chapter 16

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The battle was a scene of glorious chaos. The good kind of chaos, like what happens at festivals and Mardi Gras, not the evil destroy-the-world kind of chaos that Apophis was trying to bring about. Nico's housemates were kicking butt in every direction he turned. None of his friends seemed to be in dire straights, and no one seemed to need help more than anyone else, so Nico simply jumped in.

He could see Percy and Bast holding the deck by themselves. The rest of the deck defense team, and the reserve team were both tearing into the invaders, along with Alyssa and Julian who must have come down from the roof to help. Zia and Walt were more than likely okay on the roof on their own, since Ra's blessings would have restored their magic. And Sadie and Carter would be getting back any minute!

"Life is good," announced Nico to the first magician he came across. Then he slashed his sword through one of the tendons in the man's left leg and trampled over him as he sought out his next enemy. "Don't you think?" he called back.

"Nico! You're okay!" Felix looked delighted as he directed his penguins to charge down their enemies.

"Yeah! I feel great!" Nico moved to intercept an enemy who had singled out Felix. He kicked her in the knee as hard as he could and felt her knee-cap break beneath his foot. "Jaz is awake too! Ra's blessing got us back on our feet! Unlike this witch who's on her knees right here!"

Felix cheered and summoned more penguins. Nico squinted against the radiance as Felix's target conjured some kind of protective circle and stared screaming, "No, please no!"

Nico and Felix exchanged glances.

"What's up with him?" asked Nico as he casually cut down another one of their enemies.

"I have no idea. All I did was sic some penguins on him."

"Well," Nico stepped fast to dodge a magician who was being ridden around by Khufu the baboon, "that's . . . interesting. But I guess if he'd rather cower in there than fight, he's smarter than his comrades."

"Not Antarctica again! Please no! Anything but that!"

Every direction Nico turned, the House of Life freaks were getting their butts whooped. He was actually hard pressed to find enemies to cut down now and had to settle for reducing a few shabtis into dust.

"No more penguins! No more snow! Please! Please no!"

"That could get annoying," muttered Nico. He tried to make his way toward the terrace, to get Percy's attention, and let him know that he was okay, but the glow of flames caught his attention. He saw Aziza battling it out with Amos and redirected his course toward them.

Careful, warned Anubis.

Tell her to be careful. This time I kill that..nevermind... Nico trailed off disappointedly as he saw Amos sink Aziza into the marble floor so that only her head was visible. Ican'kill someone who just got beaten by someone else, even if they do deserve it.

"Not Antarctica again! Anything but that!"

"Shut up, will you?" snapped Nico.

"Easy there, Death Boy. Don't burst a blood vessel."

"Sadie!" Nico grinned. "Thank the gods."

"Thanks for holding down the fort," she said, grinning at him so radiantly Nico would have sworn she was a battle goddess right there. She didn't look like she'd been trudging through the Duat all night, and running all over the world looking for pieces of scrolls for days before that. She looked perfect right then, the red streaks in her blond hair perfectly complimenting her sun-kissed skin. She looked like she was glowing.

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