Hot and Disappointing

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Eek, I am cringing again, but the chapter has been edited! 

They walked together quietly, exchanging the occasional smile. He opened the car door for her, and she sat in. He closed it and got into the driver's side. There was some small talk. She seemed very flustered, and he liked having that effect on her. To try to break the ice and gather more information, he asked, "So, how do you know Charlie?"

"He's an old friend." She said while looking through the passenger window.

She was lying, and he couldn't understand why. "Good." He said now wasn't the time for confrontation.

"How so?"

He  winked at her, "No reason." He looked back to the road as they approached the school. She sunk deeper into her seat, with a smile forming on her lips. He parked near the school's boys' dormitories. She sat up, looking confused. "I thought we'd go to the gymnasium," she said.

He chuckled, "No it's closed by now, we can practice in my room. If that's all right."

"Y-yeah it's cool."

"You're familiar with this placed anyway, we'll just have to make sure you're not seen."

She smiled knowingly at him, "I am not the only girl you've snuck in, huh?"

"Nope." He exited the vehicle and opened her door. He held his hand out to help her up. She grabbed it softly while keeping eye contact. The way she looked at him while getting out of the car was a look he was very familiar with.

He thought he would just talk to her and probe her for the truth. The blood rushing down his body made him think tonight could go in a very unplanned direction. "I'll follow your lead." She whispered, she had to feel the tension too. He could see it on her blushing cheeks.

He brought her into the building, and they semi-ran to his dorm room. When they entered, she immediately started looking around his room. His eyes couldn't help but look at her body. Her mini top accentuated her chest, and her mini skirt displayed her milky smooth skin. He licked his lips. She was a natural beauty. The freckles on her face made her look all the more cute. For some reason, he got the sense she wasn't very experienced. Almost naïve. 

"Should I explain the rules of wrestling?"

She walked around his room, looking at his belongings. She said, "No, I don't think it's needed."

"How will you properly-"

She cut him off while looking at him, "It's simple. We wrestle till the one submits. Rules, no punching, kicking, or anything like that."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Take me down." She said as she grinned playfully at him.

After she said that, a look of mischief spread across his face, and he tackled her to the ground, pinning her down. He made sure to be gentle so as to not hurt her. She grunted, she knew taking her down would be easy for such a big guy but she knew she'd win in maneuvers.

"Bad move, having the larger opponent on top of you." He breathed out while looking down at her cockily.

"We'll see about that."

"Oh yeah?" Her confidence made him curious.

She lifted her hips, raising him. A look of surprise crossed his face as she launched him to the ground and managed to straddle herself on his hips. She brought her face closer to his face, and his breath hitched. She said triumphantly and teasingly, "Never underestimate a smaller opponent."

"You're too weak to keep me here. You only caught me by surprise." He said while looking at her with determination as he adjusted himself underneath her. She tightened herself around his waist as he tried shifting his hips more. His head fell to the ground immediately when he felt himself stiffen, "Get off."

"Not a chance. You've gotta put in a little more work."

She could tell something was off when he tightened his fists. She let go of his wrists and sat upright while still on top of him. His eyes were dark as he stared up at her. Feeling intimidated, she tried to get off him, but he grabbed her waist, keeping her there. She shook her head, trying to appear unaffected, "Pussy, you could've won." She tried to lighten the mood by teasing him. The grip on her waist made her feel extremely warm. She wasn't sure why her body was reacting, but it was. They both stared at each other in silence.

In a low, husky, yet demanding voice, he said, "You can get off now." He closed his eyes and rested his head on the floor.

She didn't know what to do, and she didn't want this to stop. She put her hand on his shoulder and stared curiously at him, "What's the mat-"

He interrupted her by sitting up while wrapping an arm around her waist. He connected firmly and tenderly. As their lips hungrily danced together, she grabbed the back of his neck and guided him on top of her. Their kisses were sloppy, eager, and uncoordinated. For the longest time, she wondered how close she could be to him. She always felt this need to touch him and fantasized about kissing him. She grabbed a handful of curly locks. 

His movements were rushed and somewhat aggressive. He broke the kiss for a second, "Open your legs." She did so and lowered his body into her. She could feel his weight on her, and she didn't understand why it felt so good. As they rubbed their bodies together, involuntary moans left both their mouths. As their lips entwined with each other, she tasted the sweetness of his mouth. She couldn't pinpoint what the taste was. She felt light as he hands traveled. A louder moan escaped her lips as she felt his hand traveling down her stomach.  He grabbed the hem of her skirt, pulling it up. 

He stopped everything he was doing and asked, "Have you done this before?"

"N-no." She breathed out. She wasn't dumb. She knew what sex was but had never done anything before. She didn't know what to expect. She was smart enough to know where this was leading. "You're a virgin?" He asked while pushing himself off of her. The look in his eyes read shock. She propped herself up on her elbows, "Yeah, and you were also kinda my first kiss."

He got up, and she felt confused about why he was leaving. His hand slid over his mouth, and he mumbled, "I didn't m-mean. I am sorry. I didn't know." She sat up with her mouth agape, when she stood up he backed away.

"Why are you sorry?"

"You should go," he said as he sped walked up to the door and opened it for her.

"Why? I want this. Don't you?"

"Red, what I want is relevant. I can't have something like this, and I can't take this from you. I am sorry."

Tears swelled in her eyes, "Mikel.."

"Just go." He was icy, and she had never seen this side of him before.

He wouldn't look at her. He just stood there waiting for her to leave. She left without saying another word. She dreamt of a moment like this with him and never expected things to go so terribly. She felt gutted and heartbroken to be sent away like this. Getting close to people like this was a mistake.

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