Which To Chose??

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Claire's P.O.V.
After I look at the note I knew I had to choose what I have to. Brianna came into my room and yelled," hey Claire, we are going to go to celebrate for the new members and the defeat of Andrew so hurry up. Let's party." I looked at the note 1 more time than went to the living room.

Annabella's P.O.V.
Claire finally came into the living room so we can start parting. We played board games , video games , and danced. It was the best time we had in days. The next morning we all went out to eat and we then came back. I thought Claire sensed something because she ran to her room and then she didn't come back we where worried and then I went into Claire's room and there was a note.

When we read it we thought Claire went to fight him. But we thought that she joined him. We were sad. Brianna said," how come he is alive after I destroyed him." We all thought. Courtney then yelled," we have to look for Claire. Haley can give us all shards so we can go into dimensions. But let's break up into to teams of teams of two." Everyone agreed , Haley gave the teams 2 shards.

*the teams are
Cristiana and Eros
Iliana and Mia
Annabelle and Amelia
Shazeena and Haley

The dimensions the teams are going into are

Hayley's P.O.V.
We all separated into our groups and then we jumped in and then the portal closed behind us. I said," wow this dimension is amazing." Shazeena nodded and we were looking for Clair.

What did Claire choose

What will happen to the others

Where is Andrew

Find out in the next chapter


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