【D R A X】

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  The girls had gotten it better than the guys, least to say. While Gamora and the other women were sleeping in their own cells, all to themselves, the boys had all been sharing one. 

  Dozens of sweaty body's had stacked around Quill, who was currently being squished between the two. Finding it hard to sleep when people are snoring into your ear, or shoving one of their limbs in your face. 

  It wasn't the most pleasant thing. And Peter had yet to get the smallest amount of sleep. His eyes had closed a few times, sure, but he always ended up waking again to move around. Though, since Rocket and Groot were both asleep, he didn't move much. Not wanting his chances to go against one of these guys. 

  From outside the cell, Peter heard clear voices. Along with a few grunts by Gamora. 

  ''Take her down to the showers.'' A guard spoke, giving the prisoners a friendly tip. ''It'll be easier to clean up the blood down there.''

  The prisoners rushed off with Gamora, a knife held to her throat as they grinned wickedly at their own murderous thoughts. Peter wasn't surprised, but he wasn't just going to let this happen. Especially after he had just heard a guard be on board with the plan.

  Slowly, Quill got his way out from between the large amounts of sweat and stink, heading for the door. In the process, Rocket had woken up. One side of his face had fur stuck in all directions, showing which side he had been sleeping on against the floor. 

  Groggily, he was able to make out the figure of the Terran. ''Quill, where are you going?'' He asked, watching as Peter completely disregarded him and started to lurk around the corner. ''Quill, Quill!'' 

  Although, Rocket had ended up following him, anyway.

  Peter followed the stray prisoners holding Gamora captive, stopping to hide behind one of the corners in the showers. The knife stayed to her throat, not enough pressure against it to break the skin, thankfully. 

  The prisoner holding the knife got close to Gamora as she groaned, getting pushed between the wall and the knife. 

  ''Gamora,'' He gave a small, sickly smile. ''Consider this a death sentence for your crimes against the galaxy.'' 

  Before he could do anything harmful to the titan daughter, another voice cut in. 

  ''You dare?'' 

  A man walked out from the shadows of the showers. Blue-skinned, with red tattoos all over his body. He was quite muscular, which was visible enough since he didn't wear a shirt and only had on the pants to the prisoners usual uniform. He looked threatening, even without the shadows looming over him. 

𝖲𝗁𝗈𝗈𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖲𝗍𝖺𝗋𝗌 -𝖱𝗈𝖼𝗄𝖾𝗍 𝗑 𝖥𝖾𝗆! 𝖱𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋-Where stories live. Discover now