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It's been two days, and Jeongin didn't come to school. He said he's sick?

I'm sitting in first period, trying my best to focus, "what's on your mind?" Chan questions, he can read me like a damn book."Its Jeongin, isn't it?" I nod, "I'm sure he's just sick." I gaslight myself, "Y/N, I don't have a good feeling about this." Hyunjin anxiously states, "what do you mean, he probably caught a cold. I mean it's winter, right Lix?" Felix looks at me with worried eyes. "Y/N, stop gaslighting yourself!" Chan yells, I turn to him, eyes glassy.

I give him a small smile, "will you help me look for him after school? Just in case." Hyunjin sighs, "I'm sorry Y/N, we really would, but Felix and I have a bus to catch to go to my mom's house." Hyunjin states placing a hand on my shoulder, I smile and look at him, "it's okay."

It was now after school, I was scared. Really scared. It was just Chan and I. We went to the spots where couples usually make out.
First the library, nothing.
Second, the bathroom, nothing.
Third, the rooftop...

We open the door and there it was.


Making out with?


"No." I step back causing Chan to hold me from behind, they heard me, "Y/N." I break down, "Please, it's not what it looks like!"

'Ahh yes the classic line, in EVERY movie.'

"Jeongin." I say holding my chest, feeling my heart shatter, Chan continues holds me from behind. I begin crying, "Jeongin, why would you do this?" The door slams shut.

"Jeongin!" Felix shouts at him, "Y/N!" Hyunjin stands behind me, "why did you do this Jeongin?!" He looks down, "i- because you're always with Chan." I start crying more, "because you were too busy talking with Yuna! And Chan's my roommate Jeongin! What do you expect?!" I cry more trying to catch my breath, "I- I genuinely liked you." He plays with his fingers, "I did too."

He looks at Chan, "Hyung..." Chan shakes his head, "You're not the same 15 year old I knew. Shame on you." He holds my hand, "let's go Y/N."

'I can't believe this is happening.'

"We're over, Jeongin, never, ever talk to me!" I turn to Yuna, "fuck you, you whore." Felix sighs, "we'll talk with him Y/N." I didn't say anything, all I did was keep my head low and followed Chan.

We enter the dorm, I drop everything and begin to break down, and run to my room, "Y/N-" I slam the door.

"Well done you two!" We high-five them, "I'll be leaving guys bye!" She pecks his lips and leaves, "what should we do next?" The black haired boy speaks up, "we tell her that we went to the same middle school as her." The two of us look at him, "how exactly?" I ask, he purses his lips, "why don't you guys go over for the weekends and say, "do you have any family members staying here?" Then she'll say yes, and ask her to invite her aunt over, tease Y/N into her telling her aunt to bring a school picture." I stand awkwardly for a while, "okay... that was a lot."

He clicks his tongue, "but do you understand at least?" We both hum.
"Where are we going now?" I think, "let's celebrate. Korean barbecue?" The two of them nod, we all laugh and walk, "oh and you're paying Jeongin." I laugh.

I walk out of the room, eyes puffy, I glance at Chan sitting on the couch, texting on his phone. I walk to the bathroom and rinse my face and walk out drying my face.

I sit next to Chan, "how are you feeling?" I calm my breath, "better." He opens his arms, I immediately hug him, he rubs my arms as I close my eyes, "don't worry hm?" I nod, "you'll be fine," he continues, beginning to slowly brush my hair, "you're with me." He tries to say it in a happy tone, I wanted to cry but I couldn't, I cried it all out in my room.

I had no tears left.

He gently placed a soft kiss on top of my head, I hold him tighter, he squeezes me back, "thank you." I manage to speak, "you're welcome. I'm here for you," he holds my hand, as he his soft thumb slide over my skin, "always here for you."

"Can we go somewhere?" I suggest, I break the hug and look at him, "we're going to my comfort spot." He stands up, "let's go, but dress up warm first." I go to my room throwing on a hoodie and sweatpants since it's freezing cold outside and it's night.

I was driving.

"So you have a comfort spot." I hum, "as I was studying here. I begin to feel like shit because of my mom. So one day I approached it and now ever since I've been going there," I park the car, "I never thought I'd come here with someone," he gives a soft smile, I put my hand on his, "but I'm glad I did."

I place the fried meat on my rice, and take a bite, "you know she has a racist and abusive mom?" I look at Jeongin chewing, "no. Who told you that?" I say, he points his chopsticks to the figure next to me, "hm. She told me on the first year." The pink haired boy states cleaning the meat between his teeth. I raise my hand, "can we please get a bottle of soju?!" I yell, the waitress nods and leaves.

"We'll see later on what we can do that involves her mom. But for now, I'm focusing on making her mine." They both smile, "it's cute how you're so obsessed with her." I drink some soup, "since seventh grade, Innie." He chuckles, the lady comes back with the soju, we all thank her.

I open the bottle and pour in our shot cups, we all raise our glasses, "to Y/N!" I exclaim, "to Y/N!" They exclaim back, the glasses clinks and we gulped it down.
"Hyunjin, let's repeat the plan again, before we get too drunk," Felix speaks up, Jeongin and I look at him, "I can feel it coming." He fans himself, Jeongin and I laugh, "okay so..."

I exit the car and immediately was greeted with the sound of the waves, I sigh in relief. I walked as Chan followed me. I brought a blanket and spread it out on the beach, letting rocks hold the edge of the blanket.

We both lay down on our back, it was silent, only the sound of the waves. "This is so calming." I hum, "it really is." I turn to him, "tell me your side of the story. Tell me about your life." He gets caught off guard, he clears his throat.

"Well, uhm my parents divorced, and my dad left," I look at him, as he continues to look at the stars, "my mom blamed me for the divorce. She didn't want me to eat, she said I must go make my own money and feed myself. It got so worse that..." he pauses, I focus on him more, "she kicked me out," my expression soften, I immediately intertwine my hands with his, he caresses the back of my hand, "but my friend Seungmin, welcomed me into his home. His parents were the best, they gave me everything I never had," he squeezes my hand tighter, a tear slips down his eyes, "they treated me as their second son." I look up at the dark sky.

"What about Seungmin?" I softly speak, "Seungmin is like my little brother, he studies law now, and I'm so proud of him for achieving his goals. One day I'll pay them back everything and more, Seungmin and his parents. I and Seungmin's best friend, Minho. Minho was always there for us both, he studies law with Seungmin, they treated me like I deserved the world and more. They kept me safe and happy. God I love them," He sniffs, "they saved my life. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them." I run my thumb over his, I slowly move towards him, cuddling him.

"I'm so sorry for what happened, but I'm so glad to see that you're doing better," he brushes my hair, "I'm here Chan. Always. For you." I sniffs wiping his tears, "I'd take you one day to meet Seungmin and Minho. You'll love them." He chuckles, I let out a soft laugh, "I'd love that." It was now quiet again, I could hear our heartbeats beat in synchronisation. I smile.

"Chan?" He hums, I break the hug. I'm telling him I can speak Korean. I realised his my roommate, I can't always hide the fact that I don't speak Korean.

I look at him, "uhm..." I didn't know how to start, "speak to me Y/N." He sits up, "I know how speak Korean..." his eyes widen, "this whole time?!" I purse my lips, "yeah..." he brushes his hair, "wow. Why didn't you tell me?" I lay back down, "I don't know." He drops himself next to me, "please don't tell anybody." I look at him, he pulls out his pinky, I laugh, "really? Pinky promise?" He frowns, "hey, pinky promises means a lot!" I laugh and wrap my pinky around his.

"Wait- so that means you heard the call-" I cut him, "yep." He sighs in embarrassment.

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