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Nikolai and I have been meticulously rehearsing our routine with the guidance of our coach, Natasha Gúseva

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Nikolai and I have been meticulously rehearsing our routine with the guidance of our coach, Natasha Gúseva.

We've been practicing our ice dancing routine with great precision and dedication, getting ready for the upcoming season.

With the competition just around the corner, I knew that we had to put in the work to perfect every detail of our routine, from the timing of our movements to the expression on our faces.

As I arose from my slumber at the early hour of 6:45am, I was eager to begin my day and head to the rink to practice with my partner Nikolai.

I knew that every second of practice counted, and I was determined to give it my all. After taking a refreshing shower and getting ready, I retrieved my skates at 7:35am.

My mother Dasha then called out to me, beckoning me to get in the car so we could make our way to the rink where Nikolai and I would continue to perfect our stunning routine.

As we arrived at the rink, my mother Dasha wished me good luck,

"Okay, we're here Lili, love you good luck." My mother Dasha says,

I quickly flashed a smile, thanking my mother before bidding my farewell and making my way to the entrance.

As I was about to open the door, I suddenly felt a warm embrace, realizing that it was Nikolai, whose cologne I recognized.

"Niko!" I exclaimed, laughing at the unexpected hug.

In response, Nikolai laughed and called out, "Alia!" in a playful manner.

However, our lighthearted moment was quickly interrupted by our coach Natasha, who sternly reminded the both of us to warm up so we could begin our practice.

"Hey, let's get moving! You both need to warm up and start practicing the routine. The competition is only four days away!" She yelled.

The competition was fast approaching, as it was only four days away, and we needed to ensure that we were perfectly synchronized and in tune with one another.

I knew that every moment of practice was crucial, and I couldn't afford to waste any time. As we began to warm up, I stretched my muscles and focused on mg breathing, getting in the zone to give it my all.

With the sound of the music filling the rink, Nikolai and I began to practice our routine. We glided across the ice, moving in perfect harmony with one another.

Our movements were fluid and graceful, each step executed with precision and care. I knew that we had to be in sync with one another, and we worked tirelessly to ensure that every step and every movement was executed with the utmost precision and care.

 I knew that we had to be in sync with one another, and we worked tirelessly to ensure that every step and every movement was executed with the utmost precision and care

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