chapter 8

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“Matt! I thought you were de- dead,” I sobbed as he pulled me close. “It’s ok. I’m here. I’m never leaving you. Ever,” Matt pulled me into his chest and put his chin on top of my head. After about 10 minutes he stood up and looked at me. “Come on, hun, let’s go. I wouldn’t put it past that witch to come back,” I nodded and started walking with him. He noticed I had a limp, and without warning, swooped down and picked me up bridal-style. “Hey!” I yelled, as his hands went a little below the equator, if you know what I mean. “Sorry! Sorry!” I couldn’t help but notice he was smirking.

                I slapped him in the back of his head and laughed. Eventually I gave up squirming and let him carry me out of the house. I snuggled into him, and I finally felt safe. “Come on, let’s go home,” he said, starting to jog into the woods. “I can walk, I don’t want you to get tired or something,” I said, hearing his breath start to quicken. “It’s fine, the faster we go, the faster we get home,” He said in between breathes.  I gave up, and just watched the trees go by. I saw squirrels, butterflies, and some blue and pink flowers. As we passed a little opening in the trees, I saw purple and white daisies dancing in the breeze, then I watched as they were crushed by some invisible object. If you’ve never seen something get crushed by nothing, you should know there’s nothing as scary and threatening as that one small action.


I used all my strength and opened my eyes. My real eyes. I gasped and tried to sit up, but there was something holding me down. I thought of my most recent flashback and I started squirming, kicking and screaming as I fought to get away from whatever it was. “Bea! Bea! It’s ok! It’s all over, I’m here! I’m here…” Matt held me close and just rocked me back and forth. After a few minutes, when my heart stopped pounding, I looked around. Somehow we got back to the lake. This lake had so many memories. “What?” Matt asked. Oops, guess I said that out loud. “Yes, yes you did,” He said, “Now why does this lake have so many memories?” I sighed, not really wanting to go over that part of my past again.

“When I was 14, right after… everything happened, the flashbacks were almost non stop. The girls at the orphanage thought I was insane because I’d always fall when the memories came up, and they tortured me for it. You’ve seen me, I talk while I have those “attacks.” So, they found out about you, they found out I liked you. Well, loved you more like it,” I blushed and looked out over the lake. “They put two and two together, and they always brought you up. For me, thinking that you had died or was still being tortured, that was the worst part of the experience. The flashbacks became a sort of safe haven. Can you believe that?!” I smiled sadly and continued, “I never thought about there being a heaven for me, just a hell. But in my mind, I was already in a hell. So, on the ‘one-year anniversary’ or whatever you want to call it, I came out here. I had saved all my money, and I finally had enough money to loan a boat for 20 minutes. So, I went out on the lake, and waited for a memory to finally come up. That day they had come up a lot more frequently than they do now, so I thought I could really do it. If I stood up when I felt it coming on, I could fall in the lake, and I could drown, my very last moments in life would have been with you, even if it was just a memory.” I looked up, and saw Matt had tears in his eyes. I took a deep breath, and continued with the hardest part of this story.

 “That memory, however, was another memory in your point of view. I heard your thoughts as we were waiting outside the witch’s house. It was the still before the storm, and I could hear you thinking about me. You said I looked beautiful, and you felt horrible for bring me into all of it. So, when I came out of the memory, and I found myself at the bottom of the lake, just seconds away from death, YOU kept me from suicide. YOU gave me the strength to swim up to the lake, and to call for help when I got to the surface. I never would’ve thought you would come back, but I had to know what you really thought of me. I knew it was selfish, but I couldn’t just NOT know if you loved me, when I had it at my fingertips. When I yelled for help, Sarah jumped off the dock and swam over to me, helping me into the boat. We became best friends. You never realized it, but you saved my life and gave me the one person who understood me.” I looked up, finally finished with it, and Matt just looked at me, and gave me a hug. We sat there for I don’t know how long, but I enjoyed all of it.

“Bea, I… I don’t know what to say. I can’t believe it. The whole time I was where ever I was, I was nonstop worrying about you. I would get flashes of what you were doing at certain moments during your day. I got flashes of school, riding on busses, and sitting in the orphanage. Then I got one and it was just dark water. I saw seaweed and I saw you. I thought you were just swimming, because of how you were positioned, but I never knew I had seen you tr-“ he took a deep breath before continuing. “I never knew that you were trying to kill yourself!” Matt just pulled me into his chest, and started whispering promises and sweet things. “I love you. I love you so much. You’re so beautiful, I don’t know what I would do without you. I’m here. I’m here, love,” He kept repeating. I smiled into his chest, thinking about how different my life was. Just 3 days ago I was depressed and I only had 1 true friend, now I have my 1 true friend and my 1 true love. I don’t want this night to end.

hello my lovelies!! Here's a new chapter for you! just saying an early happy spring break! ;) this one was kind of a deep, serious chapter. BUT i'll give you guys a hint for what's happening next chapter! Here's my few key words:

June and Joey,




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Till next time,


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