New Enemies

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Claire's P.O.V.
We all went to the Denny's to go eat. Next thing you know a guy came to our table." Can I help you,"he asked. We all ordered what we want, them he moved his hand in a way in front of us. He left then Courtney told,"he guys the way he moved his hand is part of the martial arts thing only we know. How does he know."" Did he work there before we did," I asked." He couldn't of had. We were the only ones there," Cristian answered.
"I guess he is ou......," Iliana didn't finish her sentence. I was hit by a blast and was hit into the wall." Claire," squad screamed. Courtney lifted him up and tossed him far away." Ok Cristian use you powers to mind wipe them while I teleport all of us away.

Iliana's P.O.V.
Cristian mind wiped them and Courtney teleported use away to base." I'll bring Claire to her room," I said. They nodded and I bring Claire to her room.

Sorry for the short chapter
What is the guy's name find out in the next chapter

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