

"Any who." I bolster forward.  I could hear Z mumble the word 'ass' under his breathe before I started again.

"As soon as the button was pressed the whole studio lit up like a Christmas tree and the last sound to be played on the soundboards caused every entity in the vicinity to flee quite rapidly. The sound wasn't even recognizable and almost unbearable to hear. And the power supply had just enough juice to stay powered for a few moments.  It seems its two years in standby had its final purpose as it quickly went back to its dead state for good. " I explain.

"What happened to the parents? Had the ghosts left the bodies. Did they survive?" Janine asked anxiously.

"They were fine actually. The sound blast had successfully knocked the entities out of the parents and left them a little worse for wear.  We later took this sound and added a significant boost in the clarity, not to mention the strength of the frequency to amass an unstoppable tool."

"You mean your trap you have holding right there?" Egon asks.

"Yes, it wasn't until we added a shriek later that helped create these. The sound was from one of our entities we call Banshee. It was found much further into our future but helped change the tide on how fast this war would be fought. We could clear areas twice, if not, three times as fast as before without the fuss of lugging baggage like a ghost around. It was preferably used as an offensive tool as opposed to its defensive predecessor. The shriek was more like a psionic pulse, and it neutralized many of its targets which were humans. We just reverse engineered the frequency until it made a ghost malleable for our needs."

"So, the frequency is like a tranquilizer for ghosts is what you're saying." Ray connecting the dots.

"Essentially yes, it helped with trappings as well as a weakening platform for destruction. I'll explain the packs here in a bit, but the traps helped with larger entities when we were going in for the null."

"Null? So, your group actually destroys ghosts in the future. Not just captures them I see. But if you had a trap, you had to have had a containment unit? I bet that thing was massive."  Ray continues to deduce and clammer on like a kid.

"Well go on. Open it already, will ya! "Janine pushes.

"Why the urgency? Who did we trap if you don't mind me asking." Now grasping an understanding of where Janine's impatience has stemmed originally it seems.

"How'd you know we trapped something?" Z cracked.

Averting my eyes from Janine.

"Cause it has a safety feature that releases when it's in proximity of an apparition. And it only closes when a ghost is caught in its pull and trapped. Plus, he just said a few minutes ago that the sound my trap emits is effective. How would he know that? Remember I said they are mainly used for offensive combat. Their primary function is to weaken a large apparition like a class ten or higher in ghost ranks for our packs to do the rest. So, they remain open when activated. On the off chance a fast entity makes it past our defenses, the trap uses it secondary function to trap the ghost for fuel or ammunition. Most Busters usually carry three of them. But to finish answering your question, you had to have had a ghost nearby to hear that sound. Plus, with Janine's impatience, it's obvious now. That's how I knew."

"Hold up, did you just say fuel and ammunition?" Z choked as he spoke.

"So weaponizing ghosts became a big part of your technology it seems with what you've said already."  Egon said pondering away.

"To answer both of your questions at the same time, I'd say 'that's correct'. The traps can create ectoplasmic cartridges that can be used for equipment powering or allow special weapon firing modes depending on your pack. But one thing at a time. Who's in the trap?" I ask again holding up the device.

"It's our beloved mascot Slimer! He's a big green blob with a teeth but he's our friend. Please get him out of there!" Janine bursted.

I sat there wide eyed and almost dropped the trap in my lap hearing that statement.

Do they not know who he is or what he's capable of.  I gave a noticeable wince while thinking back on times I've witnessed his mayhem.

How in the hell can this be?

There's no way in hell I'm going to open this damn thing!!

How did they tame his ass!

"Did...you say.... big green blob....with teeth?" I stammered on still wincing.

"That's what I said. And his name is slimer! So let him out already you jerk!" Janine prattled on again.

"Is there a problem here sport? It's just slimer. He isn't a threat. I promise you that. Well, unless you don't mind getting slimed. Other than that, he's harmless." Ray consoled.

"The version in my world was a threat we had to lock up in his own containment unit in the end."

"What?" Janine gasped.

"Interesting. Why is that?" Egon spouted.

"Because your containment frequencies reacted with him differently in the beginning than your other specimens had in my timeline. It caused him to consume the other entities and soon compromised any unit he occupied by bursting the laser containment grid. He fled quickly after that. And you all couldn't get him back. The torture from that undoubtedly made him hostile and made him extremely malevolent consuming all of that dark energy. The only ghost in our world that didn't take on the attributes the other entities all shared. Our version could see and hear everything. Nothing helped a victim to survive. He decimated anything and everything in his wake. These were from what we could read from our redacted files. We fortunately didn't encounter him ourselves until sometime in the early twenty-first century. But by then though, we had the necessary equipment to thwart off an attack from him and minimize casualties. We finally gave him his own unit after still having a few breaches from his initial incarceration. And that's what I remember hearing from our private sector about the entity you refer to as Slimer."

"If what you're suggesting is true, then why not just obliterate your slimer? You've said that you have the tools to do it." Z snaps.

"He's under research Winston. Didn't you hear? Private Sector." Ray explains.

Ray gave a knowing nod my way.

"Yup, my clearance level is Demon class. A top priority level access and even I didn't have authorization to see him." I let slip.

"Hmmm..." Egon muttered to himself curiously.

"How long since you trapped him?" I ask hastily.

Ray looking a little rattled after realizing why I was worried, "Um, uh two. Maybe three hours."

"Well, that should be fine then. Plus, if you say your slimer is harmless then he may not have the same afflictions to make such a malevolent characteristic come alive like my version. And these traps were designed much more intricately than your own versions too. Meaning they could actually hold slimer by himself and not hurt him.", I realize trying to reassure.

I take a deep breath and look down again quickly.

I look at my bracer and tap the general-purpose screen. Prompting the trap functions as soon as it appears afterwards.

I look up one more time before bringing my gaze back down to the release function screen for the trap on the bracer. Hesitating for just a moment before hitting the open command.

"Here goes nothing."

An eerie silence takes over the room before the trap springs to life. 

A curious 'whoosh' sound begins as if its releasing pressure and both the ends pop out like a sink drain cap popping up to allow the water to recede. A mist of smoke comes shooting out and a bright light projects from each end.

The sound clearly startled everyone, especially Janine. As she gave us a demonstration of how not to sit in a chair, falling from it on to the floor.

The trap is finally open.

With a snarled whine of a cry, Slimer comes shooting out and goes flying out of the room while Ray comes chiming in.

"You were right. He'll be okay. It doesn't look like it had any effect. And It's not the first time he's been trapped. Mind you a trap he's never been in. But yes, it most certainly won't be the last with all the shenanigans he gets into. So don't worry about him."

"Oh, I could care less if he's fine. I just personally didn't care to see MY slimer come forth as a result. I don't know if he was even called that in my dimension." I said flatly.

"Man, you really don't like any Slimer do you? You and your grand-paps have a lot in common." Z remarked.

"Well, you can't discount good taste." I laughed.

"Yup, a lot in common. That sounded just like him." Ray said before laughing hysterically.

"Neat little toy, I should have asked you to just turn him into a cartridge after hearing that was a possibility." Egon confesses.

"Well, we're glad you didn't Egon." Janine fumes as she hits his shoulder.

"Perhaps later on. But for now, you at least know the nature of this gadget and where it's origins spawn from."

"That's all fine and dandy, but how did we end up still being a part of your history? How did our families manage to survive all that before we were born?"  Z asked very confused.

"Well, you see with the sound frequency we found we were able to establish a bit of order in some cities by beginning to construct sound barriers around complexes to negate any apparition in the area. Iron was then used in construction of many of our bases. Underground bunkers were soon underway in this new direction of events. Slowly what was left of our government that you asked about Z was used to commission a unified coalition of paranormal investigators. But it was a long forty-year road until we had any chance of winning this fight. I've only told you the first-two years.  The next part will be much more interesting as it's where you guys come in."

"What do you mean that's where we come in? Don't tell me with forty percent of the population left that all of our families actually survived? I thought you were holding back from telling us earlier about our kids because some of us didn't exist. Now you're telling me that we were their only hope? Sounds too perfect or staged." Z came to realize.

"Well, that's actually how it happened." I proclaimed.

"As far as the families go, yours and mine in my world. They simply survived like any of the rest. They just happened to be the lucky few to remain with the living once help had been found." I continue.

"That led to your arrivals. You all were larger than life in my world. You guys helped change the course of history." I added loudly and then paused.

Remembering a fond childhood memory, I smiled.

And with a plain tone I finished by saying,

"You guys were our first superheroes."

Chapters 3

​"Now before we get into your counterpart's past. I have to ask. What did you mean by for us earlier Ray when you were talking about the atomic bombs.  And what was with that But?"

"We'll tell ya later like we said." Egon repeats as before.

"That's not good enough. I need to know so I can determine if this is my world or not."

"It isn't." Egon said plainly.

"How do you know exactly? You seem very sure of yourself."

"Because you're not the first one to come from your dimension. Some individuals from yours I believe already did but they won't talk. I only say this because everyone else that's showed up, from other dimensions I might add, has generally resembled the same features or likenesses as our own. But you're definitely the first to time travel inter-dimensionally. Perhaps you'll be telling us their story." Ray explains.

"So how many others are there? And where are these other visitors?"

"Scattered throughout the Station. You just didn't see them since you were unconscious." Z speaks up.

"Are they coming through a portal or breach?"

"Breaches. Our portal hasn't worked for quite a few months now. Going on about eight now. And I disassembled it to keep it from being used afterwards by anyone accidently messing with it." Egon answers.

"Hey, isn't that about the time Oscar went missing?" Janine connecting some pieces together.

"We came to that conclusion as well. We're not quite sure if the two are related but it's definitely not a coincidence, I think. Because shortly afterwards we got our first arrival. Kylie." Ray confessed.

"Yeah, she's been here long enough we just put her to work after a while. Apparently, you didn't see her either." Z added.

"So, someone could have definitely been creeping in the bathroom earlier before you guys came up."

"Probably. There's a lot of them." Z said giving a confirming slow nod.

I glance over at Janine without turning my head.

"Not anyone but us huh?"

She wouldn't meet my gaze.

"Sorry. Janine was just helping us keep a lid on this until we figured it out. Plus, we had no clue as to whether you were a friend or foe due to your differences in attire. Not to mention, the reluctance of information being given by your presumably connected colleagues. Did we also forget to inform you that your colleagues happen to look exactly like us too. As do a lot of the other guests that made it here with them. We had to keep it close to the chest so cut her some slack please.", Z said finishing shaking his hands together in a praying sense before interlocking his fingers.

"It just confused me when I didn't see Mr. Tully after you all walked in.", I explained.

"Louis? He's at a seminar in New Hampshire right now.", Z added.

So if there are others like them from my dimension here. Then that means my real great great great great grandfather is here somewhere. They probably won't know how to get back if they're still here. So, I have to continue forward on my own still. Let's start with what dimension this is then.

Could I be in the dimension I've witnessed through my portals back where I used to call home?

No. Because these guys look nothing like what I've seen in the magic gates back at headquarters in my timeline.

Those versions were much more distinguished as I noted before when I spoke about the ones in front of me right now.

These heroes could be seen from our locked gate back in HQ. In a dimension where the Ghostbusters aren't really the saviors anymore because they defeated Gozer once and for all. It's pretty much just a paranormal activity cleanup crew now. Which I guess makes sense if they did their jobs right.

Then where am I? Which version are these guys?

"Did you say it wasn't working or just locked? The portal that is."

"Not working at all it seems. Why?" Egon asks.

"Well, we created a portal in my dimension too. Only we could never use it. We tried everything. Egon couldn't even get it to work. I mean it worked; we just couldn't use it. Ours acted like it was locked from the outside. Like no one wanted us to get out. But we could see everything on the other side. It was only one channel and up until five minutes ago, I thought there was only one other dimension. Not multiple. We saw you guys but much older or rather more distinguished. The business was somewhat there but you guys haven't done any busting in quite some time. Just some new blood taking up the mantle now."

"Interesting." Egon ponders.

"It should, your grandchildren were the ones who defeated Gozer.", I add in.

He sits there with an incredulous look on his face.

"I'll place that on the back burner while I continue."

I say as I turn away keeping my eyes on Egon to assure him, continuing on, "We only got ours to work a few times, and no one ever went through it or came out of it. Egon shut it down after realizing the potential danger of the machine and what it could spell if it fell into the wrong hands. But that sounds a lot like the dimension we witnessed on our gate before it was mothballed. As Egon said it's been eight months or so and that's when we decided to check the portal. After the first ones arrived, that is. You know, to get answers. That's how we found out ours no longer worked." Ray enlightened.

So, they know about the dimension I saw. Could that dimension be important? I guess I'll move on.

"Hmm, so what you're telling me is my Peter is in the station?"

"Yes, but before we have ourselves a family reunion, might I suggest we continue with the story. It'd be helpful to know as to why all of you guys keep showing up. Assuming you possess that knowledge, I mean." Egon pushed.

"Right, let's see. The beginning was rough as I said. But our government didn't survive. Traces of it did with a personnel official here and there. It just couldn't match the sheer voracity of the attack. Especially the small and quick swarms. Nuclear arsenals ceased, due to the vast numbers of enemies in the attacks. We simply couldn't keep up with the battles. Which is about the time where we found our salvation during the final decline as we called it. Learning about the behavioral patterns these ghosts portrayed made this much easier moving along, but the sound waves cemented our survival."

"So, who took control of the government?" Z asked again.

"It took about a decade or so to get things back in order, but we finally started to assemble some sort of government around '55. It was at that time we had set up base of operations back in DC with key points along the coast including New York. Essentially all of your relatives met in the New York Branch. Egon and Peter had already been born. And Ray and Winston would be called Containment Babies like so many of the future children born into my world in a compound facility."

"From there they established a bit more order under a structured and safe environment. The following decade was set for rebuilding the infrastructure of our government and its finer points of progression. Anything of knowledge or value for the cause was sought after. Helping the forward movement of our civilization--school systems began again, and new areas of study were established. Mainly the research and development of anything paranormal. It wasn't until later that we learned to use that word more regularly. It would be the center of our lives forever."

"It was around the seventies that you guys started to focus on your studies. A bit earlier than your counterparts or even you guys probably. And your dedication was much more in depth I might add. Egon you went nuts with your schoolwork."

"Which isn't surprising." Z groaned.

"This is going to sound crazy, but to answer your government question Z.  It was once again you guys. I mean a government was established and there was order. But we didn't have a military anymore. So, when you guys came along, you set standards."

The looks on Egon and Janine's faces were complete shock. Ray seemed almost giddy. And Z looked like he'd been waiting for it. Like it was so obvious, but he had to hear it just to call it out as bullshit.

"It was Egon's theories and research that allowed you guys to build the first prototype packs and containment field. Not long after that the majority of the house voted you all into office. Taking each of your respected fields and building the foundations that we as members in my dimension lived by."

"Yeah and the next thing you're going to tell me is that I had a hand in building the containment units." Z scoffed.

"You actually did. You were an engineer and helped us with being structurally proficient in our rise. You were the reason I went into Engineering myself. So, it may not mean much but thank you. It helped me out a lot in the field handling equipment and taking challenges. Such as, making on the spot upgrades with my tech handler."

"Oh, come on Z, we were superheroes. This story just keeps getting better and better. Continue." Ray prattled on, excusing Winston.

Z just sighed and shook his head.

So, I continued as directed.

"In '84, you guys defeated Gozer but as we found out in the portal. So did your other counterparts as well. Only to have it come back in 2021. Ours didn't though. We believe our second encounter and immediate dismissal was more than Gozer could handle. It may have not fully healed from our very first attack. And with our world already overrun by ghosts, we were grateful for learning that. Even if we had learned it a decade or two later. Some of us might not have seen it, if it had. But since we hadn't seen the old bat in quite some time, we focused on rebuilding. That was until Gozer's prophecy was found and foretold on many hidden temples found around the world. And just for the record, we should have had a 2021. So, nukes work. Learning this though about the temples, you all established locations across the globe at these key points to observe the coming of Gozer once again. To await the third arrival."

"With our third coming of Gozer and the prophecies found all around the world, this set the paranormal military permanently in motion. Causing all other remaining nations to follow suit creating their own similar variations before ultimately joining the world coalition we presented the world."

"These were later referred to as Subbranches and held their own governments while answering to yours. Naturally, you're bound to have an obstinate group from time to time through the years. And ours was the United Kingdom. They always fought to outshine us."

"But these breaches at our affiliate branches were said to have already formed and were waiting for the precise time to crack. Who knows, we might even find them here in this dimension. But each location had a massive reactor containment unit built over its hell-mouth to keep the spirits at bay. These key locations were found to be breaches in our world to the Ghost Dimension in the end. So, they're watched relentlessly night and day. Or rather were, I should say now."

"In the '90's, this was the time where Egon went to work building the Infantry Division helpful ghost-driven machines with day-to-day tasks. Not to mention his side projects with Necromancy."

At the time, Ray was drinking his soda he'd brought along and promptly spit it out.  "What?", he coughs and collects himself.

"Now necromancy?" Z chimes. Ray is just sitting there wide eyed as he takes another sip. And Janine has been quiet this whole time. I'm in shock.

It was Egon who finally spoke up after being so engrossed in learning he was doing horrible things to bodies.

"When you say Necromancy. You mean...." Egon started as I cut him off.

"Exactly what I mean, you started experimenting on dead bodies to somehow bring them back with the power of an apparition. This little turn of events leads to the port on my chest you designed. The original prototypes of about two dozen or so versions lead to this final creation. The V22 or V2.2 as its originally designated."

"The idea fascinates me, but I don't think I could do that. And I'm not sure what could have driven me to accept the opportunity. I could see me doing this to myself, yes. But not on another living human being. Torturing them with psychological warfare is much more interesting to me. I get far more data to be honest." Egon confesses.

"Well, that's where I get to add just a small final piece to who runs your government question. Has anyone heard of The Thule Society?"

This time it was Ray who got uppity about the story.

"Oh, for Christ's sake, ok I'm with Winston now on the likeliness of your story. Are you telling me The Thule were involved in this too?"

"Ok!", I say sharply before calming. "This story has barely started and has quite a few more twists. Way more. So, let's chill out on the little tudes, can we? And, just so you know, I haven't even gotten to the good parts yet. So please bear with me. I'm only telling you what I know. And it is the truth. You can read it from official documents in this bracer if you don't believe me. But let me tell the damn story!"

Ray sat back and calmed down. He seemed reserve now. While the others sit in anticipation for me to start again.

"More twists you say?", he sound's intrigued once more.

"Yes, I still have quite a few zingers left so let me finish. Please.", I say directly.

He nods his head in agreement.

"Okay. Now, to answer your skeptical-toned question. Yes, the Thule ended up infiltrating our ranks when we first established our colonies in the first decade. Their society broke off from the SS to survive and made their way to us because of our arsenal. Since the world was no longer at war with itself, they joined our cause. Germans have always been fascinating engineers and helped guide some direction in our infrastructure. That is how you were able to overcome your ideology you instill, Egon. They were the ones that pushed you down that avenue. They were the guiding light on questionable things as that's what we utilized their skills for. But not entirely.  They're reasoning behind all of their involvement in our history was because a physical flesh and blood being appeared out of thin air, telling them to. The Thule stated that this being was a man that was terribly old and controlled everything from his wrist device."

Everyone immediately looked at my bracer, as I looked down too. Panic quickly filled the room it seemed.

"Don't worry, this is just a weird coincidence with my bracer. Allow me to put your worries to rest.", I say continuing on looking back up.

Everyone in a very impressive unison, exhaled all at once. Even I did. And then we laughed.

"Who was this man?" Ray said choking back his laughs calming down. Sounding very interested once again by his tone.

"He never gave his name. He was as mysterious as the other figure that handed Adolf Hitler atomic bombs. We only know his intentions were to help aid in the building of our cause. Or so it seems. We just never got those details in the end. All of our points of research can be stemmed back to that very moment when he arrived to better understand his visit. Or visits. We never ruled 44' out, but it may be unlikely. The Thule however, said they dare not go against the figure confessing that he had a strange power. He demonstrated an act of control on everyone in the room except the commanding officer, to establish complete dominance. Then had all of them take their knives or firearm and point it at their CO. Explaining to them the power he held if they even considered acting against these orders. That he was always watching. Even heard of a rumor that one individual actually did act out and was immediately executed where he stood without warning. And, without explanation I might add. This was way before the digital age. Speculation and hearsay are all that could be found of this. But whatever may have happened, they never went against us or lashed out like they did with the SS against society. This mysterious figure did all this and then vanished as fast as he appeared. As I said, no explanation to this day I'm afraid."

Janine finally decided to join the conversation.

"Where am I in all of this?"

"You're sitting here with us." Z smirked.

"Ha-ha-ha, very funny." She said in a snarky tone. "But seriously, where am I?"

I had to look down after she asked again.

"This is a little hard to say, but you died after the '84 incident. You were part of a recon team that got ambushed. This mission was meant to have you stay in the back in one of the iron armored vehicles, but you got out to help a downed buster. Trying to get him into the truck, this is when a ghost had slipped through your ranks over to you after battle commenced. Seizing your body and the rest I'll leave to your imagination. And due to the possession, you became quick. So quick in fact, they didn't have time to bring out the sound modulars quite yet. Leaving the remaining team, no choice but to open fire with their packs hitting you and the truck at the same time. Let's just leave it at that."

This room seemed to get even more quiet than before during its two previous silent moments. You could feel the pain wash over everyone.

"At least she went out helping someone." Z glossed.

"Yeah, and it's not like it was our Janine. Although that still doesn't make it any better. Let's just move on." Ray said hastily.

"I'm with Ray." Egon said sounding completely indifferent to the situation.

Janine just sat there quietly and looked a bit defeated.

"I know that's a lot to take in. But Ray is right. You're here alive and well. And if you're anything like your doppelgänger, I bet you're as badass as her too. Points for sass, can't forget that." I say trying to steer the mood in the right direction.

"It wouldn't even be fair to bet my salary on it, it's such a sure thing. So I agree. A total badass. All in." Z added.

Janine sniffled and whimpered out, "You think so?"

That seemed to cheer her up. Z always had a way with words. Something about his voice just made it all seem bearable somehow.

"I know so!  Don't you forget that little missy." Z served back.

She sat up a bit and got right back to being Janine, "Well go on then. Don't hold on my account."

I chuckled under my breath as I gathered my train of thought, "Okay. Where was I? Ah, yes. Ghost Corps."

"Ghost Corps? That's a funny name.", Ray scoffed.

I stop for a moment to look over at him and chuckle, "Just wait, it gets better."

"Was that what your dimension called its military?" Z cut in.

Looking back at Z, "Yes, in 2005 you all unanimously voted on the coined name from none other than Ray himself since he coined the name Ghostbusters for his squadron. Ray hated the name of our armed command. So, the name Defense Forces was voted out. Soon all members were called Ghostbusters as their title and joined the cause of the Ghost Corps."

Everyone in shock to learn it was Ray, start to laugh. Ray can't help but feel embarrassed now. 

He just smiles and nods his head in agreement before stating, "Yeah, I'd much rather hear Ghost Corps than Defense Forces all the time.", Ray smirked crossing his arms as he sat back.

"Ghost Corps began as the name, but soon was restructured to shape our future generations. Soon everything fell under the banner of Ghost Corps, leaving the government to found Ghostbusters Incorporated or GB Inc. for short. This allowed all corporations that had started during the rebuilding process years a way to unite and work fluidly with the military among other things. Remember that I said the second coming brought so many people together as believers. It wasn't a hard choice given that the military had everything too. And that is how our society flourished. We even had a GBOTC for the schools that all became academies for the Corps. Had to start them as soon as possible if we were going to survive and win this war.", I relay.

"So, the world was run by Ghostbusters. That's a scary thought." Z said looking down at the floor dazed.

"Just think of going into your high school classroom or lab and working on a proton pack though. You see the way these kids eye our toys like ravenous monsters. I'd bet knowing that you were going to get to possibly blow shit up in class would be fun as hell for any kid." Ray geeking out in his seat as he sits there imagining.

"You always see the good in things Ray. No matter how misguided it might be, I still appreciate it." Z pats Ray on the arm to bring him out of his daydream.

"From there we jump ninety years to 2095."

"Damn, now we're moving." Janine interrupts as she sits up in her seat.

"This is where we took back New York after the containment unit went critical and shutdown.  Leaving the breach wide open to overflow with whatever found its way through it. "

"You mean y'all hadn't had New York under control?" Z questioned.

"Not completely, we were well on our way to taking back the planet by then. But New York always had its mishaps being surrounded by sea on so many fronts. The only area of our world that we couldn't account for was the sea and the dwelling apparitions. These were of all sizes I might add too. There were entities that we'd never seen before. Whether or not they came from our world is still undetermined. They seemed alien in nature if you ask me."

"No telling coming from the Ghost Dimension." Ray assured.

"The task wasn't as grueling as originally done before in the past. We were equipped with upgraded packs with this go-around and the first generation of Demon Class were already in our ranks."

"What was so special about these packs compared to your originals? Or ours for that matter.", Egon asked.

"Well, I'll start by giving their proper designations. Our packs adopted the name, Quantum Ecto Rectifier or QER for short. Our technology had grown very powerful since the beginning. With time, yours will too. On ours, the designs were miniaturized, and more components could be utilized. The first redesign in the 2030's had incorporated diluted ectoplasm into the manifold to harness the power of the apparition's essence. It was outfitted with a single more powerful synchrotron. We called it the Mark II and it was a major leap in aggression towards the entities. Around the 2070's was when we created the Mark IIIs which took the human ectoplasm that we expel from our bodies naturally instead. This byproduct was double, if not triple the output of regular diluted ectoplasm. Giving us unprecedented power only dreamed of from before. This became a staple for our first fusion reactor. Our final pack the Mark IV, had been retrofitted with three synchrotrons housed in a Dyson sphere and was powered by a second-generation fusion reactor. When the secondary ability is activated on the IIIs & IVs and after the explosion occurs, a singularity happens. Meaning we end up establishing a quantum rift that closes rather quickly while destroying its target in the process. Thus, the reasoning behind the names. Now the Mark III and IV were accompanied by a device that extracted this human ectoplasm called a Bio-Extraction Unit or BXU for short. These had been commissioned around the time the IIIs were introduced. Demon class members didn't have to equip these due to their connections to their heart reactors behind the ports. But only clearance-level Demon were outfitted with Mark IVs generally. They were a bit too powerful for the untrained it seemed. Not many could use a Mark IV."

"I'm assuming you were wearing the latest?", Egon deduced.

"Correct, and not to say the unit can't be operated by someone of a lower clearance level. It just takes a modified rig much like the ones we used on our Mark I. The pack draws a lot of power from the user. So, a Demon is needed because of how much biological material our heart reactors produce. It's like comparing gas to nitrous oxide. With a tune-down, the reactor can maintain functionality at lower power outputs. But it's only recommended in emergencies."

Z and Ray looked at me wide eyed.

"Yeah, not like your packs downstairs I'm afraid."

"So, the packs are alive?" Ray questioned.

"No, the essence you excrete is a different frequency than that of a ghostly apparition. It is actually more powerful because it's intwined with a low-level life force. So, the packs harness that energy and create a blast the equivalent to a nuclear bomb in its various forms of special firing abilities. At least, that's what was proven with the Mark IVs. I'm afraid Mark IIIs never came equipped with a special ability. Ghosts, however, are dead. The power some produce is powerful, yes given that its death essence. But still way more diluted than our Life counterpart. We find that they are more useful when used as ammo."

"So, what does that mean as far as ghost catching again?" Ray said with a curious look.

"It doesn't. That's what he was explaining earlier. They don't catch them anymore. Not really. They destroy them all together now. Catching is just for artillery.", Z reiterated.

"Ah, sorry. I guess I missed that detail. I do remember you saying you obliterated them though. I did hear that part." Ray said shaking his finger in the air.

"You said various forms for special firing abilities. What does that mean?" Egon pushed on.

"The Mark IV has a special ability that shoots an atomic blast from its rifle and obliterates anything in a 200-yard radius from its epicenter. The Dyson Sphere helps multiply the output by three hundred percent. But it's the ectoplasm that keeps the blast small enough. And yet, with so much power it breaks things down on a quantum level. The neutrona wand just has a precise heavy beam that shoots out like a laser. Allowing one to slice through hordes."

"Three hundred percent?" Ray said coughing.

"That's a lot of power." Egon said sitting back in his chair.

"We kind of needed it with the odds we were up against. We thought we could see a brighter future ahead of us because of our advancements. We had no idea what was coming next."

Changing the subject, Z chimes in.

"Now you look to be about in your mid-thirties. Like when we first got into the business. Am I right? When do you come into all of this?" Z asked the question.

"I am. Turning 33 in a few months. And yes, I was just about to get to that.  You see, when I was born, I lost both my parents. I didn't grow up with family the way most do traditionally. My family were the people that took care of me. It wasn't love so much as it was grooming me for the Corps. I stayed in HQ mostly. But it was Yasmin that took me under her wing, and we became great friends. Yasmin was your great great great great granddaughter, Z."

Z was silent.

"Throughout my upbringing, Yasmin and I were inseparable. Even during Secondary Academy. Well, up until we graduated, that is. She went off to the UK for her Classification Division and I stayed to await my trials to become a Demon at HQ command. But in the end, we were brought back together for the final stint of my timeline. It was like nothing had changed. Most would say it was just a phase, that we knew this was coming. Making comments like 'You were 15'. And 'You should have known'. Instead, they just think we're naïve really. I mean come on. Like you know damn well you were young too once, thinking the same. But it was almost twenty years ago, so I'll let it go. I still thought Yasmin and I were different though. We hadn't talked in years, but I knew it was real. Even to this day."

"College at 15? Nice bud!", Ray boasts.

"Hold up, Ray.", Z uses his hand to stop Ray, as he looks at me." So, you're telling me that you were dating a sibling of mine?" Z finally speaks.

"Well more than that and that's kinda why I've been acting a bit peculiar. One thing to meet a dad, it's entirely another to meet the super Great Grand Dad."

Z just sits there and chuckles to himself.

"A Venkman and a Zeddemore in a relationship together. I thought I'd heard of everything." Z said still chuckling to himself.

"Well, that's what I'm telling you. And it's just about where this portion of the story ends."

"What do you mean?" Janine says sitting up quickly. "You didn't even explain how you got here!"

"Calm down Janine. I just mean the journey of my history is about over and now we are about to talk about 2134 entirely now."

Janine slumped back into her chair.

"Well now I wish you were done." She says as she crosses her arms before shooting right back up. "What about that Casper name on your helmet? You said you'd explain that."

"It's my call-sign. I mean it makes sense if you look at my name and my profession.", I say starting to chuckle stating something obvious I thought.

"Oh, yeah that does make sense. I just thought it was something a bit more interesting. Not as plain Jane as that.", she explained her reasoning as she slumped once again.

"So, you want something more interesting, huh? What if I told you a story about a ghost that I injected into my body that I could harness its power from to make you, specifically, splatter into pieces just by snapping my finger. Or if you accidently pissed it off, it would try and tear my insides out. How's that sound?"

Janine sat back up real quick again.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Tell us the juicy details!" Janine's eyes looked wild with lust for a gruesome story.

The guys all just looked at her and she realized that she'd showed a bit more enthusiasm for that topic than she'd cared to.

She just slinked low in her chair and giggled innocently.

"Right. So, you were saying? What about this ghost?" Z chimed in trying to look away from little Miss Psycho sitting next to him.

"This is where the main story begins. Where everything leads to our final bout with Gozer and the extreme twist of events that no one in any dimension could have predicted."

Chapter 4

Hi there fellow reader.

Are we enjoying the journey so far?

Well to add to the narration of this I wanted to tell you that this next portion will dive right into the time frame of 2134 part 1.

And shortly after you take the prescribed Intermission coming up, we will conclude with the second half of 2134.

Starting off, we will be hearing from Jasper's point of view, but we won't have the privilege of interaction with our beloved original heroes any longer till after this little stint. It just preserves the illusion of the story.

You know, like the way they did in theaters way back in the day for plays.

Think of it like you're watching the ACTUAL movie while Jasper explains it back at the Firehouse.

I know what all of you are thinking and yes. I'd bet money that the guys are grilling him with questions of all the sorts about what you're about to read.

Of this I have no doubt.


This part of the story just like the others have, needs to be quick as it's a bit long on its own without interruption.

As your narrator, I felt it was necessary as to keep you focused.

The culmination of all this is the true story. Where it all leads as Jasper said before. And the story that I really want to tell. As I know it'll blow your mind.

Didn't I say this would be a little confusing?

Well, I warned ya.

Twist upon twist. It was that to which Jasper had mentioned to Ray earlier.

Fitting. Very fitting.

Any who, I will chime in from time to time to clarify certain moments that our protagonist cannot as I've said in our introduction before.

So, without further ado let me set the mood and then I'll fade to the perspective of Jasper and the story once more.


We begin on a war-torn battlefield with heavy carnage ensuing. 

A clearly, outnumbered group of soldiers is getting ready to face off with entities that would make today's ghost stories look like fairy tales.

Their gear, while looking oddly familiar has a futuristic agenda about it. Even the starting sequence of its power gives you this overall warmth of nostalgia that has no rival. And, yet it still brings with it, a new presence you've only seen in your dreams.  Power.

The uniforms and battle armor scream something out of a sci-fi novel with a twist of dark military that we've never seen before. Just looking at it could make you think twice whether or not you were staring at an anime manga.

In the group, we have 4 individuals all taking a quarter line of site with their backs against each other.

All at once, after one snapped his finger the four individuals grabbed a device on their shoulder pockets. Which can only be described as a button box.

Once they grasped them, they each turned on their respective boxes quickly and tossed the box upward and away from of them. Throwing them over the monstrous horde moving in their direction. It was only after a few moments that the boxes started to resonate with human like voices from behind the masses. Causing the entities to stir up like a hornet's nest even more and flipping a complete one-eighty towards the sounds.

With another snap of a finger, triggers were released and an array of magenta and violet streams of life begin flying in all directions. And, just as you think your nostalgia is about to flare up again, something different was happening. They weren't wrangling these ghosts.

They were vaporizing them. On the spot.

With ease I might add too. It reminds me of playing that duck hunting game growing up.

And this is where I let the story begin....


*Clickity-Clack EDM song starts playing.

One individual taps a button on his heavily padded earpiece.

A voice begins speaking.

"Captain Peck.  Please advise your team leader Colonel Venkman, demon call sign- Casper. That his current assignment has been terminated. He is to finish any immediate affairs and ordered to return to base at once. Command wishes to extend a warm welcome back from your extended field trek. Over and out."

Peck tapped his ear again and signaled to his superior that they needed to double time with hand gestures.

Venkman snapped his fingers twice and the other three individuals including Peck, shuffled either left or right to encompass their leader.

While the team fire effortlessly upon the swarm of entities surrounding them, Venkman pulls out a large cylindrical device that looks no bigger than a soda can. He then presses a digital button on his interface peripheral located on his left forearm. This triggers an iris shutter port on his battle armor under his left pectoral muscle to spring open.

With another snap of Venkman's finger, the three took a step forward outwards from their circle, giving Venkman the space he needed as to kneel.

He took the cylinder and plunged it into the port as if it was to inject something into himself as he hit a trigger from the side to finish.

A bright purple flash appeared from within the device and then quickly disappeared behind the port facing finishing the injection sequence.

With a tug, Venkman yanked the cylinder away and collapsed to his knees and braced as the pain of absolute power takes over his very being.

With a low bellowing throat growl, the team halt firing, and the entities finally come at them ignoring the boxes completely now.

As Venkman stood up, his armor began to glow a dark ominous shade of purple as he gained his composure. He exhaled smoke as if he was breathing fire and his eyes had such a magenta glow it was hard not to be mesmerized at the sight of him.

But it was over before it even began. Venkman's natural ability is to teleport. Only he's so fast it looks like nothing happened at all. He merely disappears and then reappears. With devastating results. He can do hundreds of tasks in sheer seconds. Like precisely timing himself to skip through time while teleporting. All while blasting a precise shot at his target as he skips. Just the tip of the ice burg of what this hero is capable of.

The Team looks as every ghost in sight was neutralized as a wall of explosions fade away around them.

"Whelp, another job finished guys."

"Jasper, we need to get back immediately. HQ requested you personally bud."

"Oh Wallace, they always say that. Remember who I am? We'll go see our Overlords soon enough."

"You kid Cas, but I personally don't want to be crucified by those asshats. Being on this team is bad enough."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? You think you're too good for this team Peck?"

"Damn it Colonel, you know what I mean."

"Yeah, I do. Don't get your knickers in a twist, I know it's never rainbows and gumdrops with my outfit. So, let's pack up and go."

Turning my head from Wally, "Tom, you and Terra load the Ecto 3 with Peck while I take a leak."

"On it."

"You know it's going to take us four or five days to get back, right?" Peck jabs in.

"Yes Wallace, I do realize the trek ahead of us. I'm not very happy about it either. Yeah, I wish this could have happened months from now but, the whole point was to get away and we've done that now. We did all agree we wanted extended field duty to break away from all the preparation for Founder's Day this year since it's the anniversary. At least now, we can say we're refreshed and eager to get this event over with."

"If you say so Colonel."

"I DO! So go help Tom and Terra will ya?"

"Yes sir."

You could see the look of defeat on Wally's face and Jasper knew it. All that could be said was a sigh.

As Wally walks away from Jasper, the colonel adds in, "Just look at it this way, at least we don't have to drive. The spirit that inhabits the Ecto can be told what to do remember? So, if you want you can look at this as a week of vacation. Just crammed in with your comrades. Make do with what you got buttercup. As far as what I'm going to do, me personally. I'm probably going to sleep the whole way."

"Perhaps I kick your ass in drone training again! How about that!", a suddenly excited Terra screamed over by Ecto 3.

"Oh great.", Wally groans loud enough that only I hear as he palms his face in reaction.

I laugh, "See there ya go Wallace. Already making the most of the trip. Go keep the lieutenants in line. Will ya?" as the others burst into laughter.

And with that we pack up and make our way back from our long journey out on the terrains surrounding New York Headquarters. Trying to clear the infestations as we make a better tomorrow for our future generations.

Although we may be decades from ridding the world of any trace of our ancestors' follies, today I can say we're a little closer to that dream.


Arriving back at Headquarters was nothing more standard than getting out of bed.

It wasn't until we got closer to our division that things got weird.

For starters, our entire compound for Special Operations had been evacuated.

When we pulled up, we were greeted by a security detail that led us into our own building.

Most of the troops seemed to be on edge but not of my crew. They all seem to keep looking at me with curious wonder for some reason. Maybe these guys have heard of some of my experiences. Who knows. But something tells me I'm being called in because of my abilities especially seeing the state of the compound.

As they guide us through the main offices and back to where the laboratories are located, my gut starts to get its confirmation.

As we turn the corner to where our containment interrogation rooms are, I begin to see more troops and my Command standing over at the farthest unit.

"Ah Colonel Venkman" an old scratchy voice could be heard as we approach. We also see a hand raise to show where it came from behind the audience.

A short middle-aged man with apparent balding, squeezes his way through the gaggle that is between us as he continues talking.

"Welcome back, my boy. We were quite happy to see that your equipment didn't fail and that you made it back intact. Your technician is a heck of an apprentice it seems. Not many can handle the responsibility of caring for a harnessed apparition all on their own. Not to mention the upkeep on the equipment."

"Doctor Bernard, it's good to see you and thank you. Tom is no ordinary kid it seems. He's been one hell of an asset through this assignment." I say as I turn to Tom and give him a nod.

"We actually took turns during the task of caring for the harnessed apparition. The refreezing process was always the hardest to achieve due to the enormous amount of energy needed to make it possible, but we found a technique that the R&D Department could use. It's his design really. I just helped." I finished.

"We will definitely look over your debrief notes and reports. I'd be really interested in seeing what your equipment looks like after all of this. Just to get a better idea of how talented your technician really is. But more importantly to see how well your prototype for recasting the apparition in the field--faired. As I'm sure all of that is in your reports as well." the good doctor conveyed.

"While I'm thrilled to be welcomed back with such hospitality. And I'm happy that you find all of this fascinating. You and your team, that is. I doubt it was just to get us back for that. Do you mind telling me what in blazes I'm doing back? My team and I had an unlimited pass out in the field. Of which everyone, including command were thrilled about. Which frankly, I found refreshing finally. But please enlighten us on why we were ripped from a luxury vacation."

"Colonel!" a harsh voice said in a bursted cry from behind us approaching.

"Commander. I hadn't realized you were here too." I said sarcastically in a calm manner.

"It was I who called you here unfortunately. Wouldn't have been my first choice but desperate circumstances and all. But I see you're still sporting the same cocky asshole demeanor as ever. Apparently, it does run in your family all through their lives. You just take the cake I'd wager.", he says as he started to circle around me, continuing further with his speech, "Even though it seems we need you at the moment. I'd remind you that you are an officer in my military and answer to its call. Remember, I was the one who gave you that cushy away assignment. And even though it was to keep you away from my Corps, I have no qualm locking your ass up for good for even the slightest infraction. I could care less to your legacy name or what kind of Demon you've become. Let me be clear on what will happen when this new mission you've been tasked to do is over with. You will be decommissioned, make no mistake. So, whether we get passed this meeting or not, you're finished. No more field treks, no demon class. And most importantly, no Corps for you. Do we copy?", this average height, no special features, incredibly dull, military brick of a man just said to me.

"We copy." I say plainly looking ahead.

"That's we copy, SIR." He corrected in a disapproved tone

"We copy. SIR." I say mimicking and mocking his tone all while smiling and locking eyes with him. I then quickly turn, changing the subject to show how much I really didn't care. I mean the audacity of this guy. I can only imagine the looks on the other's faces around me or what they'd be thinking. From the looks of the ones I could see, only further confirmed that as there were only sheer looks of surprise and outrage.

"So, you were saying Doctor? I mean we don't have all day." I finish looking over at the commander. Which in return all I got was a blank look of death, so I know I nailed it!

The doctor stood there for a second and just looked back between us. He seemed unsure of whether or not to continue. Smart man after all it seems. And I was standing here hoping he'd actually grown a pair since I was away. Pity.

"Proceed Doctor." the commander assured while keeping his gaze on me.

"Uh, hmm. Yes, well...uh, two weeks ago we found an entity that was unlike any apparition we've ever encountered...."


Hi there again! Your friendly narrator here.

Wanted to clarify something real quick and add a movie clip into this scene more or less.

I'll explain the incident in detail as if I'd been there to witness the whole thing personally.

The doctor just explains it in a rather unremarkable fashion, and I just can't let that stand.

I know the gang and Jasper back at the Firehouse would appreciate it too, but they'll have to settle for the anticlimactic cliff note version from behind the scenes that Jaspers giving them.

So, to correct this we'll hear what actually happened to give it the proper justice it deserves. This entity after all is very important to the nature of how this all unravels.

   **Back at Command Security Center or CSC**

From one of the security cameras, a flash of light can be seen. It continues to pop and arc. So, an individual at security command calls in Special Ops Division for technical field support to accompany the security detail.

As the team arrives, they can clearly see what appears to be a rip in thin air. Spiderwebbed out like it was cracked. A breach, but unlike anything they've seen.

After observing this phenomenon for about half an hour, an object came through the rip. Or what we realized was a breach now.  The object, a mist, came pouring out like a wave of fog rolling out of a caldron.

One of the Spec Ops officers approached closer to the object, and it mimicked him. Making a humanoid version of the troop out of a portion of its mist. It was rather peculiar because we've never had an entity play with its enemies before. Not cutesy, like this. The entity even looked like it was reading the troops name tape before it went into defensive mode.

The Officer looked back at his comrades and the security detail with a look of satisfaction yet caution. He then proceeded to reach out as if to give a handshake. This is where it went all wrong.

The entity reverted back to its all-mist form and then enveloped the small team in an instant.

The cries of horror and terror as limbs were being ripped from their sockets and bodies being destroyed from the inside out as they explode. It was not for the faint of heart to witness such an act of pure evil.

As the mist dissipated to reassemble itself, it transformed into an orb no bigger than the size of a softball all while the camera captured this.

The detail on duty at the time didn't know how to proceed until they witnessed the orb spell Venkman into the ground surface.

This caused an avalanche of questions and immediate dispatch of a retrieval team to that location to apprehend this entity.

Sending the second team, they were outfitted with a bigger industrial trap the size of a push mower to ensure capture.

The CSC received the data on the entity from the massacred team, but for some reason it came back as inconclusive as to what they encountered. So, the second team took their own readings and as before it could not be read. Not a single bit of information was coming from the apparition.

As the troop taking the scan came a bit closer as the first team had, he began to wave his bracer up and down again to get another reading, being careful as to not agitate the being like before. The orb took a different approach and moved back a bit. Leaving the team, a bit calmer, but still nervous. It did, however, look like it was trying to understand what was happening though. Just more cautiously, it seemed.

Once the orb looked as if it wasn't threatened or curious anymore--it began to glitch in midair. To which the troop froze. So did ever other individual. The scanning troop finally thawed a bit after a moment of stillness. Then looked down at his device once more.

Somehow the bracer started to gather data and showed readings like normal. Perhaps the glitches from the ghost caused the transmission? Was it helping us? Trying to communicate further?

The new readings were showing that it was a class 7 deity and had a level of psychokinetic energy that could level a city. Very dangerous and unlike any we've faced thus far aside from Gozer.

The team began to roll out the massive trap device when the apparition floated over to it. Almost like it was observing and taking notes. But before they could get it into place, the entity floated into the armored Ecto Transport Vehicle or ETV and placed itself in one of the container jars. It was like it wanted to be captured. This was becoming more and more bizarre as the time progressed.

The Team had no choice but to pack up and make their way back to command to access the situation and take a closer look at our curious visitor. We made sure to have our packs and traps on the ready during the entire experience.

The team got the entity to command and just like it's curiosity at ground zero. It was equally curious once we arrived at our new location. It followed the troops right in the compound as if it was one of the team itself. Completely bonkers to say out loud. I mean we even disabled the safety protocols to keep the security system from firing on any entity in the no-ghost zones. Causing a huge panic from the staff thus causing an evacuation effort in the wake.

Once they arrived at the containment interrogation rooms is where the whole situation turned on its head once again.

Command decided to bring in a V2.1 Demon in to handle the interrogation as he had the best tech on premises to handle the entity or so we thought.

The Laboratory team rolled out the injection processing unit or IPU, much like the prototype the doctor was asking about earlier in conversation. This device is on an industrial scale and much more powerful.

It's pretty much the prototype's predecessor, only the prototype can be an EPU as well. Meaning it can also rehouse the entity into its pellet form for freezing. Created with miniaturized tech to recreate both processes on a sixteenth scale, the capability is fierce. And all while handling normal loads. Process times are still quick for its size even for being so small. But it doesn't come standard with a maintenance system on board like its industrial counterpart. Next design hopefully.

Back on the orb, it seemed to just observe and seeing what each of the team was doing. Just watching the volunteered Demon take his seat as he opened his port. He'd been told that the entity was a curious one. So, he gestured what his injector does in a pantomime sort of manner. Much in a way you would a child showing them steps in a sequence. He tried to recreate the similar moment the troop had with it from earlier.

The orb seemed most curious. Even more than before and moved in closer to the port as the Demon handed over the injector to the lab tech. This seemed to put the team on edge a bit, but the Demon played it cool the whole time. He's been carefully calculating this whole time when to pull his thrower if it comes to that.

It evidently didn't take the orb long to figure out what they wanted it to do at that particular moment because it injected itself in mist form directly into the port. It shocked the lab techs and completely freaked out the Demon. From the looks of it, you'd think he'd never done this procedure before. As it turns out this is not the way the system works. The sequence is much slower because of the size of the entity causing so much pain for the user as it goes through the whole process. Hence the need for an injector.

As this process took much longer than usual, it had finally subsided. Wearing off the effects, the Demon began to regain his bearing. Normally they test a sequence with an entity in a test environment. This allows the apparition to get a sense of its surroundings while being fully aware of the safety measures in place. This also gives us a better understanding of how each class react to such environments.

Seeing as how they bypassed all of that and the orb opted out of the figurative epidural, this can only get worse before it gets better, I'm afraid.

"Are we alright? How's he doing? Hey, uh what's this guy's name? He's a captain? Am I correct? Alright then Captain.", a voice can be heard over the intercom as it proceeds.

"Captain, can you hear me? Are you feeling alright? What just happened?" the voice came through again.

The Captain started to nod his head, "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. The son of a bitch I guess just couldn't wait for the injection process. It's fine, just hurt a little bit more is all. A lot more to be more precise but I'll live. Wasn't that the old method of injection? Let the ghost make its way into the port via ultimatum functions in the delivery system, I think. I can at least add my name to the ranks of that club and the first with a deity no less. I really can't....", he goes silent.

"What is it? Can you hear anything?" the voice again.

"I'm getting a lot of chatter. Only it sounds like roars, like it's a.... dinosaur or something. Maybe that's a bunch of voices I'm hearing all at once. Let me focus and clear the static."

As the captain sits there, he begins to jerk around his body ever so often as if he found a needle with that particular part and now, he's backing away. His eyes remained still and shut, keeping focus despite the sharp pains he was enduring.

It was only when his eyes shot completely wide open, did he finally speak.

"Sorry I got really quiet there. It was trying to find ways around the safety measures and take control, I think. It was either that or it was just really damn curious. But it backed off and went to work figuring out the purpose of the machine it willingly trapped itself in." the captain explained.

"You said you were hearing roars. Has it made any other sounds or said anything in particular?" the voice said sounding impatient now.

"No, it's still just a bunch of loud roars. Perhaps my neural interface can't understand it? Maybe it's a language our brains just can't comprehend. The subject is angelic in nature remember. Let's give the system another moment to catch up. New territory and all. Let me press the accept button in my head."

And just as he did as his statement said, it hit him.

The complete connection we were all hoping would come once he hit that accept. The dump that follows. You see the dump was a side effect from the neural interface as the system tries to learn to communicate with the entity. The reaction in this particular session seemed to be so powerful though, that it knocked the Captain out of his seat. After getting his bearing once again and signaling his well-being was ok to proceed, he sat back down. His gaze running rampant with bursts of confusion coming and going as he seems to decipher what he's witnessing. Only to his surprise did he realize it was scattered in pieces and not stitched together like most memories tend to resemble. But a voice could finally be heard. A female voice it seemed.


"I think I've got something. The memories are all scrambled. We ​just may not be able to load accurate renders of the places and things this creature has seen. It may not have ever been alive for that matter. That and the fact that our instruments are clearly at their depths being unable to comprehend a god's thought process. But I heard a voice." the Captain reported.

"Well don't leave us in suspense Captain, if you're looking for an invitation, I assure you it's been given. So do me a favor and share with the class what it said.", a now familiar high-authoritative voice began speaking sarcastically.

"Venkman. That's all I can hear. I don't even know if it can understand me due to the lack of data I'm not getting. As I'm sure your readings are showing just as well Commander. And I just wanted to say how happy I am you could drop by."

"Focus, Captain. So, there is nothing else? No clue as to why it's here? No clue on how it managed to tear open its very own brand-new breach right outside of the base? That's just great. A lot of good your tech did for us. Just another reason why I want to shut your division down."

"Well, you haven't tried the best tech yet then. Cause I'm definitely not it. A close second to third but no cigar winner here. So why don't you give the scary deity lady what she wants. And you'll have your answers. Boom! See there, I solved your problem sir. That's what my tech gave you. So, let's calm down while the class nine deity is in the room. Can we? I'd rather not upset it while it has access to my, well, EVERYTHING!" the Captain explained and then screeched.

"Due to the circumstances and the fragile nature of this situation, I'll let that slide."

The Captain chuckles, "Don't do me any favors. I'm just the guy who risked his life to give you a chance at answers. You clearly don't want to bring in the big guns like Casper or you would have done so already. We wouldn't even be having this discussion. Am I right? So, what's keeping you, Commander? I don't think you have a lot of options."

"Yes, thank you for that. But I'll remind the Captain that we follow a rank structure. Colonel Venkman is no savior. And what is it with you Demons and your sheer lack of decorum for military standards?"

"Well, call Colonel Venkman pronto then if you care to hear anything else from this unicorn you've captured. He may not be a savior but he's the option you can't ignore.", he demands sarcastically.

"And now giving orders no less, you Demons just can't help yourselves... I'll ignore anything I damn well please.", the Commander trailed off in the Captain's ears.

He was starting to hear further chatter. New words. But they were too faint to make out. He closed his eyes and focused deep through his subconscious to find an adequately silent space that it could be heard.

As he cleared his mind and reached his destination, the words stopped. And like an echo in a cavern, it came back one last time only in a whisper. But it was enough to make the Captain shit his pants without hesitation. The Commander completely broke off from his rant he was still going on about in the background, to witness a deflated, pale shade of a man just about to go through the worst kind of pain imaginable.

The phrase was "You have a lot of power. You look tasty." and this was the last thing the Captain heard before he started to thrash uncontrollably.

The lab techs hastily evacuate the containment field area in the room as the Commander watches his troop convulse on the ground now.

"What just happened?", the Commander demands from the detail in the room as he activates the emergency quarantine protocol and containment field.

"Uh-um, I don't know sir. It looks like the parasite put a massive ​drain on the system in an attempt to bypass the safety measures again.", a scared I.T. officer said fumbling through his words.

"Well how is the Captain?"

"He seems to be in a vegetative coma from the data. But his health won't last long unless we extract the parasite from his port."

"Can we even afford to attempt trying to capture the damn thing without pissing it off even further?", the Commander said to himself.

"On your orders sir, we're ready to deploy the counter measures and extract the entity.", a security officer said from the back of the observation room.

"And you have them, officers.", signaling a go-ahead motion, annoyed.

As the extraction team entered the room, the safety measures were lifted. A convulsing Captain could be seen foaming at the mouth on the floor near the injection chair.  The team leader pulls out some form of a portable extraction processing unit about the size of a ghost trap. Much like the prototype only never commissioned. But it poetically it works in conjunction with a trap for its version of extracting. This version of the EPU is used to wrestle the entity out of a host while a trap is used to contain them for transport to an IPU. This perhaps could the inspiration behind the second prototype. And we can see why. It's a primitive device.

The process was over in an instant and the target was extracted. Although, the Captain did not recover and was unresponsive as the medical team looked over him. The extraction team vacated the room and proceeded to the Laboratories.

And that, boys and girls is what really happened. Down to the letter.

So, without further ado once again, I return you back to your original broadcast.

This has been a special clarification announcement.


"So, you see, this is what was so urgent for us to call you back from the field Colonel. Under normal circumstances, you'd be the last to know about anything unless it was urgent.  And this is anything but normal. I've known your family well and have always respected you. So, I wanted you to know personally what this was.", the doctor finished looking hesitantly over at the Commander.

" That is quite enough Doctor. Take your team and prepare the lab for the test subject.", the Commander says sounding a bit gleeful in the end. "He'll be arriving shortly.", he finishes staring at me continuing his joyful tone.

Clearly and it's so obvious that I'm the test subject and I'm pretty sure the experiment has to do with this extremely dangerous entity. A combination that most assuredly will result in my death, I think. Or at the very least, he thinks.

Just the opportunity the Commander had been waiting for.

The Perfect Irony he'd say.

You can see it plain as day, written all over his face.

" So how do you plan on celebrating when I'm dead?", I said looking in the direction the doctor and personnel went.

The silence said it all.

" You know deep down, I bet you're gonna miss me. Yup, totally. Without a doubt.", I crack with a friendly tone turning back to face him.

" Labs. Now." the commander said flatly after a moment had passed. Then turned away sharply in a manner that showed absolute disdain towards me.

"He really hates you. Damn and to think I almost forgot about the misery you two used to put each other through when you all were kids. He really can't seem to let that go. Not even a vacay can make that slip, I guess. It's good to be home.", Wally loudly whispers over to me.

" Yeah, but this might be the end of the line I'm afraid.", I say mimicking his delivery as we begin marching towards my death. This is just great.

" I wonder what happened to the Captain?", Tom butts in.

One of the security details spoke up this time, "He's in a coma and in critical condition. They say he could recover but it's unsure as of right now."

Tom gives the troop a nod, "Thanks."

Still marching along, we begin to arrive at the labs. I can see that they've taken extra precautions against breach of containment or loss of life other than for myself and you'll see why I say that in a minute.

The room is surrounded with Level 4 Spec Ops officers wearing Mark III QERs. Plus, the rooms automated Proton Ballistics Emitter or PBE turrets have taken special aim at the injection chair.

What made the situation even more unnerving was the fact that there wasn't an anesthetic waiting next to the chair like procedure dictates for Entity Introductions or Ghost Whispering Procedures.

" Please remove your left pocket cover on your uniform blouse over your port and have a seat, Colonel.", the doctor gestures towards the chair.

Wally and Tom see my hesitation.

" Uh, Doc? Where's the drugs?", Wally fires first.

"Yeah, I really can't condone this procedure without proper safety protocols in play. This goes against clinical ethics, and you know it!", Tom adds to the blaze.

Before another word could be said, the loudspeaker sprang to life, "Silence!"

" You will do as you're told as this is not a request. I told him one day his recklessness would catch up with him. And this is the result."

" The pain alone will nearly kill him, do you really care so little as to let a grudge go this far?", Tom retorted.

The Commander walked closer to the viewing window, "Let me be clear here, this was no coincidence. The fact that that's made its presence known so close to Founder's Day should scare the hell out of you. This could just be the beginning of another swarm or attempted invasion from the Ghost Dimension. This is by far one of the most peculiar and powerful entities we have ever encountered and I'm not going to waste an opportunity. Unlike your precious heroes, I might add. They could have perhaps finally captured Gozer once and for all. Then we wouldn't even be here you and me. So, this grudge goes farther back than you realize Lieutenant. Please remember that you are merely a bystander to this horrendous game he and I have carved out. Just so everyone understands in the room, I don't ever speak with subordinates in a manner so cavalier, but I was asked another question outside and I didn't want to disappoint a last request. So, to answer both of your questions, I get to kill two birds with one stone and all in name of the Corps for Founder's Day. I'll be the hero that finally did what no one could. I don't have to tell you how that's going to feel. That would just be rude. So, if you're through with your incessant complaining I'd suggest you help your friend get on with his procedure. Any preparation to make him comfortable will be up to you in the time it takes the doctor. Good luck to the staff."

And just like that the loudspeaker cut off with a screech.

" I take it back Jasper, he really, really, fucking hates you man. Fuck dude, do you think you have any chance in this?", Wally tries to console.

I turn around to face my team as we're gathered at the entrance of the lab.

" This is going to be a piece of cake, what are talking about. I'll be fine. Don't you worry.", I say.

" Oh, cut the crap Colonel, you and I damn well know what you're about to face. We've seen some absolutely bad things happen with these procedures if not properly handled. And we don't even know if this is going to even work. Your reactor isn't much different from the Captain's aside from firmware updates and casing of heart interface. Plus, they aren't my designs so how can we be sure?" Tom showing his snob side.

" Do you always have to throw that in my face? Yes Tom, I know that. And believe me if I survive this, you have full and complete permission to order my ass around until I get yours put in. Deal?", I say cracking like I always do with my team. I can never fool them. They play dumb sometimes, but I know that they know.

His face lights up, "You mean it? Don't be fucking around with me, Colonel. You serious?"

" YES. For god's sake, yes. I should have just done this when you suggested it before. And watch the language you two.", I say as I give him a wink.

"Sorry Skipper.", Wally mumbles.

" Gotcha sir. Sorry.", he says with a wink back.

In hushed tones," Will you two stop with the winking and tell me this is going to work or so help me!", Wally said losing his shit in front of us.

I shoot Tom a look and point towards Terra with my eyes which he picks up on right away.

I speak soft enough as to not be louder than Tom so the mics can't hear, "Calm down Wallace, everything should be alright. The pain is going to be a son of uh, but don't you worry. The wink was because Tom has a slight sedative, and I knew that. The deal was just a ruse for us to speak the truth in code. They wouldn't be expecting him to be carrying that since it's standard protocol to keep it locked up. Tom knows that, but carry's two anyway as per my orders. I've prepared for this with him. They know he'd do anything to save me, even kill me to protect everyone from my abilities. I'm sorry I never told you any of this. I knew at some point my powers would be used against my will and this was a factor I needed covered. Let's just hope this entity can take in the excess before it's too late. But I'll be happy for it if this goes south.".

His demeanor started to change, feeling defeated from my words. And I widened my eyes quickly as a warning to not. I knew this would kill him. But he recovered himself by asking Terra a question.

" So, what's your take on all of this Rook?", he said raising his eyebrows and pointing his head at the chair.

" I just hope I get extended pay for this since it's so urgent. No offense Colonel.", Terra says sounding as selfish as she ever does.

I smile, "Nothing phases you, Terror Queen. Maybe that's why I'm the worst Venkman of all. It's shit like this that I live for. But thank you TQ, you're always such a gem to have around.", I say sarcastically.

We try not to laugh and refocus as I turn around to walk in with Tom.

" Doctor, if you don't mind. The Commander has given me permission to set him up. If I may. Do you mind?", Tom speaks to Doctor Bernard as he approaches him.

"Of course, here is the injector with the subject.", he says handing over the device with both hands carefully.

Tom turns and looks briefly over at the Commander before proceeding towards me. I could clearly see the devotion in his eyes from that return glance. Plus, I could feel he wanted to do more than just glance at the Commander. What loyalty.

He makes his way over and sits the injector down on the table before attending to me and my straps.

It's here where I feel the two pinches in the base of my neck as he straps my head into the brace. At this angle his hands can't be observed so the syringes in his palm couldn't be noticed as he clasped my throat from the side.

" Oh my, how'd you know I liked it rough Tom?", I play trying to help with any distraction to our audience.

" Cut the shit, get him strapped and injected. NOW!", the loudspeaker squawks, fading at the end.

As Tom finishes, I can feel the effects of the sedative starting to take hold, but I fight any urge to show it. The straps will help restrain that too, thankfully. But boy does this high feel spectacular.

Watching Tom as he finishes, his figure started to trail in motion as he reached for the injector and my body felt ready as it would ever be.

" Proceed Colonel?", Tom asks as he connects the device to my port.

The loudspeaker squawks to life again, "Press the damn button already."

Ignoring the order, Tom waits. I nod and he then presses my touch panel on my bracer to open the port and allow the injector to link up.

The port shoots its exhausts in preparation to clear out any residue left in the chamber from the previous power ups.

Tom looks back at me and my eyes spin a little. It was the look he was waiting for, that moment he knew I'd survive. So, he pressed the trigger and whispered, "Godspeed Skipper."

As he stood up, an officer grabbed his arm in a swift fashion and escorted him away with injector in hand. And I sit there waiting for the pain to begin.

Waiting for the few seconds to go by for the chime, I hear it. And a most unusual bright golden light flashed as the capsule disappeared.

But there was no pain.

And I wasn't in the interrogation room anymore.

When the golden haze of light finally faded from my eyes, I was standing on what looked like the moon.

" Ok this is new." I say speaking and taking in air.

I grasp my chest, I can breathe. Is this the moon? But how? No ports either?

"Hello.", a voice speaks from behind me, startling my stature.

" Geezuz, okay. Who are you? And where are we?", I ask chaotically pointing my fingers at everywhere.

" Are you Venkman?", the voice asked.

" Ah, not gonna answer, eh? Playing hard to get. Great. So, we're going to play the question game your way. That's fine. Yes, I'm Venkman. But how have you heard of me? I'm afraid you have me at a slight disadvantage because I never got your name."

" Are you the Venkman that defeated Gozer?", the voice continues to ask.

" Ah, so, another question. You really don't know how this game works.", I jab.

" Are you?", the voice persists.

" No, but I'm really getting sick and tired of not getting an answer.", I say starting to walk away. Not sure why, just felt natural.

" I am the Deity known to other worlds as Temptress. But I'm more akin to your Ares on your plain of existence. And this seemed the best way to communicate with you since I learned your physiology from the other life form. Is this not suitable? Does your people not worship the stars as your ancestors did?"

" Uh, it is suitable, but we don't dream of the stars any longer. Nor do we worship them in the slightest. I think I'll probably be the only person that will see this in my world. No passion for it. You know, with ghosts an all. I mean it's beautiful, don't get me wrong. Let's just change the scenery to something more familiar. This is just too much. I can't focus."

" That probably has to do with the fatal dosage of substances flowing through your bloodstream at the moment. It's having an effect on my full connection with you."

"So, you're telling me I'm just really tripping balls right now? Got it. I really don't think so but got it. Okay, maybe I am just a bit. This high is going to kill me after all.", I say looking around.

"Yeah, do me a favor and flush those will ya? I kind of don't want to die. That is if you're not going to kill me? Then just keep the moon.", I finish starting to look up as to a god.

"You're such a peculiar creature.", Temptress speaks.

As I am glancing around again, the scenery begins fluidly morphing and before I know it, I'm standing in front of a completely abandoned downtown New York. Only there isn't a speck of debris insight. Like nothing had ever happened here. This somehow felt even weirder. And I was completely sober now, but I let it go. Still very familiar and no doubt impressive. I bet if I start to walk, I'll find the firehouse.

"Okay this is a little better and I'm not a creature. I'm a man. Something you are clearly not, so why have you come here? Why did you ask for a Venkman? Specifically, that is. It's not just to upload into me, so what is it? Why did you show yourself?"

" I've been trying to find a way into your world for quite some time. It was only recently that I found a crack between mine and yours to come through. I've been trying because I know your world is coming to an end and quickly. In a short while, all that you know will be gone and lost."

" Well, that's a lot to unpack.", I say.

"Unpack?", She questions.

"Never mind. So, moving on, how do I know you don't have something to do with it? Telling me about our end doesn't get you off the hook. I need to know why you're here. What can you do to stop it?"

" First, I need to know, why am I not speaking to the Venkman that defeated Gozer?"

" So, you're an all-mighty god that doesn't know how to play twenty questions and can't tell time. That's even better."

" And you seem to dodge questions equally so. Please answer the question. It's not wise to keep a lady waiting, not to mention one such as a god, as you say."

" You're right. Where are my manners? Not every day I get called out. Especially from a god. But it's been a long while as per your method of time I'm afraid. Or rather it's been almost 150 years. You must be looking for my great great great great grandfather. I hate to break it to you your grace, but he's long since passed away. You're a bit too late, I dare say."

" I'll be the judge of that mortal. But it's been 150 years you say?"

" That's correct. But can you do me a favor and materialize into an avatar of sorts?"

"An avatar?"

"A display image, anything really would do. Something I can see. It would just be nice to have a face to speak with rather than a mysterious voice. That's what I'm getting at."

"Rather odd, but I'll oblige this request."

And just as I was peeping out my surroundings again, a figure began to form in front of me. Somewhat thin framed and a bit muscular I'll add. But had a gracefulness about her that screamed I'm angelic in nature. One question though, why do celestials wear garments that look as if they're fused to them? Weird if you ask me.

"Alright, that's a way to make an entrance. Wow. Where was I again?  Oh right, the year is 2134 and Gozer's defeat was in 1984. We're just about to commence the anniversary day of our Foundations were made. We don't normally celebrate but it's the Sesquicentennial. And it just so happens that this particular anniversary falls on the prophesied year of its return. Now we haven't seen hide nor hair of Gozer and the calendar year is just about finished. So, you can imagine our hesitancy with your presence being brought to our attention. You can understand why we're not all hugs and kisses to welcome your highness."

" Well, you don't seem to be shy, and your mannerisms are a bit peculiar as I've said for a mortal. But your words speak true it would seem. I do realize the nature of my presence is quite alarming it would appear now. I can see why these men would go to such lengths as to capture me."

" Saying we captured you might be stretching that a bit. You clearly came along willingly, but okay. I'm glad we agree now at least. Do you mind telling me why you're here then? Other than to tell us that we're all about to die that is. I got that part." I said waving my hand in the air in reassurance to that statement.

" I'm here because I believe I can help."

" Help us, what? Help us die? You kind of need to be a bit more specific.", I start with my sarcasm again.

She shoots me a peculiar glance and before I could find out if she could hurt me in here, I added in a "Your grace.", trying not to look nervous as I smile.

I need to remember this entity nearly skewered a comrade from the inside out a week ago. Not to mention fileted an entire detachment in one fail swoop when they first encountered the thing. This isn't a person.

"I'm sorry, it's an old habit. I'm not a big fan of authority and my attitude is an acquired taste. Plus, I don't meet gods all that too often, so forgive me if my manners are a bit rusty, as I apologized before. It will take me some time to get used to that I'm afraid."

" Well, I came to help you if that's more specific and time may not be what we have. But I believe I can help you stop Gozer once and for all."

" And how do you plan on that exactly, we don't even know if that can happen. We only know it can be captured."

" Taking in its power will weaken it and leave it vulnerable to the point of mortal harm. This is where you can defeat the nuisance that is known as Gozer."

I raise my eyebrows in shock, "Wow sounds like you're not a big fan of the destructor yourself."

" Let's just say the tarnished reputation across plains has gotten out of hand and needs to be rectified."

" Well, your execution needs a little work. Remember when I said we're a little hesitant. Killing my men back there about a week ago isn't reassuring of this little conversation. What happened for you to slaughter those troops like they were nothing?"

" In all my existence, I've never once been questioned nor asked to explain my actions. But for this arrangement to work as I'm suggesting, I need to be trustworthy. That I can see. So, I'll do my best.", she says and stands perfectly still closing her eyes for a few moments.

I stand there waiting patiently, but it was growing thin. Is she waiting for Christmas to get here? Why the hesitation? I gave her the go ahead to explain. What gives?

"And?", I say sarcastically after a minute passed.

" Patience doesn't seem to be a virtue of yours.", she says opening one eye.

I sigh and continue to wait.

"Looking back on the incident, I have to conclude that I lacked the necessary sensitive touch that I've witnessed since my arrival. The mortals were just too inferior to handle my greeting."

" So, you went to give a friendly handshake to show good will and it was more than the ants could handle. Got it. Well, do me a favor, if you get out for some reason, don't touch anyone."

" Is that an order little mortal?"

" No orders, just suggesting. Your grace." I said quickly, bowing my head.

"So, what is this contraption I'm being held in? I'm rather perplexed on how this all works. I have control to so much of your essence and yet I don't. Normally when I possess someone, I take full autonomy of the vessel and its inhabitant. This however feels more like a prison than a shell. Something I've never experienced. I felt this push towards a connection much like the one on the first mortal, but not before I was allowed myself to explore a bit, but he didn't possess the knowledge I needed. And his prison was flawed."

" We call them reactors and that mortal was a friend of mine. You nearly killed him. He's in a coma right now fighting for his life."

" I know, I can still feel him. And that's the flaw I mentioned. This reactor. His connection wasn't as strong as yours. Which is why we are able to have this conversation. I didn't get that with him because his apparatus he possessed, was inferior. So, I improvised and searched his mind. Apparently, that almost kills a human. I understand."

" And the goddess cracks a joke, welcome to the conversation your highness. Although, I don't know what to say about still being able to feel another man. That's a bit much for me. But I might be a bad influence in any case. Terra. Now a god.", I marvel at my creations.

" Well, I need to be more understanding if I'm to work with you.", she says eyeing me up and down like an object.

Okay, I've been ogled before. This, however, just feels weird. I really don't like the way she's eyeing me. At all. But the way I look at it. I either work with her and die later or decline and die now. Because I have a feeling this nice demeanor is only for show as she has an underlying agenda and most certainly can achieve it without us.

Looking back though, she isn't wrong. The reactor the Captain is sporting is flawed. Hence the need for the V2.2. The second generation in the second line of the series, offered improved neural uplinks for extended communication to the extremities. As we understand how innovations work, new models are needed to satisfy the demand in modern day standards. I gather the third and so on innovation will be closer to full body augmentation.

Mine just happened to get the newest neural uplink to progress the line it seems. The V2.1's uplink works, but it just can't handle outside its weight class. A facet they didn't factor in. I mean, the V2.1 are still considered state of the art, right up there with mine. I'm just not sure what the Captain's casing looked like or how it faired in the end of this little event, other than having a breached bypass that is. I guess I should thank the heavens I possess it's upgraded form. Lucky I'd say. Here's to hoping mine holds up and my link doesn't fail. Now I've really got to let Tom have his wish.
Damn it.

"You know I can't read your mind until we completely connect and this thing we're in seems to be waiting for a command from you. So, you have a god at your mercy it seems. Don't leave me in suspense. I need to know if you think we can trust each other and work as a team."

I wait a moment longer before I answer her question, somehow this is exciting. I'm starting to feel more in control. Perhaps we actually made something that can do the unthinkable now. Harness an actual god. What's that power going to be like?

" I'll agree on one condition."

" Your request?"

" Just like that? No jabs about insulant mortals or all that fancy nonsense?", I question with one eyebrow raised.

" I get what I want, and you get what you want. Can't have that with one party unsatisfied. That's not how agreements work. Although, sometimes, some do. But that isn't in this case. So, please, your request."

" I was just going to ask what you would like for me to call you. Temptress is just a mouthful and to be honest a little dated. By like a few thousand years I think.", I said kind of surprised by her response before.

" A rather unusual request and clearly not something a god should condone, but it always happens.  So, if you must refer to me by a name. I'll accept Tress. That's nonnegotiable I might add. Does that meet your requirements for the condition?"

" Tress, huh? I like it. That's very modern of you now. Shall we proceed?", I smile and stand at rest for the upload to commence as the filters begin to safely navigate Tress through my mind.

"As you command, here we go.", she says as I am blinded by another bright flash of golden light only to be back in the interrogation room fully alert.

The drugs have finally worn off it feels. Only I feel much different than I have ever felt with an entity inside. This was incredible. I could probably rip out of these constraints with ease no doubt.

Given that the Commander is so hell bent on getting rid of me, how about I flex this new surge of power. I think it'd be the best fuck you he could receive in this moment. A vision of failure once again for him.

Because I remember why he and I parted ways. It was for this very thing. Power.

And he just couldn't accept that he wasn't compatible with the setup unlike all of his fellow classmates around him. His dream of being larger than life was shot down in an instant. While his colleagues teased him along the way.

I remember it all.

Quite frankly, I didn't understand it. He didn't have to be a demon to be larger than life. If he'd focused his energy in progress on the best of things instead of revenge it seems now. He could have achieved so much more than Commander.

It's a shame really.

He's an asshole no doubt. But he was always sharp and the first on scene back in school. I respected the man. Hell, I still do to some degree, because of that.

It's just hard when you watch good people make the wrong choices.

"Can you hear us, Colonel? Respond.", the Commander speaks sounding as if he's been repeating himself and getting agitated with each attempt.

As I look around, I notice that I'm not actually moving.

"What's going on?", I say out loud.

Only no response from the Commander nor the laboratory technicians. Not even my crew. What's happening?

" Have you not been able to do this before?", Tress speaks as if a voice from above. I know it's in my head, but she really makes it seem angelic.

" Uh, no. I've never astral projected. In fact, I don't think anyone has EVER experienced this and lived to talk about it. This is definitely a new one.", I say in wonder as I stare at my still body. I know, kind of morbid.

" You're still connected to your body; you're just getting an image from a tether. Which is connected to your shield frequency and thus relayed back as visual data for me to process. Think of it as a second pair of eyes."

" I guess it takes god like steps to unlock such power.", I say marveling at how well she's networked my core systems not to mention the uniform.

" Your primitive culture has made remarkable strides since my last visit so long ago, it's a pity it might all end.", she finishes sounding flat and disappointed.

" But that's why you're here. Isn't it? You said you were here to help. Right?", I ask, sounding uneasy now.

" Don't worry yourself, my phrase merely invites what still possibly could be perceived. Nothing is certain. Not even for gods. I'd think that last statement would cheer you up as it pertains to hinting at that gods can die too.

" You have a way with words, has anyone told you that? It'll be nice while you're in my head."

" Why thank you mortal."

" Another request, if I might add. I mean if it's not too much. Call me Jasper or Venkman if that suits you. The whole mortal thing is the only bit I'm not digging. Hell, you can even call me Casper if it suits you as well.

" Digging? Casper?"

" Enjoying, I mean. And it's just another nickname."

" Ah, you humans seem to love your names. But very well if it's for the agreement, then I can allow it. I'll call you Venkman from hence forth."

I start to look around hastily and respond to her lightning fast. I could feel my anxiety getting the better of me now.

" Fantastic! So, how's about you get me back, shall we?"

" Feel yourself fall and you should glide back down. You are in control of this situation. Not I. I just help navigate and strengthen."

How does she know already what to do? Can she be that integrated into the system? This is nuts!

As I sit there in midair, I imagine a floor underneath me and having it fall away. In that split instant, I could feel my body yank me back. It was incredible. Almost like being shot down a tube.

My body sprang to life. I gasped for air and cough fiercely.

" He's awake!! Colonel, can you hear us!! Answer damn it!!", the Commander screeches with a sound of relief yet still furious.

Tom rushes in, as do the rest of the team behind him, "Boss you alright? Look at me, how many fingers am I holding up?"

" What the hell is it with everyone always doing the fingers bullshit? Every time.", I say sounding groggy shoving his fingers out of my face.

" Yeah, he's ok.", Wally pats Tom on the back, "Same old Colonel."

" What did you go through?", Tom continues.

" Yes, please share with your captivated audience. We're all dying to know. You nearly kept us in suspense for 15 minutes. The only reason we didn't pull the plug and extract, like before, was because your body was perfectly fine including your mind. So please do spill the details. ", a sarcastic Commander scoffed.

" Well maybe this would be easier if I lost the constraints. Come on fellas.", I gesture to Tom and Wally.

As they walk over to help me, the Commander could be heard slamming his hand down over the comm." Hold it! We don't know what or who we are dealing with. That thing could have very well taken over his body. Back away! Now!", the Commander ordered.

I sit there as I watch my friends step away looking rather defeated like a dog being scorned.

I mean the Commander isn't wrong. They have no idea what they just conjured to power, and I too would have done the very same thing.

But my anxiousness from earlier is starting to peak out its nasty head. I need to get up and walk around. Or we're all going to have a bad day.

I channel my inner thoughts, "Tress, I need you to listen to me. I'm going to extract you via our non-threatening procedure unlike the process before. Do you think you can handle that?"

" Will you be gone long?", she asks worrisome.

" It's hard to gauge. But if you're our shot at peace finally, then I doubt it'll be long.", I say trying to sound reassuring.

" Well, I'll be ready when it happens."

Still looking over at my friends as I finish the conversation in my head, I smile and turn to the commander.

"That's alright, I didn't need their help anyways.", I say as I tear out of the constraints like tissue paper.

" Take aim!", the Commander readies the Spec Ops as his finger undoubtedly hovers over the trigger button for the PBE.

As I knew he would take that course of action, I used my previous skills as a Demon to snatch the procedural extractor and placed it on my chest in a blink of an eye with my personal special ability.

The commander didn't know what to make of it as he stood confused, "Is that supposed to make me believe you any more than I already don't?"

" I just figured that showing a little restraint and keeping the faith wouldn't hurt my case. Besides, as soon as I release it, I'll be plain Jane all over again. So, you kind of have no choice but to go along with it.", I said as serious as I could," and Frankly, it's the best idea."

The hesitation was there in his eyes. He knew I was right and taking the hazard out of the game would be the best in the end. The alternative? Not so much. I knew he was a smart man. He just had a few dumb moments, just like the rest of us.

I nod in appreciation as I press the mechanism on the extractor starting to move my gaze to my port.

This time a quick burst of golden light ignited the room and faded just as quick to Tress occupying the empty space in her orb-mist form inside the device.

I grasp my port and lean on the tattered strap covered chair as I sit the extractor on the table next to it.

"Doctor if you would.", the Commander says calmly.

Doctor Bernard hesitantly walks into the room and steps sheepishly around the team as he makes his way to the device. Careful not to walk in front of any of them seeing how his actions before about protocols went. Yeah, I'd be careful too. He has no friends here. Not anymore.

But he gets the device without harm or insult and slinks out of the room. That man is dead to me now. I'm sure the family would agree.

" Security! Please escort our guests to their new accommodations. Wouldn't want them to miss their beauty sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a very long day. And Venkman, you better have a mind-blowing explanation tomorrow as to why you kept me waiting for 15 minutes. Or today will look like a vacation when I'm through with you.", the Commander grins as he turns to walk out of the room.

This just keeps getting better and better.

I should have just gone MIA.

End of Part 1


Chapter 5

**3 weeks later**

​Sitting here in this single occupancy barrack, I begin to wonder if this is to be my life from now on.

Even after all of this is said and done.

He's not getting rid of me. Oh no.

After all is in the clear, I'll still be stuck in here like a lab rat.

My comrades will be alright after this. Even with the Division being disbanded.

They've just got us all locked up to keep from talking to each other and getting the idea of overthrowing our beloved Commander.

A pretty harsh tactic if you ask me. Not to mention a downright rude one. But a smart one.

I myself would probably tear this place down all by myself with the Commander bound in the distance watching.

But the Demons are some of the most loyal and trustworthy officers any division could ever ask for.

The fact that the Commander has basically stripped them of any decency as per the Corps regulations after their exemplary service is an absolute slap in the face.

But the past few weeks have been tough.

The hell I've been through to get here.

Not all of it has been bad though, I've learned so much from Tress from the field tests Command has us running right now.

In celebration to our founding fathers, we are going to do what no one has dared attempted.

Drawing in and destroying, the Atlantic terrors that roam through our ghost infested waters. We think this is Gozer's way into this world. And Tress believes that's where the power will emerge from given her sense of time feeling as she puts it.

We have been working with the Eastern Commands as a last major strike of defense on the water fronts.

Our objective is to bring about the biggest war anyone has seen in almost 200 years. Against ghosts, no less. Who could have imagined?

As a great man once said, "We've got the tools! We've got the talent!".

So, we're going to take the fight to them and lure them out.

I learned a new trick with Tress that I can use on a larger scale than previously permitted due to her power. I'm slowly becoming more and more attune to this entity's devastation with each upload. Plus, confident we can achieve this goal together.

The more ghosts that are eliminated from the board will hopefully help detour Gozer's emergence or at the very least keep it from powering up as strongly.

That is our mission.

Aside from that, I had the opportunity to get reacquainted with an old flame.

The one that got away.

And that's not fair to say because our career paths lead us in different directions.

Her high-profile name got her a gig in the UK Republic branch as one of their now top scientists in Biomedical Engineering for body augmentation prosthetics. Remember I said our version 3 or 4 of the V series would end up being a full body augmentation to sense touch?

Yeah, she's, our competitor.

But since this is top priority, they summoned the best minds in the world to see this through.

Her paper on the neural interface concept back during the academy is what allowed the V2's to be created at this stage of its development.

She's done remarkably well in the breakthroughs of ectoplasmic residue and bio cell regeneration for the next level advancements in medical gel. Or rather Medi-gel for short.

I forgot how much I missed that wonderful brain of hers. She could go on for hours and I'd sit there mesmerized.

Even though we parted ways on our commencement day, I always wondered if I should have gone with her.

It's been nearly 17 years since we had last seen each other, but these past few weeks just rekindled that spark. As if it had never left.

Had it?


It was something that was put away, but not left or lost.

As for her.

Surely, she'd be settled down and have a family by now?


Not in the slightest it seems, she's just as much a workaholic as I am.

She told me that she knew one day they'd see each other again. And that she always hoped things could have been different.

So, she kept her head down and worked. Knowing that I'd become a demon. It was a hope she counted on.

You see, Demons don't usually live a settled life she said, and she was banking on that fact. That's the hope. Some stereotypes can be true.

As to not ruin our reunion, I ended up leaving out the part of complete annihilation. I even fibbed a little to Command about that too.

I honestly told them that Tress was here to save us from Gozer. That a god can take down a god and all that mess.

Basically, anything to keep them from doubting Tress and hindering me access to her, causing me to breach our agreement to one another.

" Knock, knock.", my door intercom chimes as it breaks my train of thought.

It chimes again.

"Come in.", I say as a click can be heard from the other side.

As the door slides open, an average height curly haired brunette comes walking in with what appears to be my lunch. This is how I get to check my time on days I never leave this room. Not complaining though.

"How we doing my love?", the brunette speaks enduringly.

"Oh, you know Yasmin, just another day in paradise.", I say chuckling.

" Oh, don't spout that bullshit with me Mr. You can use those lines all you want with your troops but here you cut the crap. I need to know you're ok during all of this.", she says sitting down next to me with the tray still in hand.

I quickly take the tray and set it aside.

" You know you're cute when you worry.", I say caressing her ear as I drape back a few hair strands with my finger.

I can feel the pull she has on me. There's no denying that I've fallen in love with her all over again. This has to be real.

As I dart my eyes from side-to-side gazing into hers, I ask playfully. "So, what did you bring me this time? Oh, please tell me it's a double bacon cheeseburger. I'd kill for one right now.", I say as I lean back with a pained look on my face as if in agony.

" You and your bacon.", She snorts while shaking her head.

" Oh sorry Ms. Vegan, I didn't mean to offend.", I say jokingly.

She sits there for a moment looking around as one does while contemplating something.

"Penny for your thoughts, darling?", I ask curiously, furrowing my brow while raising one side.

" If I'm Ms. Vegan than I already had a last name with a V in it technically. So, what do I need you for then?", she says as she shoves me with her foot off the bed.

" Oh, don't be like that. Are you really gonna make me work for it? Cause I love a challenge.", I crack a smile on my knees.

" Oh honey, that's never changed. I know you're smart enough to figure it out. Think of what I really want.", Yasmin toyed with her fingers.

As I look down at her precious digits hanging off the side of the bed, I say annoyingly cute. "See that right there tells me you love me for me and not just my body. How'd I get so lucky?"

" Uh, Venkman you have got a lot of nerve if you think I'm gonna let that slide for a proposal.", she says turning away from me and crossing her arms.

" Who said anything about a proposal?", I say playfully before getting ready for an arm thrashing.

After she finishes wailing on my arm for a moment, she goes back to her original stance as I continue with my classic Venkman nature.

"You didn't let me finish. Remember I'm a grunt sweetie, I speak my words like my heart loves. Slow and strong."

"Always the poet.", she speaks cheerfully still turned away.

" Always, love.", I pause, "So will you do me the honor?", I say suddenly.

This catches her off guard and she immediately turns.

" You heard me, brainiac.", I wink at her from the floor.

I reach up and grab the straw off the tray for my juice. And she gives a puzzled expression looking back at the tray again and then to the straw.

As I'm twisting it in my hand and tying a knot, she can see what I'm now creating.

She starts to climb down off the mattress to kneel next to me when the most beautiful smile I'd have ever seen her portray, flashes across her face.

"I said, Will you do me the honor, Ms. Zeddemore? Make me the luckiest Demon in the world?", I say finishing my origami and presenting my creativity.

" I know it's not much given the circumstances and I'm pretty sure this counts as completely cheesy given that I saw it in a movie on one of the portal feeds. But if you'll have me.", I say, finishing all together.

Her eyes began to well up with tears as she slipped the makeshift ring over her finger and just embraced me.

" So, I take it that was a yes?", I kid.

She begins to sniff back the tears and wipe her eyes as she clears her throat, "Yes, a million times yes. We should have done this a long time ago." Still wiping the joyful tears from her eyes.

" We'll get something a little more permanent later, but for now. I hope you like it.", I say twirling it around her finger.

" It's perfect.", she says, then realizing and pointing a finger at me as I'm about to open my mouth.

Damn, she knows me too well. Never could get that one passed her as I crack a smile and laugh. But I can't help but say it, she's perfect.

"Still remember huh.", I giggle again.

" Yeah, and every one of your other tricks too.", she says playfully as she smacks my shoulder.

" I love you.", I squeeze in. Trying to change the subject.

But before she could reply, my door chimed again.

"Colonel, we need you to report to Lab 4.", the comm popped off.

" Copy.", I yell turning away from Yasmin.

" Where was I?", I say turning back to a beautiful set of lips connecting with mine.

After leaning in and kissing me ever so softly, she shifts her head to my ear to whisper, "I love you more."

She always knows how to get me. That trick works every time, and I can't help but melt.

I have no choice but to show my hand.

I'm all in.

**Lab 4**

After getting dressed from a very heated quick discussion about anatomy, we walk into the Lab giggling like a bunch of schoolgirls from the 1920's only to be halted.

" Dr. Zeddemore, you're needed in the control booth. Colonel, your Lieutenant is waiting for you in operating bay 2. Please proceed accordingly.", an attendant informs us signaling my path as he escorts Yasmin.

As I watch her walk out of distance around a corner, I make my way to Tom.

Tom was standing outside of the room when he spotted me walking up.

" You ready to make do on that deal we made?", he grins confidently.

I give a deflated look.

"Ah hell, is that what we're doing? So, I'm going to be taken advantage of twice today. Got it.", I say shaking my head looking annoyed now.

" Twice?", Tom looked at me strange.

" Ah, shit.", I'm busted. Just go with it.

"Yeah, an old flame is here and well. We kind of got back together.", I say sounding kind of embarrassed. But not really, I was quite happy with myself.

" Who?", he asks cracking a smile but looking still confused.

" Dr. Zeddemore.", I say softly but sharp.

"No?", he draws out his answer with a sarcastic, tell me more vibe.

" Yeah.", I mimic his draw. "Known her since high school in fact. Honest to god."

"Alright Colonel!", he congratulates softly in accord.

" Thanks, and we decided to make it official. So, I asked her to marry me.", I convey.

" Holy shit. You don't mess around.", his eyes shot wide.

" To be honest, it should have happened a long time ago. If I hadn't been so hell bent on becoming a Demon, we'd have already been married almost two decades ago. So, it's been a long time coming. And with what's coming up, best not leave it to chance.", I assure.

" Don't you think it was meant to be?", he kids.

" Oh, don't tell me you're a softy like Wally now?", I punch his arm.

" Colonel, if I was a softy. Don't you think I'd have shown that by now?", he gets serious.

" You're right, you're all business. Just like a doctor. Terrible bed side manner. I wouldn't have it any other way.", I say patting him on the shoulder as we chuckle.

" Now, speaking of business. Today isn't going to be a tough one but a rather a quick one. It's not all that extensive the way I've made it out to be.", he informs.

" So, what exactly are you putting in me today?", I ask nervously.

" Well, the old casing has to be replaced and I have a new port design that has a sexy new injector process I've been developing for Tress."

" Wow, you've been busy. And Sexy? Really? You really need to get out more Tom.", I say surprised with a laugh following.

" Not a lot to do when you're stuck in a R&D department all day for weeks on end. And with your armor going through a metamorphosis due to Tress's power demonstration the other day, it's been hell trying to stay ahead. I'm still wrapping my head around the glowing effect it produces. It's very fiery in nature through the spectrograph. Almost as if it's burning invisibly.", he confirms sounding skeptical with that last part.

" That's why I haven't seen you lately. I was wondering. And that sounds interesting.", I say enlightened.

" Yeah, so if you wouldn't mind going in here and getting undressed. We've got a bit to do today, Colonel." He then gestures me over to an area. "When you're ready lay down flat on the table and give any kind of signal that you're ready.", he lists.

" Got it.", I comply with a thumbs up.

As I once again unclothe, which for the record seems like the billionth time; I can't help but wonder what will this new tech add to my already considered unstoppable force? My armor may not be able to take a second volley from the mass energy it's been getting. So, wrapping my head around how my reactor is going to react to all of this is no simple matter. I rely on this tech. As do so many others.

Done with my thoughts, I finish my wardrobe strip down. As per instruction, I climb up on the operating table after fashioning a medical gown and I lie down.

" Ready when you are, kiddo.", I signal.

I can hear him shuffle from one of the lab tables across from the OR booths.

" Alright, my friendly ghost-catcher. Now this shouldn't take long as I said but I'm going to need to put you under like always. Are you comfortable? Anything before we begin?", he starts as he flips into medical mode.

" I'm peachy but tell me. What exactly are you doing today? I get the parts. Why is this necessary now? I don't doubt the necessity for the precaution. Just curious. It is my body after all.", I grin and chuckle.

" Well, technically Colonel. The Corps owns it.", he replies plainly.

" Already in your med head. So, Mr. Serious, what are you doing to your monster?", I say with an equally serious look, mockingly.

He manages a laugh or two, "Well, I've improved your structural casing firstly. Found a schematic that Dr. Spengler was working on way back when that had been previously mothballed. I managed to recovery it given the fact I'm completely obsessed with that family. No offense, I'm just a big fan of the Brainiac himself. The original Doctor Frankenstein as it were."

" Oh no, I get it. He's your hero, I guess. Right?", I question.

" I just idolize the man and his accomplishments, don't get me wrong. Your family shaped this structure too. It just would have been a blast to work alongside him. If we ever get a portal working, so help me.", he said gripping his fist.

I could feel his passion and struggle.

"Well, this new casing. What's it do?", I ask, curious now.

" Dr. Spengler had an idea that a casing built with strong enough electromagnetic field around it would cause an entity to bring a corpse back to life. And with the fusion reactor being affected by this as well, will help increase power output. Just like Frankenstein's monster only without the natural lightning bolt. This would be purely manmade. The most powerful lightning bolt ever built if you will.

The casing was designed in such a way to map out key nodes on the heart to improve functionality of the old one to help magnify a cognitive awareness. Rebuilding a new one and a new being.

I plan on doing the exact procedure he envisioned. Only in this case, we'll reverse the polarity and use psionic resonators to amplify the electro barrier. It'll allow the neural uplink to take better control of the entities frequency and give you full autonomy. Even if you lose your psychic link for some reason. The redundancies built into the design will take over and an automatic discharge will release. Causing the entity to be pushed out as per safety protocols.

The new port you're about to sport is housing a new deployment casement for the entity if and when such matters occur for an immediate discharge.", he finishes his rant.

" Apparently, you have been really really busy. Man, I feel like a bum now.", I say laying there as I look up.

"Oh, don't say that, remember I've heard what your training has been like for the past few weeks. It's helped me keep track of my progress. Like on how you'll benefit from the upgrades. You've been giving me so many ideas. So, I wouldn't say you've been a bum.", he assures.

" Oh no doubt the training has been intense, and they keep trying to get my jump abilities to trigger a dimensional rip to go back in time."

" That's the reason for the upgrade now. Your performance has shown that this was necessary to achieve that. So, let's hope today's trial is the last."

" Always contingency, after contingency."

" But a necessary one don't you think, Colonel?", Tom stopped and looked me dead in the eye.

I stare at him for a second.

He's always so cautious," Thanks Tom. You're right. You got me convinced. I'll shut up now an let you get to work."

He chuckles for a second shaking his head," Now, let's put this over your face and I want you to start counting backwards from 10 whenever you're ready.", he says, cranking up the anesthetics.

I feel like a child every time they do this, "Alright, ten, nine, eight......six....W......Z".

Off to beddy-by land, I go.

But it seems the Sandman had something far different in mind than your standard fairy tale fantasy.

I began to witness flashes of scenes like I was in a 360-degree 3D Omni theater. And I had no control over the footage.

It was like I was a ghost in the middle of all of it.

The flashes were foreign and yet, still so very familiar. I could feel the heat or moisture. I could even feel the pain.

I can see familiar faces cross my field of vision, just to depart as quickly as unfamiliar ones did and it was getting confusing.

What am I witnessing?

What does it all mean?

Is this the results of using Tress?

Is my mind going insane?

Another flash crosses my eyes, and a gigantic explosion erupts in front of me before I'm snapped out of my slumber.

I come up waving my arms and shouting, "Oh...aaaaauuughh!!!"

Tom quickly grabs my arms and subdues me to the table, "Colonel, Colonel!! You're alright! You're okay. Calm down.", he yells having calmed himself down by the end as well in the process.

I shot my head around wide eyed, now feeling even more embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, I just had the most vivid and horrendous dream.", I say sounding confused, "Maybe it was a nightmare?"

" It's fine, you just had me worried all of a sudden. Sometimes the anesthesia can have a psychological effect on a patient during rem cycles if they've been subjected to a lot of stress in a short period of time. I wouldn't be surprised if it was caused by the severe training regimen, they've been putting you through. I figured you'd be fine since it's your usual dose.", he consoles.

" No, no. I get that. But this just felt too real. Like I was witnessing things that haven't happened yet or something.", I begin as I tell him what I was subjected to.

" It sounds like your mind is just working overtime to make up for the lost time being cooped up. Think of all the people you saw. Maybe it's your mind telling you miss them?", he offers.

" And what about the new ones? I've never seen these people before and we're not even talking about the obvious flash of them all. The explosion. I've never witnessed one like that. And it was during our time, I witnessed the troops. It looked a lot like something we're about to embark on. Is that just a coincidence?"

" Colonel, I don't know what to tell you. This is all a bit overwhelming to begin with. To add this premonition to the mix? Sure, I'm fascinated not to mention a little scared at this vision. If we want to consider it that, assuming that's what you're suggesting. But what can we do? It's a fucking dream."

" I know it's a dream, damn it! And, to be honest, I really don't know what I'm suggesting. All I do know is that this has been nothing but a shit show since we got back.", I groan.

" Do we tell command? That's the question.", he prompts.

" And tell them what exactly, that I'm having visions? Yeah, I'm sure nothing would make the Commander happier than for him to hear that the troop he hates the most is having psychological problems and seeing the end of days. I'm sure that'd go over really well. Given his already blatant war path against my kind, and all of you for that matter.", I say sarcastically of course.

" Alright, alright. I see your point. and don't forget, I'm a Demon too. Just because I don't have the port doesn't mean a thing.", Tom informs.

"Well technically you have to have one to be one, but okay. We'll go with that.", I sarcastically burst his bubble and chuckle.

He quickly slugs my arm, "If we're not going to alert anyone of this, what do we do then, Captain obvious?"

" Oh, I thought I was a Colonel.", I chuckle, looking over at my uniform rank, "And you tell me doctor. Does the monster go on or does he get put down?", I casually kid, finishing.

" So, I'm the deciding factor. Awesome. Well, I'd say let's see where this goes. How do we know this explosion wasn't due to the burst of energy you expel during battle? It could have been your final move perhaps.", he gestures as an alternative.

" I see where you're going with this, but it still makes me sound crazy.", I agree, turning my head eccentrically with a look.

" Oh, no doubt. But it's the only reasonable explanation that we have to comprehend right now. You know, without making you look like you're completely banana-sandwiches crazy.", he tries to assure.

" Thanks. And what's wrong with banana sandwiches?", I say in an awkward manner and tone.

He laughs patting my shoulder," Come on. Let's get you dressed and ready for your play date with Tress. Shall we?", he finishes with his hand out.

Always short with his words.

Stopping for a moment, I smile before knowingly taking his palm and pull myself upwards. "Banana sandwiches are amazing!", I scream.

I guess I'll just push forward and do as the good doctor suggests.

" Whatever you say Colonel.", he says mockingly. "Now as I've said, this is only a meet and speak. You know, to see how this all manages in real time for the data dump.", he conveys adding in.

After leaving Operating Bay 2, we make our way up to the other side of Lab 4 to the Observation Room for standard injection.

Upon arriving, I notice a rather larger welcoming committee than anticipated. It seems my superiors aren't the only ones keeping tabs.

As I make my way to my designated sitting position in the lab, I notice a few top brass personnel that appear to be from our foreign branches.

" Good afternoon, Colonel. I trust you're well rested for today's exercise. There has been a slight change in plans for the itinerary. Our guests from overseas in our upcoming celebration have arrived ahead of schedule and would love a demonstration of our newest breakthrough.", the intercom squawked.

I peer around and give an awkward thumbs up.

"Any requests?", I relay back.

" Funny, but today we'd like you to demonstrate the quick load and unload of the subject during quick evasive combat. And if you're up for the task, show a demonstration of the control you wield over the subject. How it bends to your will and what it can be capable of compared to previous subjects.", the voice chirps in response.

A major field test huh? A chance for all the top dogs to see what Tress is packing it seems.

" I think I can manage that.", I say taking a breath afterwards.

Tom meanwhile has been calibrating the system and preparing the injector for the procedure.

As I finish up my conversation, he heads on over as I finish my breath.

"I had no idea buddy.", Tom relays.

"Oh, I know Tom, this is politics. Nothing to worry about.", I convey.

He gives me a nod.

" Ready?", he cues.

" As I'll ever be.", I nod to mirror him.

" Don't fret, Cas. You got this. Tress will be marvelous. Trust your gear.", He soothes.

" I'm trusting your ass. Remember that.", I say seriously.

He laughs.

"That's not reassuring.", I say sarcastically.

" Alright, deep breath.", Tom says as he loads the injector and gets ready to engage the release.

I take another breath and instant needles shoot as he doesn't hesitate.

" Back already?", an immediate voice could be heard as I arrive in my head.

" Yeah, yeah. They just need us to perform another demonstration.  Just a visual for the distinguished guests that arrived from our foreign branches across the pond. Nothing to be worried about.", I assure.

" Oh, I see. I thought the infrastructure looked rather different upon entry."

" Don't be alarmed. It's just a safety measure set in place to be cautious of you, specifically, I think. This one relies on old methods."

" Well, it seems to hide your inner essence from me. I can't seem to see it. I imagine, that was the design purpose?"

" You'd probably be correct, but I'd imagine it's to allow me more control over your power without any latency. Will that be a problem?"

" No, it's just more to adapt to. I'm a goddess. I'm not quite used to being used."

" Well, let's give them a good show and hopefully this will be all over soon. What's our time frame again?"

" It's nearly upon us, just around the bend."

" Great. Still going with your version of time keeping, I see. Could you be a bit more specific?"

"Patience is the key to this journey mere mortal. And today's journey is one step closer to the inevitability that is your fate."

"Not again with the folksy mythical gibberish, alright.", I say in an exhaustingly manner.

" It is the only way I know how to speak."

" Well, cut it out will ya? None of this fate crap, ya hear? I just need to know when we need to be ready."

" It's just a feeling. I don't have a precise moment set."

" That's just not good enough Tress. We're so close. There has to be more."

"I'm afraid that's all I can offer."

" Well, hopefully it works in the end. For both our sakes. Now let me finish the connection."

As I come to my senses, I look around. My audience stand waiting in anticipation.

" Colonel? Have you briefed your entity?"

I nod my head and begin to stand up.

We've come a long way from that first day and the straps. Given that we trust Tress now.

I could feel the energy levels pulsating through me like continuous waves. It wasn't long before the power began to charge up. I could feel the gravity fall off of me like rain.

I soon begin to levitate as I kickoff from the ground. This causes my audience, aside from Tom, to take a step back.

Slowly bringing my hands up in caution as I begin to speak, "Calm down boys, Same team remember?"

I could see their tension subside a bit and it cleared once I touched back down.

This is definitely something they're not used to. It's a shock every time still.

Taking another look around, I give a thumbs up to the viewing window.

" Proceed to the training fields to begin demonstration."

I look at Tom to shower with praise, "So far so good, my man. Good job, it feels seamless."

Tom gives me a reassuring look of approval and we head on out to the training fields located west of the base near the Hudson River's Pier 25 and 26.

The training fields were designated to these positions due to the constant arrival of new entities. Thus, making it a perfect spot for testing new equipment.

Most of our research on the aquatic entities that have plagued our world, is studied from this location. Many of the chosen successful commissions for new equipment that's developed and tested here, is used later in its upgrades. Making it very suitable, as environments go to allow constant manning for training. The best really.

And as we make our way to the fields, I can see that the foreign teams aren't the only ones watching this demonstration. As it seems the whole base has gotten wind of this event. 

Driving through the entrance we can see this has turned into more of a spectacle than something meant to save humanity.

As we pull up to the barricade mounds and exit the vehicles, a few personnel point me to my ready position out in front.

Tom follows me over to give a last inspection and pep talk. Perhaps even an outing for all of this. I'm not that lucky though.

" You got this, Cas. Freestyle it like you always have. Make it look easy to us noobs. Do what you always do Colonel. Be Venkman."

" As inspiring as that was, you sure you don't want to trade me spots?"

" Stop. You got this. Plus, I don't want to ruin this beautiful mug."

I paused and pursed my lips together for a second, before letting escape a burst of laughter, "Too late."

"Ouch, that hurt Colonel.", he acts wounded.

Holding back my laughs, I finish my thought process.

"I've just never felt the full power of a god. It's just fucking scary. That's all."

" I'm not even going to begin to understand what you're going through. I know I'd be jumping out of my skin right now."

" Not helping. Where did the 'you got this' go?"

" The point I'm trying to make is that you can do so many awesome things with this gift you've crafted. And for some damn reason, this piece of shit ghost or god or whatever it is has given you of all people, personal permission to do as you please with its power on top of yours. I'd say there's your confidence right there if you ever needed it."

" Glad you're here with me bud. I don't know what I'd do without you."

" Let's not go through this again."

" Oh, get the hell out of here you non-softy.", I gesture with my chin for him to leave.

" Break a leg!"

" I'm gonna break more than that I can already tell.", I chuckle nervously to myself.

Looking around I can see the crowds have started to settle and movement has stopped. Most of the on-lookers that have made it, are standing on and using whatever they can to get a view.

Looking over at the mound, I use my control peripheral to connect with the central hub via my suits communications module to start the pre countdown.

This of course prompts the intercom system to advise everyone to stay back as live fire is about to commence so to speak.

At this point, the only sound you could hear was the wind and the water from the barge.

On the occasion we'd hear a PBE fire off a round, as the countdown drove its way to zero.

I reach for my side holster and grab my injector.

"Come on Cas, we've done this hundreds of times. Just like Tom has said I've got this.", I talk to myself and ready my port from my controls.

Bringing the injector up and setting it in place, I take a deep breath.

" Three...two...one...", I count down in unison and hit the release.

I clutch my chest and holster the injector, coming to my knees.

My armor blinks a beautiful red hue as it pulsates getting in sync with my reactor.

A discharge of vapor leaves my sides and I gain my ground. I stand and hold my composure.

The crowds stay silent as they witness in suspense. What will I do first? Thinking that to themselves, I'm sure.

I start to levitate like clockwork and the crowd starts to stir. I can feel the power from before welling up inside. 

Tress just needs to let go and let me take over.  Instead of me pushing them, I'm driving their full power untethered now.

Ok, this might be a little harder than I thought.

But before I could even have another doubtful thought, it hit. Something deep had just triggered that feeling Tom shared with me and my whole body lit up.

I looked like one of those fucking tree toppers; I was so damn bright. Only bright red, if you can imagine.

Waves of light poured off of me and then it all snapped back inside, and I disappeared.

Somehow, I had transported into the Hudson and now stand at the bottom looking up through this fiery aura of a shield around me. Totally wicked. All lit up with red hues. This must be what Tom could see in the spectrograph.

I can feel the power flowing off of me and emanating to this shield.

And as this is all happening, I can also feel a sonar being emitted through the force field pulsating out in every direction.

The sonars are acting like a stop motion effect as hundreds of entities of all sizes start to appear.

In such darkness, my new tracking ability I'm claiming here, is having a rather gnarly aftereffect on the specters. As it's making their already luminescent bodies shine an unusually brighter afterglow.

I'm in such awe and yet terrified at what is about to be my end for sure, that I almost forget what I'm there for.

As the power increases, I feel my body shift again and I'm now centered over the main field I was just standing in. The sheer power is going to make this form of teleportation a bit trickier to master then my previous.

But that's still one of my old parlor tricks. Time to find a new set.

Out from the Hudson, a large form begins to emerge.

The water starts to churn and then hundreds of ghosts start to fly from out of the water.

And even more looked to be following. There was no end in sight. What is causing them to rile up like this?

More than we've ever seen and something that stopped me dead in my tracks.

What did I just do? Was this me?

How the hell am I going to defeat this lot?

The PBE's were going crazy, and the Spec Ops looked like they all checked out from the looks of their body language.

I've devoured huge groups but nothing of this magnitude.

I could feel my anxiety take over and a sharp burning sensation began in my stomach. I felt like I was vibrating.

In a blur of emotion, I could see everything.

All the particles that made up every molecule, including our visitors.

It was like all plains of existence stood still.

My hands became instruments of destruction as they touched and rearranged those said particles in the air. Breaking down the very essence that made these creatures, well, creatures.

Looking over at the crowds, I could see that many had come from their commands and didn't get out of uniform. Many still had their traps situated on their person.

Which made this all that more impressive.

With a snap, I relocated every trap in reach and collected everything I could from any and every entity. But none of my own gladly. I am a bit territorial. I'd rather not get it lost with the others.

The fields have giant trap units for the occasional behemoth that comes a shore. But by the time the last large trap closed, time had resumed.

I was left floating in midair. Looking around.

The crowd however went from losing their minds to scratching their heads.

They had no idea what had just happened.

All they could see was that the threat was neutralized and now I had a large heap of traps, ammo, and fuel sitting on the ground underneath me.

Some started to realize that their own traps were missing and put two and two together.

Many were just left stunned.

We'd never seen anything quite like this before so I can't knock the shock either. I mean it's a lot to take in once you've seen it. And you can't just unsee something like that.

This is hard for even me to swallow, so I know it's beyond words for them. The majority.

What just happened though? That shouldn't have gone that direction, if things had been under control. Was that Tress's power?

The power of a god? Why now though? Why not the past couple of weeks? I've been here before and this never happened. So, what gives?

The PA screeches to life and I draw my attention towards it.

" Ladies and Gentlemen, I don't know what you all just saw but wow!!", the intercom screeches.

" Colonel, go ahead and make your way to the mound." another voice speaks.

But as I start to make my descent, a gigantic explosion erupts from headquarters and the old firehouse location looks to be the epicenter.

The event unfolds before I can even react.

All breathing stops.

I look around and time has stopped again.

This was what my vision warned me about. This quickly, though?  Damn it, Tress! How come you didn't see this as well? So, I'm clairvoyant too. That's a neat trick. But clearly not helpful enough because I couldn't stop this.

I scramble my mind trying to come up with a solution.

"Can I fix this?" I say to myself.

As I look towards the explosion again, it's view has cleared a bit and I can see that the force is that of an atomic blast it seems.

" Who bombed us?"

Looking still, a bright light starts to form above me. Piercing my gaze, I break my sight before everything goes blindingly bright.

"What now?", I blurt trying to cover my eyes.

As the brightness is too much to bear for ocular nerves, I begin to rub my eyelids for clarity, but to no avail.

Feeling warm all of a sudden, I grasped my chest and braced for whatever might come.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on the back of my arm, grab me and then I woke up.

Right in front of the firehouse.

Chapter 6

"So that's all you remember?", Z was the first to speak.

" That's it I'm afraid."

"What happened to all those people?", Ray questioned.

" I don't know. I've lost everyone."

A depressing mood briskly flows as each realizes the tragedy before them.

" Is that thing inside you still? Could that be why your thingy-ma-jig is glitching with power?", Janine is the next to share, breaking the unsettling amongst us.

It caught me by surprise.

I chuckle for a second," Uh, no. I would have shared that with you guys if that was the case. Something else is causing that. Just not sure what that is."

" Phew, alright. That's all I could think about when we got to the end.", She collapses in her chair as if relieved.

I reach for my port, "Trust me this whole experience would have been much different had she been here."

" Speaking of her. What'd it feel like to have a God inside you?", Z sounded fondly curious. Leading Egon to lean forward.

But before I could answer, a familiar flash of bright light appeared again adjacent to me on the center of the wall by the windows.

Only this time, it appeared as a portal of some kind that I could see. Was this what formed before in my memory? It's undoubtedly familiar though like the flash had been. Maybe that's what happened in the end.

The room stood silent as everyone jumped to their feet aside from me.

A strange figure comes waltzing through and stops outside the portal as it closes behind it.

" Who the hell are you?", Janine snaps.

" Now is that anyway to speak to your god nephew?", the figure replies.

" God nephew? Oscar?", Ray chimes in.

As we see before us, what appears to be a very old man. A familiarity dawns.

" How could that be?", Janine sounds super puzzled.

The room is completely beside itself now, but then we hear a loud bang in the bathroom.

" What's that?", Ray jumps uncontrollably, acting spooked now.

The side bathroom door starts to creep open and a set of beady eyes peer through.

" Whoever is in there, you might as well come out. No sense of listening from the rafters any longer. Plus, we might need some help.", Z belts out loud and proud.

It wasn't long before the whole bunk room became a little crowded as different versions of dimensional ghostbusters filled the place.

It was The Who's who of Ghostbusters past, present and future.

It was so damn loud, the only voice to shut them up was of one woman named Holtzmann. The lungs on that one. Holy hell.

This is super epic, and I don't even know how to begin to describe this beyond memorable moment. There were so many Ghostbusters. The people in my vision. This was it.

And who the hell is this Oscar? I heard them speak about him earlier, but they made it sound like he was a kid. Or at the very least, younger than what we're seeing.

" Now that we have the proper audience, let me explain what is going on. I can see from all of your faces you have so many questions.", the figure responds.

" Uh, you can say that again. Try like a million. But let's go with the obvious. How the hell are you, our Oscar?" Z takes control.

"I do apologize about my appearance. It's rather a uniform more than anything. A disguise if you must designate it. Let me adjust the frequency. One second.", the figure uncovered his left forearm and started fidgeting with a digital interface of some kind.

Why is this so familiar?

"It's that forearm device!", Ray blurts out.

A moment later the light refracting around him and off of him started to shimmer and blasted out, blinding the room. As it faded, a silhouette of a much younger individuals' image was focusing within its wake.

As everyone's eyes started clearing, I could hear Z mumble, "We really need a warning next time. That's twice now with the flashes.", as he groaned on like the countless others.

Squinting through finally, Ray managed to speak first.

"It is you, Oscar!"

" Why would I lie about that?", Oscar retorted. "Forget I said that. I know what you guys have been going through since my disappearance. I've checked in from time to time."

" You've checked in from time to time? Boy you've been missing for nearly 8 months, and we haven't heard squat from you.", Z scolds. "You have any idea what you've been putting your father through? Not to mention your mother. Well, do ya?"

" I get why you're upset and believe me if I could have contacted you, I would have. But I needed him, in order to do so.", Oscar explains pointing at me.

" I'm confused. What does Jasper have anything to do with this?", Janine scratches her head.

"Jasper, do you know who I am?", Oscar asks.

" Well, your other form looked familiar from my training and studies. You fit the description of the mystery man from my timeline, almost perfectly. And with that device, that Ray pointed out. It's obvious."

" Correct. But am I familiar to you?"

As I sit there and stare intently at him, I do get the feeling like I've had an encounter with this man personally. Just not sure where. And then it clicked, just like the flashes had before.

" You grabbed my arm right after the explosion."

" That a boy. I was hoping your mind wouldn't completely suppress everything. Although, I wasn't quite expecting you to remember as much as you had. But it's done now and I'm sorry I had to put you through that nevertheless."

Finishing that statement, Oscar started to fidget with his device on his arm again, and Z braced for a bright light.

"No flashes this time Z, this is for Jasper."

Z nods.

Oscar then looks over at me to say," And don't worry bud. Although this might feel a little unnerving, It'll be over quick. So, try and relax.", as he finishes his explanation of what he's doing.

And with a flick of a button on Oscar's device, I fall back on to my pillow.

Ray, Egon, Janine and Z run to my side, as everyone else moves in a bit.  "What did you do?", Ray blurts out as he checks my vitals.

"Relax everyone, I'm just giving him the missing pieces to his story. He'll come to in a second."

As everyone looked over me, I could feel everything snap into place. My lost time, the reason, and the power.

My true power.

" You guys might want to step back a bit. He isn't carrying an entity, but rather something far superior."

The gang moved away quickly, almost in a disgusted manner. Janine looked the most freaked out by that statement. I can imagine she feels lied to.

With this display of panic, it forced everyone to hug the walls.

"What's about to happen?", Egon questioned to Oscar.

" Providence.", he spoke as my body started to glow a rather light blue hue.

In an instant, the glowing stops and I open my eyes. The glow that was just emanating from me, was transferred to my direct core. Piercing their way out of the Soul's natural viewfinders, my gaze looked both mesmerizing and sinister equally at the same time.

" I remember it all. Even your involvement Uncle Oscar."

The group looks back and forth between us two. You can feel the whiplash forming. The murmurs amongst each other.

" Care to share with group now? We're all here, so clue us in there Mr. Teach. Everyone is accounted for." Z expresses impatiently.

" Jasper is actually a god.", Oscar speaks first.

The murmurs stop and all eyes fall on Jasper.

" Excuse me? How is that possible? He's been sitting here with us the whole time and I never once got a feeling like when we fought Gozer. I never felt like I was in the presence of an other-worldly being. This was just not the case. So, let's add that to the list of so many questions. Shall we?", Z scoffed.

" Well before we begin, I think it's best to let the audience in on the story too.", Oscar explains pointing up at the ceiling corner of the room.

Everyone looked completely miffed on what he was referring to. Clearly these 8 months he's been away has fried his brain.

" Uh, who?", Janine whispered over to Ray.

" The audience, the people listening to this story at this very moment.", Oscar repeats.

" Yeah, I'm with Janine on this one. I'm just as confused. Are you telling me there are people spying on us right now?", Ray chimes in.

" In a manner of speaking, but these people are not here to hurt you guys. Rather they're here to help encourage from a far or take inspiration from. But the weirdest thing about it all is that they're from another reality entirely. A higher one and the root to our story. They're the only reality that has the power to view ours inconspicuously much like my employers."

" Okay, this just keeps getting weirder and weirder. First Jasper's story and now this. Not to mention everything else. Let's take it from the top, shall we? What do you mean employers?", Z fires off again.

" Yeah, I can try for the top. I'll even try to keep everything in order much like Jasper has. And I promise I'll be a bit more roundabout it."

" Great! Another story.", Janine says sarcastically as she is the first to sit and slumps down rather dramatically. Crossing her arms in typical Janine fashion, she lets out a sigh.

And just as everyone else was about to do the same, Oscar spoke up, "Don't you worry, my story is much more visual based than Jasper's.", he said as he tapped his device for a moment looking at everyone.

As soon as everyone found a seat where they could, whether it be a bed, chair or floor, Oscar looked back down at his device to prepare its next sequence.

With a wave of a few fingers dancing across his screen, the room collapsed in a full dive rendering of what exactly happened 8 months ago to spark this epic journey.

The technology to render such a power was that of a god and with such precision to recall everything. It was like being back there originally for the first time in the memories I was present for. Only he set it up to go as he explained it. Interesting.

But I could see what he was doing. The visual aid will help set up the next step much faster in this story arc and getting me prepared for what's to come next.

Preparing all of us really.

Watching all of the confused looks. The uneasiness feeling of having their minds connected for the first time reminds me of my first injection experience. You can feel something there but it's out of reach. This feeling happens so rapidly you literally collapse or get the sensation of falling. Which is why every injection is done in the kneeling position. So, I'm glad everyone sat down. The spark in everyone's eye. I can even see you dear reader. But you're not quite connected all the way. Not fully. Not yet.

" Funny of you to think of that Jasper cause if the audience watching along can't already tell, I've been the narrator since the beginning. These new candidates may see glimpses of these readers and of what I'm talking about since they're connected to my control interface now. But they won't have a clue to what it means until the end." Oscar then turns to start looking at everyone, "But, Jasper does though. He's what they're all waiting for to hear from next. You'll understand too once all of this is explained that is.", Oscar divulges.

"Did you just read his mind?", Egon not missing a thing.

" Yeah, just like I'm reading yours and everyone connected to this story. He just spoke to the readers, and I figured it was a perfect time to officially introduce myself. So welcome to the final act. Everyone has finally shown.", he finishes before withholding his final thought.

" Let's start at the portal, shall we? Before we confuse them any further with more out of order sequences that is.", I urge knowing I'll find out what he's holding back in a bit.

" I agree, let's.", Oscar concurred eyeing me knowingly.

Talking about the portal spurred the first set of images in their heads as it began. I could see the wonder in their faces. The reactions were even more in depth as new details emerged.

" So that's how you disappeared. I knew they were connected!", Janine blurts out witnessing the incident 8 months prior.

" Yes, and the Kronos Keepers disabled the portal once I walked through it to their world. Our world was not meant to connect to any other. Ever. It was made due to a byproduct of another dimension and repurposed to preserve order from all the supernatural occurrences. This was classified as a pocket dimension of an actual dimension after the discovery. This space was specifically formed out of the complexities during convergences with major cataclysms all converging into one place. Here. The sum of ALL these supernatural events has created a perfect fake-world where no bad happens. Unlike its counterpart. The prime dimension. If you've ever seen one, a cataclysm that is. It looks just like a wormhole. Thus, creating a counterpart to your real self in whatever dimension you originated from at that time. It was a little discerning finding out that I'm just a copy of my original self. That we're all the remaining resemblances of our old home in this world."

" But we're not in a dimension of our world in our universe. Some of us inter-dimensionally time jumped as well.", a scruffy looking slender gentleman with gold earrings said rocking a trendy goatee.

" That's correct. This seems to be where you guys go instead of having a dimension like a 404 equivalence in your own universes", Oscar replies.

" So, wait, that's why it's been super boring around here? Nothing ever goes wrong? I mean, we've had a handful of incidents over the years but nothing else. Well, except for us, apparently. Is that why?", Janine breaks one loose.

" Yes, that'd be the reason, Janine.", Oscar confirms.

" Thank god Egon crafted that contract with the city to build defense equipment. The ONLY source of income we've ever seen. Or otherwise, we'd be out on our asses. I got another job because of this.", Janine praises but then sulks.

From behind Janine a few rows back. Next to Holtzmann, must have been another one of her crew members as she popped up her hands to get my attention.

" Oh, Oh. I think I know what he's talking about. Um, when Abby and I went into the rip during our cataclysm and we came back looking like a bunch of Einsteins, I swore I saw another version of ourselves. They were coming at us in the same floating manner we were in. Mirrored effect perhaps?", a brunette in a reflective jumpsuit spoke, standing now and looking around.

" When did you see that, Erin? How could you see that? Are you absolutely sure?", a woman who must be Abby retorted trying to pull her back down to sit.

" Positive, it tracks. Plus, you didn't have your glasses. Stop it.", She fires back while smacking Abby's hand.

"Owe. That hurt.", she stops to kiss her own hand and thinks about the cross-rip jump. "Oh yeah, you're right. I had lost my glasses. My bad.", Abby replies rather awkwardly as Erin finally takes her seat again.

Abby looked desperate to add something but was soon interrupted.

" Thank you, ladies, that'll be enough. But my point exactly.", Oscar commends chuckling to himself after interrupting.

" Ha, the wizard totally cut you off.", Holtzmann slapped Abby's arm. "I like this guy."

Abby crossed her arms.

"So, this is just a copy of the real world you keep speaking of?", Ray questioned.

"Yes, this is actually a whole new universe, from that one. Our Beta to its alpha from where we come from."

"The multiverse theory.", Egon quickly blurts.

"Exactly. The keepers had no idea how to reach this world, nor were they sure anyone else could aside from this portal. Given that Egon dismantled the tether for a portal to connect to from another source, the keepers put this away for safe keeping, just in case. And rightfully named it 404. Because of its nature and all."

"Like the computer error code?", Z giggles.

"One and the same I'm afraid."

"Okay it's funny to see that the Multiverse, even in the grand scheme of things, still has a sense of humor.", Z applauds.

"I thought the same thing when I heard it myself.", Oscar relates.

" But how did you get wrapped up in all of this? How did you acquire a job with this group? Are they human?", Egon spoke trying to stay progressive.

" My presence had been foreseen by dispatchers of their realm. This leading to my cooperation, it had been said that my arrival would mark a turn in the battle for leverage over all realities. And where some of you might think 8 months isn't all that long for someone to change the world let alone a whole universe. Or even many. It's actually been about 320 years give or take a few."

Janine, just like everyone else's face looked shocked and beyond confused now. They could see it, just not believe it.

" The reality I lived in for the past three millenniums, time runs differently."

" From a group called 'Kronos Keepers', that makes sense. That disguise you have, isn't all that fake. Is it? That's actually a version of what you'd look like in the future isn't it? I can see the slight similarities from that appearance to yours now.", Egon tracked as others quickly did.

" Precisely, and their technology helps rejuvenate the possessor. So, a very long life can be achieved to a degree. Not quite immortality but close enough. My involvement, changes all that. Or rather, Jasper's does I found out later."

" What was your involvement? Explain what we're seeing. This is just, wow.", Ray questioned this time sounding astounded and confused all at once.

So many different time sequences continue to dance across everyone's view. Looking over it, to most it would have been considered more of a blur rather than a silent movie. So, I understand the need for an explanation.

I myself might not have gotten it if not for my current condition with my power.

" Finding a way to become a god. What you just saw is what Jasper will soon explain. I can't exactly tell you what it's like to actually become one. But hopefully he can by the end.", Oscar conveys sounding hopeful.

" Wait, I thought you've seen all of this before. Being someone that can control time and all. I can't see that anywhere. This end you speak of.", Z revealed.

" That's because it changed when I came back here just now. This dimension is shrouded from the Keepers and my connection to them was severed with a helpful upgrade from Jasper."

" Why? What did you do Oscar?", Janine questioned.

" It's not so much what I did, but rather what they were really doing in the shadows, these beings as they liked to be called. They aren't very emotional it seems but don't get in their way. Their malice has no bounds or equal."

" So, we have intergalactic beings looking to find you and we could all die in the process. Great. That's just great. I can't ever catch a break....", Janine could be heard mumbling to herself and trailing off just like the others around her whispering to one another.

" Well, do you want to take over and give them the long-awaited ending to why you're really here Jasper? And what this all really means?", Oscar speaks breaking the murmuring occurring around us.

Clearing my throat, I sit up and snap my finger.

In an instant, the bed disappears, and I am left standing in its absence wearing all of my gear. Pack and all.

This causes the group to instantly jump, and many could be heard letting out their own renditions of gasps and shrills.

It felt good to be in control once again. But what about the others? I still had no grasp on that. My original timeline is closed now. I couldn't go back even if I wanted to. They're all gone. I know that now.

Yasmin. The b....

" Hold on Jasper. I was going to wait till the end to reveal this. This is what I was holding back. I mean, there's already so much unpacked here. I figured it'd be a nice surprise. But now's just as good a time as any. I can see this is tearing you up more than I expected, so I'll oblige. Good thing I keep my own contingencies. But this was mainly to make you whole again."

And before I could say anything aloud, a portal formed right behind Oscar.

"Again?", Z yelled while covering his eyes but was ignored.

" Right on cue.", Oscar says to himself.

As soon as he finished his comment, a figure walked through.

" Yasmin!!", I screamed as I blinked in and out right over to her.

" How is this possible? You couldn't have had time to get pulled out.", I say totally stricken with overwhelming joy.

And before she could say a thing to me, we were interrupted by Oscar.

"Umm, yeah, I left that part out of your memory too so I could surprise you at the end. I was now going to wait till you finished with your pleasantries and greetings in just a few minutes. But here we are. You're just an impatient guy. So, if you need to know now, at that moment when you finally fully powered up and were going to do what you needed to do back in 1945, that's when I stepped in to stop you from walking through that portal. Not right after the explosion. That's where I triggered your amnesia to start and sprinkled in effects to mask your memory. I had to do this in order to find a way for you to redesign my gear and sever my link. Which was much more important than resetting your timeline. This gave me extra powers that we agreed would help aid in controlling gods later down the road. You clearly saw everything I was explaining, given your abilities which made the process much easier. But sadly, you couldn't see what I was about to do. And I'm sorry to say this, I had to use this new gift on you. Hence the amnesia. I couldn't take a chance that it would just magically function properly on a god, so I had to be sure. And used it on you, for safe measure. Besides, you needed to power down. To make up for this, I made the promise to go back in time to save the people most dear in your life since I still had access to that present timeline. In fact, I just reset all of my timelines in my device and kicked your ass over to this universe. But that's not the real reason I used it. Yeah, I needed it to work. But I also needed to keep you here long enough, powerless for me to complete my final steps in this cluster fuck of a plan. I couldn't risk you throttling up and making the location of this universe known to the keepers. Remember I said that time runs differently with my technology? They could take all the time in existence, and it would seem like nanoseconds on how fast they would react to knowing our location. Scratch that, attoseconds actually. They have such a grasp on their technology.  Well, picture that technology with Jasper's power. And now, having this upgrade, I'm a more like a god slayer. No offense. But as I said before though, I have my contingencies as well. And I need to be stronger then my once would-be capturers."

"No, I understand. A very good friend showed me that that should never be a bad thing. I have a feeling he'll be walking through any moment with an I told you so for me, spouting the same things."

But, before that happened, I begin to feel a tap on my shoulder.

Turning around quickly, I see a steadfast Z waiting to greet to whom he just realized walked through the portal.

" Are you Winston?", Yasmin finally speaks after sobbing from the background also realizing who is in front of her.

" Yes, child. I uh, I guess I'm your great great great great grandfather. Well not yours. God, dimensional travel is so dumb or whatever this is. Ugh!", Z replies feeling annoyed.

" Yeah, in the course of all of this and having this massive crowd now. I never thought to look for my Peter and the rest of the guys that you all said were here from my timeline. Where are they?", I say looking around the room.

" Where are the guys from Jasper's timeline you guys? I know you all saw them. They kept to themselves the whole time."

As everyone started to look around and others out in the hall to see if anyone was left out. We ended up with nothing.

" What happened to them?", I ask looking at Oscar.

" From the looks of it, I'd say since I reset your timeline they got reset too. I mean it's a good sign really if you think about it."

" But what about me? Yasmin? The others about to come through?"

" My tech, remember? I brought you here, not a cosmic force."

" That makes sense."

" A god for a day and still just as dumb as the rest of us.", he palms his face shaking it at the same time. "I'm happy to see that you're not completely perfect.", he finishes chuckling.

" Don't make me snap my finger.", I say, bringing my finger up looking about to laugh myself.

" You wouldn't?", he replies raising his head back up with a straight face, as the others start to appear.

" You're lucky they showed up.", I finally laugh as does he.

You could feel the crowd getting restless as we waste time and with the new arrivals it was time to finally fill in the last pieces and get this show on the road.

" Oscar, can you tune the arrivals in real quick."

" Why don't you try? I'm sure with your power you could easily walk them through each frame, step by step in real time if you so choose. And not a manmade rolodex version I'm rocking right now to broadcast. You try and do that while I prepare my device for the next phase."

I stare at everyone for a moment seeing all the wonder come over them as I nod. While these poor souls sit in anticipation for something unlike anything they've witnessed. Ever. Yet again. I'm assuming of course from the looks.

Focusing, I fully connect to the hive mind now.

I clear my conscience essence and see it all. Every second. Just like before. A perfect harmony.

I snap my finger.

A brilliant white warmth covers everything.

And I'm floating up in the air once again above the training field back in my dimension.

I start to look around and see that everyone from the firehouse is gathered on the ground around where I'm floating above.

Time has stood still but we remain in motion.

I slowly descend and land softly to everyone staring.

" Yeah, it's still weird for me too. But getting right to it. Everyone look around and see how this all was built. You can see all the people watching me from where I was above. This was right before the giant blast that seemed to be emanating from command HQ. Which by the way was actually the fire house reinforced and extremely expanded upon for the history nuts in the group here or the ones listening."

" Yeah, Jasper. You're going to have to explain to us who these people you and Oscar keep referring to before it's all done. I mean we can see them from the visual memory playbacks, sure. But I haven't the foggiest clue as to what it all means.", Z droned.

" Oh, I will. After all, Oscar did say they were important. And he isn't wrong. But you'll see it all very clearly by the end. I promise."

" So, what's happening here slugger? Where exactly is Gozer, Jasper?", Ray starts in with the questions everyone is thinking.

" The reason why I started you guys here was because this is when you get to see who the true villain was in this timeline. Something far more powerful than Gozer."

With a snap of my fingers, I transport us to the top of a giant mountain dirt mound about 150 yards away for a better visual for what is about to come.

" Here we go.", and with that, an explosion erupted.

A blast so powerful that many of these traveling witnesses averted their eyes due to its sheer brightness.

A few of them even made a couple of volunteered remarks after the light dimmed. Such as, "Uh, are we going to be ok from that blast coming our way?" or "Is this safe?" and my favorite, " Are we going to die?"

" Everyone calm down. I can assure you that this is just a simulation or rather all in your head, so don't worry. We're perfectly fine. Although you might feel a teensy bit of warmth perhaps. This is my first time and all, so who knows.", I say cracking a smile at everyone. Hopefully they get my humor.

And with that comment, everyone just looked back and forth at each other whilst waiting for the volley of destruction to come hearing murmurs of, "This is where so many died.".

Many didn't want to see what was to come to all these people.

But it was the aftermath though that had all of them very confused.

Remember, it was at this point my mind checked out in the recorded simulation. Up until briefly, I was just as much in the dark as them.

Watching the light fade and the warmth subsides, a very different terrain of my very respected base, creeped into view.

It was completely decimated.

Almost like nothing had ever been built here. Or grown for that matter.

Just fresh like a brand-new canvas.

I could only see a dirt graveyard of everyone I had ever known. Just gone. Burning.

Looking around though, I could see myself fly over to what seemed like a remaining bit of rubble. It was from the stands that would have been next to Command Tower if it were still there. But this rubble was now near the Hudson edge.

With a snap, I repositioned our views on the outskirts of the Hudson not far from where we were originally as the scene unfolded.

" Colonel, what just happened?", an unknown soldier in an unfamiliar battle armor suit yells back with a Russian accent after recovering from the blast.

Countless perished in the shockwave, but a few survivors made it out.

How is that possible? I can hear the question repeat over and over from my audiences minds.

Well from the looks of it now, it seems experimental technology used by our foreign branches is responsible.

Their gear shielded them from the blast much like mine did for my body.

Which doesn't seem very much different from ours it would appear.

Well, this is definitely a weird way to find out your Organization has some major leaks.

And since Federal Regulations state that American military personnel are unauthorized to be in possession of an entity while not on direct assignment. This left our entire Demon Division defenseless, not to mention leaving the entire Corps itself vulnerable. Meaning, no one survived but these individuals. And their entities it seemed.

And myself, of course.

My body wasn't fazed by this as it showed little emotion to begin with, only to start powering up. Going into attack position.

This made the rest of them stop and reassess the situation for a split second.

But even with their advanced abilities, this wasn't quick enough, because they were dead before anyone could even realize what had just happened.

Looking back at the group, watching them react to my body do unspeakable things these poor souls, I quickly raise my hand and with another snap, time stops once more.

"Okay, This evidently wasn't me. This is definitely after what I remember, so clearly this wasn't me. Can anyone in the group tell me why that is?", I say knowing its laughable to try and get a group to say they believe a duck makes a 'moo' sound. When it really quacks. So, I am aware of how hard this question may be to grasp. In this mass crew of geniuses though, one of them has to get it.

" What do you mean that wasn't you? Look at what just happened!!", Janine says in a fit of rage.

While Janine was my obvious first choice for first signs of skepticism, I expected a few more. But regardless, I just needed one for this to work. And sadly, Janine is a step behind. Meanwhile, the rest of the group has already been made aware the truth and my leading explanation was about to be divulged by none other than Ray.

" Your ghost turned on you, I'm guessing. It saw the blast and found a way to take over. Didn't it?"

"You're almost correct. It did turn on me, yes. But it always had control over me. That's what we didn't understand at first."

And another wave of uneasiness swept through the group again.

Many felt like this was beginning to feel really wrong. And I don't blame them either.

I bet not a single one of these so-called paranormal investigators have ever seen anything quite like this before. The gore level can be a bit much for many, I'm sure.

But it was because they all thought the ghost had indeed been with me the whole time. That it was just waiting to kill once again. That's what they were feeling and waiting for.

It seems Oscar and I only made a few feel slightly comfortable about this from before I'd realized.

" Guys, I totally get where you all would feel that way. And you'll definitely learn to trust me when you see the next bit. "

The only thing anyone could see now in their heads was this brilliant bright blue shade they saw earlier from my eyes.

This time though it was a kind of glow that made you feel like you were watching the fairy god mother all over again as they once had as an innocent child.

It was that feeling that told you, everything was going to be alright.

"Trust that glow. That brilliance. You're seeing a red blemish right now. The wrong kind of power.", I say as I resume the simulation.

"Avert your eyes if don't wish to watch.", I say as we continue forward.

Getting back to me killing everyone, we watch as my body stops on the last two individuals from our UK and Japan branches--sparing their lives.

They needed to be left alive apparently.

" Are you collecting what I think you're collecting?", a different Egon from the back spoke up.

" Yup. A gatekeeper and a key master. What else would I save them for?", I say sarcastically hearing everyone else think the same. This hive mind thing is starting to get annoying. Thank goodness it's only one way. I'd hate for them to hear these thoughts. I'm sure Oscar is laughing right about now.

" Who the hell is this ghost that took you over Jasper?", Ray sounded super puzzled, helping me refocus.

" I just wished I had been there. The Power of Patty would have gotten that ghost out of you fo-sho!", a woman with the name tape Tolan spoke with sass.

" Oh Yeah, I though this felt like a whole Kevin body-take over moment with Rowan.", Holtzmann realized allowing the rest of the class to see it too.

Moving along, we witness the imposter that is me disappear from view with the two captives. They all question.

" Where could he, I mean you be going? Where did your body go? This is getting confusing.", Erin spoke up this time bringing aloud everyone's voice.

"Why won't you just tell us whose controlling you already kiddo.", Z chimes in.

" Because he's showing us what all of this is like firsthand. Plus, we're all going to be knee deep in it soon after this little walk down memory lane is finished. Am I right? So, he needs to build up the severity of how fucked we all are.", a seemingly more alpha version of this Z speaks after the previous.

I looked back to see this was one of the animated ones. A cartoon with a mouth it seems. Damn, that's cool.

"Yes, of sorts. I need you to see what the power of some these worlds has on these entities we all call ghosts across the multiverse."

" What's going to happen after all this? I don't think I'm ready to die.", Janine is panicking a bit now seeing what could be.

"The glow, everyone. Remember the glow. Let's continue.", I say before transporting to ground zero of the blast zone and the one place my entity needed to go.

" Every dimension has one breach in common. The Firehouse containment field explosion. It's the epicenter in the multiverse. In some dimensions it's minimal. Others, well, you will see what I mean. Same goes with every universe that mirrors the one before it simultaneously. But all of them have the same connection. One to that universes' ghost dimension and a direct link to their Gozer.", I explain.

As we begin to witness myself open the breach, my body makes a swift swipe with its hand, like a cat scratching through a screen door with its claws.

Seeing a dark ominous shaded glow creep out of this breach, it splits up quickly. Two apparitions appear, taking over the sacrificial offerings laid before the opening. This possession happened just as quickly as the entities had enteried this world. Instantly.

Now on to the copulation, of course. As any good Gozer researcher has known, this is part of the fun process. Every time it seems. Oh, the silliness of Gods.

The next scene that took place left a few uneasy but didn't last long and we were all very thankful for that. Although the technique could use some work. You figured after so many millennia that would be second nature, but you heard my statement.

Given that the enactment was finished, this clearly meant the portal was now unlocked.

As many of them began to look back again in full view, they could see my body start to use its extremities to begin the ritual of Gozer.

Twirling its hands about, my body spoke for the first time," Oh dear, dear sister. Still ever needing the outside need of help to get into a world. What a shame. And certainly, no God. But we are family and I still need you. So come forth. I demand thee."

I snap again, bringing the simulation to a complete stop.

The group is stunned.

" So, you mean to tell us that you've been harboring Tiamat this whole time? Or was Tiamat one of the monsters in the Hudson incident? That's all a blur still to me.", Ray says falling to the ground in complete shock. 

Yeah, they all know who Tiamat is. As I said before, a mass crew of geniuses.

This definitely takes the cake on anything that has ever been said before.

Another wave of doubt hits again.

" Are you sure this blue glow is good? I'm just feeling like you're tiptoeing us to our deaths again.", a few iterations of that begin like a murmur through the crowd, following with replies of 'yeah'.

" You want to know where I was in all of this?", I say starting to get agitated now by the lack of belief as my back is turned to them.

After everything I've shown them.

I take a deep breath and turn around slowly with an arrogance exuding a kind of 'how dare you' vibe.

You could see a bit of fear hit them.

"I was being held captive in my own head while a ghost took over my body. And not just any ghost. A fucking all mighty and powerful dragon god that revealed itself to me while it was torturing me during all of this. Of how when it first showed up, it left a piece of itself in my downed comrade for this very moment. To use his body as a vessel and detonate the containment unit grid.", I start screaming as the images start running across their faces.

" Being told that every bit of your existence was a joke and that you are worthless in the big picture. Being shown how powerless you are while you watch your colleagues die in front of you. Yeah, I may not have known them. But they were Ghostbusters for fucks sake. ", I slow down my words as I begin to lose it. Tears running from my face.

Yasmin grabs me and I can't help but lose myself yet again in her arms.

"I almost lost you. And then to hear from a tool that it wished it had had the pleasure of ending your life personally. Taking you and...that drove me passed the point of madness. My body went to such lengths that not even Tiamat knew what was happening. She couldn't counter it or see it coming.", I manage to cohesively put that together, sounding like a complete mess in the process.

" Well, show us my love, you have our attention. Don't stop now.", She whispers to me with every ounce of her strength behind it.

I take a minute and compose myself. Then spin the time back up to continue.

As Gozer was making its way into the world, my controlled self as Tiamat grabbed the breach and ripped it open further with her power.

Once it was open and Gozer stepped through, an almost knowing look came over the destructor face as if it knew exactly who freed it.

" Ah dear sister, I thought that was you under that atrocious ensemble. Why would you choose to wear them?", Gozer talks down.

"I could ask you why is it that a god needs to use them to get oneself into a world, if we're asking questions my young sister."

This was not given a reply but a look of disdain.

Tiamat smiles from my vessel, "If you must know though, I'm syphoning power from these unique mortals. The alternative to waiting for their prayers. Besides, this generation has learned to be quite formidable. Even handling powers not quite their own. You should try it if you are to ever get out of the shadow of the god you once were."

" And bring myself down to your level dear sister? I think not. I'm not as desperate as you seem to be."

" Desperate you say? As I recall, I wasn't the one who got banished by our father. Remember I have the love of his approval. I'm certainly not desperate. But I am at a need for more power than I am used to, you see. Which is why I'm here seeing you after such a long abandonment."

"The interactions with the primates have left you soft and apparently weak to seek me for help. I will never help you after your betrayal to me.", Gozer retorts.

" Well, many blessings for that. But I never needed you. Just your power dear Sis. In fact, I was hoping that would be your response. This may not be as easy now, but it'll sure be most agreeable.", Tiamat said, using me as a puppet.

And just like that, Tiamat started to expel her mist form from my port to engulf Gozer as well as her pets.

Almost like a banshee cry, this one radiated out much like the blast did. It had significant force behind it too. Not sure if that's because it was that of a god or what.

But back in my head, even my inner consciousness in the depths of my neural uplink felt the force of the cry. Which gave me the only indication of what was happening outside this constraint in my head.

Tiamat is all about power and if she's about to pull all of that power into this rig, then I'm about to witness what her true intentions were all along.

" Oh, don't worry about what's going on out there. This will all be over very soon. Once I have my sister's power and then yours all together, I'll be unstoppable.", a now updated avatar of Tiamat with long fiery flowing, glowing red hair and dark scales; speaking in front of me.

" I should have known this was too good to be true. But I'm confused. What's got you so scared that you'd take your own family's power to survive? Given I know most of the truth now.", I say trying to taunt.

" It's of no concern to you, mortal. You'll be nothing here shortly. Just like your soul mate and child."

I look at her incredulously, all my cares seemed to drop with that last comment. I didn't care to know anything more about this 'thing'.
This piece of shit had to die. Now.

"What did you just say?", collecting my broken thoughts at the moment.

" A child?", I continue.

My eyes well up and I go into a blank stare.

"Oh, you didn't know. She hadn't told you.", she confesses while laughing hysterically.

I could feel the group turn and look at me. It was especially resonating from Yasmin, who could now understand my outburst from earlier.

But before Tiamat could torture me any further with any more pain, the full bit of power Gozer possessed finally flowed within this body. Which caused the most peculiar thing to happen next.

An audible warning mechanism could be heard from within the hostage construct of my mind as well out in the real world too.

"What is this trickery? What have you done?", Tiamat speaks looking confused and not so much like she's in control any longer before vanishing from my field of view.

My trapped mind, however, was just sitting there fading in and out of reality really. I was in an even more agonizing prison than the one I had been subjected to for the past twenty minutes or so. A child? Was there really a child? A pit of rage starts to whirl from within. And then I could feel a power I'd never touched before wash over me.

Back in the group's point of view, many of them look over to me again as to show they're piecing together what they've already seen now.

I catch a wide-eyed Winston this time, looking over at me and I give a nod. To which he nods back and gives a knowing I'm sorry look before returning his view forward.

But within this piecing, I can see that Tom's knowledge is being put to good use as he's explaining what just happened in his mind to everyone.

The sound stops suddenly only to begin an emergency dump ejection from the port that catches the whole group by surprise as they jump.

The suspense was killing everyone, I mean. So, it's understandable for their nerves to be jumpy. Being a frail human once myself, I'd like to know how the hell another human got out of that situation too. Am I right? It was before I became a god, sitting in my own mind. I went from powerful, to an ant under a boot. Who wouldn't want to know how to get out of that debacle. I mean, its literally what Tom's thoughts are on the matter too. Just like the others. So, it worked out. I damn sure couldn't have explained it on that scale of difficulty.

As he thinks back, he really had no idea what Egon's design would entail. Let alone, knowing the exact redesign that would make it to work even better. Apparently, that's a skill he never thought he'd possess.

Now outside my body," What did you do? This shouldn't be possible. To defy a god's power. I'll make you pay once I....", Tiamat starts to say trailing off feeling what's coming next.

Now the mist was in the presence of a powerful glowing being unlike anything it had ever witnessed itself in existence.

The birth of a new god.

" But how? You're just a weak human parasite. You have no power whatsoever.", Tiamat continues to speak in her mist form sounding more and more nervous trying to flee.

" Oh, not so fast. Just where in the hell do you think you're going?", I finally say in full glory after being freed from my hostage situation.

I don't know what came over me, but I just thought it and my port started to act like a vacuum. Sucking the entity back into my reactor.

" Yeah, we can't have you out here making a mess of things anymore. You seem quite fond of taking people's power, so I'll just take the rest of what I skimmed from you already and take you off the board."

" What? No!! You can't do this!!", Tiamat screams demonically as it loses the struggle of holding on.

" Shouldn't have taken my family from me, you piece of shit. Go find your sister in whatever hell you guys go to in the end.", I finish as the last bit slurps up in to my port opening.

A loud audible system burn could be heard from the reactor as my on board BXU activates for venting.

It was like getting performance racing fuel added to a circuit dirt track car, my QER never purred so good.

I felt energized. Even more so than I had turning into a newly fresh-made God-like being, a few moments before.

Was this really as easy as it all seemed to be? Were they gone?

Was our goal of eliminating Gozer finished?

Yes, I think so.

The threat is over finally.

But at what cost?

What do I do now?

Looking around and seeing that I'm the only living thing for miles, I stop when a feeling floats over me.

There was a baron empty space near my presence pulsing with energy. It felt mostly friendly, but I couldn't tell what it was. There was nothing that could be seen in front of me. Not even when I walked over to the peak of its energy flow. Which is exactly where my future self was standing as we watched.

From the group's perspective, the gaggle started to glue together that my power was alerting my simulated version of our real presence. Even though this was just a simulation of that experience. So how?

Was I really all powerful?

A God?

What did we just create?

Can I call myself that?

It was at that moment; they could see the power I possessed.

I, of course, knew what myself was doing given that I'd experienced it already but now I could actually recall it.

Since I'd been given back my memories, that is.

" So, this is just about when you summoned that portal I'm assuming.  Right?", Egon asks.

" Well, yes and when the arm grabbed me as well. This is where Oscar met up with me and did what he needed to do, chopping up my memory and all. Which brings me back to where I met the lot of you at the entrance of the firehouse.", I finish starting to revert the landscape back to the bunk room once again.

With a snap of my fingers at the end, I sever the link between the group.

" So that's what happened?", Ray sits in a daze much like the rest of the audience after such an experience.

But I wasn't really listening. I was too busy staring at Yasmin.

I just gave her this look of wonder and another look of why didn't you tell me?

To which she replied with a shrug.

Typical. I think the word to myself as I chuckle internally.

And from behind, I could almost anticipate Z's reaction coming up.

" Wow, so many twists and holy hell, the baggage. There's so much in this story, kiddo. Even a soon to be new grandchild too with a couple of Gs in front of it on its way. This couldn't be a happier day. But I'm getting too old for this.", Z sitting slumped in his chair like all the rest. Exhausted it seems from the whole activity and more.

" Ah, that sounds like it went well.", Oscar comes walking back in after hearing us stir with life again.

" The best it could have I guess.", I question in a sense.

" We'll know soon enough, won't we?", He replies with a knowing look.

" What are you two going on about Jasper?", Ray asks curiously.

" The last thing that needs to be explained I'm afraid.", I reply.

" Which is?", the group said in unison.

That surprised the shit out of me, but I replied.

" My true agenda, now that I can see the big picture and have prepared you all for what's to come."

"Told ya! What'd I say earlier?", the animated alpha Z strikes again.

Chapter 7

​Looking over this sea of Ghostbusters blanketing the room.

I could see the familiar face of confusion cross each of their expressions. Much like it has throughout this journey of our storytelling.

From the originals to the new editions at the end that leant their ear. It's a look everyone is sure to have seen.

The thoughts pretty much all read, you mean there's more?

" How about we take a break everyone?", I say holding my hands up in a comforting manner.

I could see relief take control once a break was mentioned. They just need time to process all of this.

Especially if they're to face what's to come next.

" Agreed? Alright, go grab a snack. Or a drink if you like. Take this time to use the facilities, you don't want to miss what's up next. We'll meet down in the Ecto Bay in about 30. Now go. Be free.", I say as everyone starts stretching and limbering up to move.

Getting another tap on my shoulder, I whip around quickly.

I know exactly who's behind me as I turn and take her into my arms. It felt even better than the first time, so I tested a kiss to be sure. Perfection at its best.

" Is this all really happening? Is this real? A family?", I start blurting phrases.

Yasmin just begins to laugh as she tears up from the joy. "Yes dummy, this is all happening and we're about to become 3 so please tell me that you're fighting days are over? We made it out of that nightmare. Let's take it easy and be happy for where we are. Let's take advantage of what we have in our presence."

I could hear the wisdom in her words.

I just hated that I was going to have to let her down.

" Unfortunately sweetheart, that isn't an option. Not at the moment. What I'm about to tell all of these good folks is going to change everyone's life. Not just a few. There's no way around it even if I wanted there to be. There's just an order to these things."

" Does it always have to be doom and gloom with our job? Why can't we have good'ol fun adventures like all these OG gangsters in this room?"

" Who says we can't?"

" Well can this next adventure be less scary at the very least?"

" I'll do my very best gorgeous, but no promises.", I pause for a moment, "Let me ask you something though."

" Shoot."

" How'd you like to become a God yourself?"

The thought seemed quite intriguing from the looks of it as she pondered the idea for a moment.

" Is this what the next adventure has to offer?", she quickly deduces.

" Just like Z, always quick. But to answer your question, yes. That and much, much more."

" If it was to ensure that our baby survives, then yes. I'd gladly accept this gift."

This is something I figured she'd be willing to jump on. But I'm unsure how the rest of the crew will take it.

As I take a step back and look out at the dissolving gaggle, one would hope that they'd be all about it, even chomping at the bit to get a piece of this power. Or at the very least, just to experience it. Perhaps it's just me that thinks that. I am weird, after all.

Although, I can imagine these OGs would probably try and site some moral imperative of why it's a bad idea in the end. So who knows.

As I step back in to lean in for another kiss, I turn to find Holtzmann in my face.

"Oh, Geez! When did you walk up? Where's Yasmin?", I say starting to look around noticeably.

" So, you're an actual god now. That must be so wicked.", she speaks looking me up and down.

"Yes, yes, I am. Uh Holtzmann, is it? What can I do ya for? Kind of in the middle of something." I say still looking for Yasmin.

Yasmin hit my arm from behind, "Babe, now don't be rude."

" There you are. And I'm sorry, what was I thinking.", I say in a chuckling fashion with a hint of sarcasm.

" Oh, did I just upset a god too?"

I smile and tilt my head down with my hands on my waist for a second.

Yasmin just starts cracking up.

"Oh, you think this is funny huh?", I say playfully looking at Yasmin before glancing at Holtzmann.

"So, what's up Holtz?", I say now sounding a bit more relaxed while Yasmin calms down from her laughing fit.

"I was just wondering if you were going to explain why we came here, since our universes don't have a place for us after our cataclysms."

I scratched my head, "Yeah, I knew that wasn't fully explained yet. I could feel you digging at that earlier with a few others feeling the same way. Trust me I'll address it here in a just a few.", I give a reassuring look.

" Alright, wow a god actually hearing my thoughts. That's just, wow. And just for the record. So far, I think you're one of the coolest Gods ever. But don't tell my mentor that. She's kind of a God herself."

I gave this awkward, thank-you facial expression that evidently made her nod and bow uncontrollably. She was quite nervous, and no doubt felt relieved to be walking away from a God intact.

I couldn't help but burst into a childlike laughter after she was no longer in sight. I hated to be rude, but it was funny. The chaos of her mind just now, she's something else. Which, of course, lead Yasmin to smack the shit out of me and begin scolding.

After my stern thrashing, I glance over to the remainder of the people left in the room, I'm suddenly frozen in place.

Of all the people to be saved from my timeline, he couldn't have been one of them.

I must have let my guard down while I was surprised by Yasmin's entrance. Because apparently this happened.

" Uh Commander?", I finally say still with a shocked response on my face.

How did I not see him while I was giving the tour? I begin to drop my baffled expression.

" Oh, trust me, I'm just as shocked as you are. To know that I was supposed to be the first to perish in that ridiculous train wreck you called an exercise. Yeah, then to have it thrown in my face right afterwards. Real classy.", He replies.

" Still ever the asshole I see.", I retort.

" Funny, that's usually my line.", he volleys.

" See I knew you cared just a bit. Otherwise, why would Oscar have saved you? Admit it, you and I are two peas in a pod. Go ahead. I'll wait.", I jokingly antagonize.

" Venkman. You and I will have our moment soon enough, that much I can see. So, the only thing I am in league with is my own vendetta against you. So, say what you will."

" Ah you say the sweetest things, see I knew we were friends all along. And your attitude towards me might even improve more drastically once you hear what I have to say later. So, stick around, I'd hate for you to miss it. After all, it is the one thing you've wanted since we were in the academy.", I finish saying walking away.

He keeps his silence as I make my way out of the bunk room and over to the stairs to descend.

" Couldn't you just teleport?", a bronze haired gentleman sitting down spoke.

Looking over I could read his name tape as Miller, "I suppose you're right, but I'd have to blame it on habit. But what are you sitting here for? Why aren't you heading down with the rest?".

" Waiting on Eduardo to come grab me so we can go back down."

I feel a little embarrassed once I feel what his words meant. Getting a glimpse of who he is from his universe, I lend my hand out as if to ask to shake his.

He gave me a hesitant, taken back look, before finally reaching out to complete the gesture.

In an instant, he was sitting comfortably back downstairs in his wheelchair from where he'd left it, still attempting to shake my hand.

The look of amazement that swept across his face was so pure and innocent.

I quickly stepped away giving him a knowing wink, hoping not to get mobbed by the others with a 'why didn't I get to teleport' look. Getting instead, a rather praiseful 'Good form old chap.'. That to me, would be the most ideal. But I wasn't waiting around to test which one would be the victor. I'm just glad he didn't have to wait for Eduardo any longer.

Making my way to where I was first found, I have to walk by the classic and most iconic ghost catcher of them all. The Ecto-1 herself.

I couldn't help but remember what it would be like to have designed my own Ecto in my timeline given the array of vehicles we made and the ones we saw in our portal viewers.

Crossing the garage door threshold out into the general public, I see there's a perfect spot parked right in front where a no parking sign is erect.

With a snap of my finger, a crackling sound hits the area in a gust, and everyone comes running out from headquarters.

Citizens surrounding the area start to peer out once they have felt it was safe enough after hearing that echoing blast.

With a fog of smoke fanning its way away from the point of contact, a figure starts to appear in the once empty space in front of the firehouse.

" What kind of Ecto is that?", Ray was the first to marvel at the black beauty sitting before him.

" Not a fan of the lighter color's spectrum, are we Jas? It's alright, neither am I. I'm totally digging this!"

"Of course, you'd say that, Kylie! That's totally you. Janine exclaims before simmering down.

Sitting in front we have a 2016 Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat Wagon that's been murdered out in black on black.

Hell, even the Mooglies look a little mean.

This machine in front of us looks like it could have taken down Stay-Puft and ran a complete circuit without even breaking a sweat.

" Damn, she looks mean. And are those lights all black light ultraviolet?", Ray asked upon closer inspection.

" Yes, I had the idea that would help pickup ectoplasmic residue and allow our apparitions to further be seen better. We may not get to see her in action here, but I wanted to at least see what she would look like overall.", I explain.

" You know I had a similar idea originally when I designed our Ecto but decided against it in the end."

'Oh, did you? Well, now you can say it was done.", I say with a smile.

He grins in agreement, "This thing looks kick ass!".

I turn and address the crowded sidewalk of on lookers now, "Sorry folks. I didn't mean to scare you all with one of my experiments. Everything is alright. Just a really awesome assault vehicle to enjoy."

A few piped in from the gaggle of busters viewing, "Is it powered by a ghost?" Did you make it with one?"

I want to answer but I first need to bring in one man to showcase this off ultimately.

" Tom? Where's Tom?", I begin to look around.

" Right here, what you need Cas?"

" Remember that old 57' you found that had been possessed and we brought in?"

" Yeah, we were going to build a beast and then had to scrap the idea. Making us lose our permit for the build and entity. I hated that day."

" Yeah, so did I buddy. I wanted your idea to come to life. But this was mine and I combined it with a bit of yours. What do you say about saying hello to that entity after all?"

He looks at the HellCat and then to me, "Wait? You brought it back? You can do that?".

" Apparently, I can do anything now. Just like a fairytale. But perhaps only to dead things. More on that as it develops.", I say in a mocking, sheepishly manner, trailing off in a questioning exit tactic.

He stares with amazement. And as he finishes his enjoyment, he notices my hand trying to distract him with something even more enjoyable. The keys.

" Go on, take her for a spin. I can wait on ya to get back. It needs a good helmsman, so practice makes perfect.", I say patting him on the back with my other hand.

As he takes the keys, I can hear the engine come to life. Almost as if it knew its owner had arrived.

Tom looks over at me after being surprised by the hello from his new toy, "I think it can wait. This next bit you're going to tell us about sounds super important and I can't be the one to hold that progress up."

" Afterwards then, and I'll join ya!", Kylie blurts out jumping into the conversation.

" Alright, it's settled.", I finish.

We all grin and laugh while returning inside leaving Hellcat-1 to power down.

" So, what's this big reason for coming here Jasper?", Z is the first to start the conversation once we all gather around the original Ecto-1.

I climb up on the side ladder to give everyone a better line of sight, "Well Ms. Holtzmann pointed out just a bit ago that we hadn't entirely discussed why that it is that you all came here. Here rather than your own world's counterpart. These dimensional times that occurred with a cataclysm."

" Does it have something to do with these unseen viewers we keep hearing about? And I'm not talking about those alien timekeepers or whatever Oscar was employed to.", another animated Egon with a stylish whisp about him spoke.

" It does actually, and bear with me. This beta dimension we're in is a place specifically attuned to you guys, us. Busters. This is a Buster Universe and all corresponding universes attached are also Buster Universes or BusterVerses for short."

" So, this is an afterlife of sorts for the Prime Dimension then?", the beta version Egon finally spoke up.

" No, just a pool for the Prime Dimension to sample from when they so choose to. We are merely just a material thing to view and be seen. What I'm about to tell you guys next is something they never expected to happen. What if we joined their world too? Or better yet, had a helping hand in keeping it from being destroyed."

The room once again felt ominous with gloomy remains as before.

"I know it's been a long day for us thus far. There has been so much to grasp and comprehend here that asking you all for one more favor seems like an unforgivable act. But I must. You see, their world is in danger much like ours is now. Only if they die, EVERY existence will perish. Not just ours."

The room remains silent.

"Think of your counterparts. Their lives. They'd do the exact same for you, I'm sure of it. They're you."

" So, what's this big, awful thing that we need to take care of?", Abby spoke up.

It was Oscar who cut me off before I could start," Well, you are somewhat familiar with his work more or less. You've seen it in action on more than one occasion."

" Stop with the mystery and spill.", Z says sounding impatient now.

" Koza'Rai. That's who."

" Their father!?!", Beta Ray says hysterically.

" I'm afraid so.  The Keepers have unfortunately overstepped their authority with his kids somewhere in time aside from this period. And he's finally caught up with them. With their connection to the Prime Dimension being so great. The destruction of them and their home world would mean the end of existence for any living thing anywhere connected to its maker."

" So, the Keepers didn't think to see this little adventure as probably the cause of Koza'Rai's presence now? Why didn't they just stop you right there when they found you originally?", Miller yelled from behind me over to Oscar, who was sitting on Janine's desk now.

" Because technically Gozer and Tiamat are still alive. They weren't destroyed, rather they were repurposed. Isn't that right Jasper?", he nods his head to me for approval.

But before I could reply, a "Get off my desk Mister!", came screeching across the engine bay nearly deafening the whole crowd.

As the group chuckles, trying to clear their ears. I could feel the tension lift a little. With the notion that two of our greatest enemies are still very much alive residing inside me, that's still a lot to swallow and stay calm about.

" So, you're saying they didn't foresee you being the one opening what seems to be their prophecy of sorts.", Beta Egon speaks up again.

" That's correct. Once I realized my purpose for being there, I investigated myself and found that there were a lot of inconsistencies. So, the further I dug the further I realized what I was planning."

" So, you basically reverse engineered your own plan. Before you even planned it technically. Man, that is so cool. And weird to say probably.", Erin spoke up this time.

" Essentially, yes. And how, I haven't the slightest clue. I mean, I know how the course of action and reaction work. But this doesn't make any sense at all and yet here we are.", Oscar finishes chuckling a bit from her comment and his own.

" So, these readers or viewers. You both have used those words, are they going to help or even work with us?", Z asked from a tactical standpoint.

" I'd like to think they would, given that they're still sitting here with us and want to know what's going to happen next. I'd say this is just as scary for them as it would be for us given that they've never seen anything like us before. We may very well disrupt their entire viewing process of the world, or this could be poetry in the making. Who knows?"

" You might. Can't you see the future? Gods are that powerful, right?", Janine chimed in.

" Just like Tress or Tiamat I guess, I can't see time like that either. I'm not sure if I will later, as for now though I can't. In order for me to see a future, I'd have to be physically going there to even begin to know. But that takes a lot of power and I'd have to work up to it. I was raged by the loss of a child and lover, not to mention everything I loved. Perhaps someday I'll be a master at that, but not today. And as far as my vision goes, I was under a lot of stress as human when that clairvoyance happened. Sorry. No help there either.", I explain rather sorrowful.

" So, what are we going to do about this Koza'Rai? What did you have in mind for a strategy?", Z continues his tactic front.

"Well, how would all of you like to become your own god?", I speak as crickets could be heard after my last word spoke.

It was silent, dead silent.

Their minds however were running like a certain bunny, going on and on.

Goatee guy was the first to speak as he coughed doing so trying to catch his breath in the process, "Yeah, Eduardo here. Uh, did you just offer us to become Gods?"

I look around the room and show a knowing comforting look most would feel encouraged by, "Yes, we believe that this would be the course of action needed to take down Koza'Rai and end that family once and for all."

" Will this operation only take us? Or were you telling us about the viewers earlier because we're joining them?", Abby tries to piece them together.

" Yes, but in due time. Once I induct you lot into my corps, I'll go and try recruiting this entire world for anyone that wants to be a Ghostbuster. And then, perhaps we'll try their universe."

" I don't know if you're going to get that many given that no one in this world really knows who we are.", Beta Ray speaks up.

" This is a BusterVerse. Everyone knows who you guys are, big or small. Trust that. Plus, you've got me. Just watch.", I say as I clear my throat and snap my finger.

A kind of speaker system sound comes over everyone's hearing frequency like it was coming on and warming up right in their ears.

With another audible throat clearing, I begin.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the world, I hate to interrupt you during your everyday occurrences. But I have a very important life changing announcement to bestow upon you."

The Ghostbusters in front of me can clearly see what I'm doing, but still worried no one will want to help.

" My name is Jasper Venkman, and I am a god. And where some of you might be questioning if this is real. I can assure you one hundred percent with all certainty that it is in fact, real. I am speaking to you in your head. Just check your local news channels or live broadcasts of any kind. I'm real and I came to offer something to you."

As many of the Ghostbusters turn to the tv in front of the couch beside the Ecto-1, we can see the news broadcast is at a standstill. Or rather, the Anchors were silent. Like they were waiting.

Waves of emotion come flooding in as I open my mind a bit to everything else.

I'd be lying if I said I'd never heard anyone literally go off the deep end in their own mind. Because I had, just then, throughout all of those individual broadcasts everyone was resonating.

Some were absolutely filled with despair, scared beyond belief. Many were intrigued. The majority listened in, and the others did the best to not kill themselves writhing in agony because of it.

" I promise you; I mean you absolutely zero harm and just to show good faith, whatever your heart's desire might be in the next four seconds will appear next to you or equivalent."

Shocks began as everyone in the room started getting what they had just thought of. Right after that is, following my snap that could be heard across frequencies reverberating in their heads.

Some just thought of simple things like food to be curious. Others took advantage and went to extremes in their thoughts. You can only imagine everywhere around the world.

Boats everywhere. Castles popping up. You name it.

Some might have to answer for their choices. Not to me though. I don't judge. I'm not that kind of god.

So, I was getting the world to see I was trying to be a good guy. I felt it was starting to work. I just need to fill them all in now. With everything.

As I sit there and go on and on about what the next course of action is with the last remaining part of the equation, keeping it much more brief and skimming to an almost cliff notes kind of vibe this time around. I lay on the last clincher.

" So, I'm asking anyone that wants to be a part of this cause, your chance to fight for your right to live in this world and in any other. Feel it in your soul and say yes. I'll know and will work accordingly. But I'll give this world a full day to decide. And for the next twenty-four hours, all of your daily tasks and chores will be tended to via your personal robotic assistant that has just arrived on your doorstep or equivalent.", a loud snap could be heard through the broadcast once again.
"This is to give you every opportunity to make the best decision. At dusk tomorrow, I'll snap my fingers for a second time and anyone who has joined will be transported immediately for assignments and training. For the ones, that decide not to, I understand completely. And you will always have a place once you come to terms with whatever is holding you back. Just remember, that when you do, you needn't but think of me and you'll be here. I thank you for your time. That is all.", I finish my broadcast.

" Well Nephew, can we be hopeful that we gained enough followers with your little stunt?", Oscar speaks as he approaches my side.

" As I said before, only time will tell and this next twenty-four hours is going to be a brutal one for some. I pity the poor soul that wants things to stay the same. But change can hurt just to be hurtful. So, I understand.", I reply.

" What do you want to do with this group for the moment?", he asks in return.

" Everyone, just take the time I spoke of and decide what you'd like to do. As I said before, I'm not going to turn away anyone. So just raise your hands when you're ready later on and I'll accept.

And without failure, every arm shot up.

" When we doing this? Casper, is it?", Tolan said with that sass again.

"Cas will do.", I reply.

Well, I guess, I don't need to wait for them. I should have known.

Busters don't know how to say no.


​Cruising around the town at night in the new Hellcat-1 is definitely a lot different than most are used to but happy to see it's a welcomed edition.

Tom starts the chatter, "Dude, too bad Kylie didn't come but what now?"

" It's cool. And man, I personally just want a day to myself. You've been through the same shit more or less and I just want it to stop for two seconds so we can breathe."

" It's funny to hear you say that knowing what you are now.", he shares.

" I'm still me, just upgraded so to speak.", I chuckle.

" Yeah, but how much of you is it really?", he questions. "Don't gods make you change, well, yourself?"

I sat there in the passenger seat as we cruised along. Maybe he was right. He has been so far, and aren't you supposed to trust your doctor?

I turn to look him in the eye, "I'm still me."

And with that, he gave a nod, "That's all I needed to hear bud. Won't speak of it again."

" I see your bedside manners are improving.", I jab.

" What do you expect, I just got a hell of a gift from a man I literally helped turn into a god. And now that man is given me the keys to heaven. I think a little change is in order.", he volleys back.

" And you literally just gave me shit about changing. For Christ's sake, I'm a mess but you're fine apparently.", I laugh deeply.

" Gotta keep you on your toes Colonel."

" Touché."

And with that we ride off waiting for the next day to arrive and the conclusion to our ever-unfolding story.

But back at the firehouse, we hear a pair of voices in the downstairs storage rooms adjacent to the containment unit.

" Do you really think he's going to do it? Make everyone a god? After I've worked so hard to achieve it myself? He said this was a gift and all I feel is a cold slap in the face." A soured looking Commander stands alone.

Another voice could be heard next...

" Quit your whimpering little mortal...I didn't escape as a sliver through your rig, a rather curious looking prototype I might add; just to hear you whine over Venkman. I myself, will make you even more powerful just like the superior rig you possess. We won't need Venkman. But I will need you to tell me about this curious contraption you saved me in though. The story behind it. And its secrets.  Don't want any surprises like the last. But moving on, once he gives you this so-called gift, I'll take back what was to be mine. Hearing that the rest of me is still alive and with a travesty that is my sister, no less. Thankfully, it's a power that wasn't lost.  And with it together, we will bring down my father. The power he wields shall rightfully be mine, once and for all. Then you shall have your precious revenge as I will have mine with the one Venkman calls Tom."

To be concluded....

A word to my readers....

I just wanted to say how absolutely thrilled you took the time and read my accomplishment. This was such a fun thing for me to jump into and it brought back so many great memories I had as a kid with all of my Kenner Toys line busting the next best thing to a ghost. Anything that fits the bill--Ha-ha.

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I wanted to give back to this community that has been truly amazing to me—This one's for you!!

Take an opportunity to check my YouTube channel out for further info on anything related to this series and don't forget to subscribe.

Plus, I'd love to hear what you have to say. So, say hello!!

Remember, anyone can be a buster.

So why not go all in and become a BOLT while you're at it!

I'll see ya in the funny pages!

Thanks for reading!!!

Look for these Titles Coming Out

LD Volume 1-

Book 2: Repurposed Demons

Book 3: Answering the Final Call

Legacy Dimensions: A Ghostbusters Chronicle -  Fallen Gods Where stories live. Discover now