I Refuse to Believe (Haerin - NewJeans)

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"What do you mean 'no', Haerin?"

"The fact that you think that you're safe from cheating behind my back oppa is a dumb idea!"

That's always the scenario with you and Haerin every after day. There's never been a night that once you were both make up.  Ever since you went to college, you had times you bumped with Jiheon, her sunbae at Hybe who was also a college student. As a Political Science freshman, the pressure was on from the get go. But with the problem of your relationship with Haerin makes everything more complicated.

Yes, it was one time you met Jiheon, an elementary education major, in an university orientation. But you didn't expect that it followed with several times of you and her eating lunch with each other and help each other's projects would not be a problem, right?

Wrong, as you keep meeting with her, your relationship with Haerin was beginning to walk on a tight rope, like the daredevil who tried to walk over the skyscrapers of New York City. Much worse, her unnies and Hyein keeps convincing her to believe them than you, her own boyfriend.

Until one day, it all came crashing down. You came home late due to your course's midyear ball, and you told Haerin that you'll come home late since you're one of the organizers for the event. During the event, you stumbled with Jiheon as she was one of the hosts for the event, and you both had a good time, naming you and her as the Star of the Night. Of course, you wouldn't accept the fact that Haerin might be mad about this but you decided to accept the award. With an unexpected move, as your org mates and fellow Political Science students in attendance, Jiheon kissed you on the spot, causing everyone to take a photo and post it on their social media accounts.

This ends with you, having another word war with Haerin. But tonight, it reached the boiling point.

"MY UNNIES ARE RIGHT OPPA! YOU DON'T PRIORITIZE OUR RELATIONSHIP. AND GETTING THE FACT THAT YOU PUT YOUR ACADEMICS MORE THAN ME, AND JIHEON-UNNIE COMING IN BETWEEN US ARE MAKING THIS RELATIONSHIP CRUMBLING!" she scolded. She was technically right, her group setting more fire to the flame burns the remaining love you had to her. But as they said, all of this have an end. You can't take much scolding from her, it's about time to say it all to her.

"Yeah, you're right. I took too much focus to my college education. My course is quite difficult to understand and the timing that Jiheon came to my college life. We had time doing homeworks together, hanging out after classes. When she kissed me last night, I didn't realized that it would blow up. I came late because I wasn't allowed to hop off near to the apartment, and I helped them out to unload the equipment off the bus", you only replied. You only walked your way out of her sight and head to your shared bed. Right after you shred your clothes down, you slammed your body to the cushion, and doze off.

On the other hand, Haerin only looks distressed. Looking your face right after she scolded it all to you, only to reply in dead, dreaded voice makes the rings bell for her. Heading back to the room, she saw you already dead asleep and clothes are systematically placed to the bin. 

"O-oppa", she only muttered. Understanding that she didn't listened to you more often than her unnies, she also don't understand how you act in University. "I think I should talk with you more then", she muttered. And then she also slept, thinking she could fix and save this relationship from crashing down.

Sun rays fills the room, but Haerin hasn't been up, but she felt a blank space that what should been your spot. "Huh?", she then get up and look to the bed, only to be found alone and no other person. 

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