Arylie ss- Phoenix Chapter 1

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Hey guys..since you guys didn't decide on one story.. so i am posting this.. this is the story which you guys wanted an independent Imlie and only the Tripathi's as the villain in story..i have made some basic changes..

After Aditya finds out Malini is pregnant, he is taking care of her and the child and Imlie is staying as their bahu/problem solver..and Aryan has joined the Bhaskar times as the new CEO..

Imlie sighed she had came to the temple to do some service and gain some peace of mind..far away from the Tripathi' is like they didn't even care that Malini had done something long as she is giving birth to the heir of the family.

She came out of her musings when she heard screaming..a part of the temple was up in flames..others were running away but she went towards it then she heard a man screaming..

M- Maa..di..!!!

Im-(thinks) Oh god..i have to help them somehow she looked around and saw a hose pipe and it was attached to a faucet she opened it quickly and tried to spray water on the area that was burning.

The flames died down a bit and she saw a man kneeling infront of two women, she ran upstairs and kneeled next to him.

M- Maa..di..both the women groaned and woke up coughing.

Im- Suno, we have to take them to a hospital he just nodded feeling completely numb Imlie helped the older lady get up slowly.

And the man helped the younger women and both of them went towards his car and he took them to the hospital.

They reached the hospital and the doctors took the ladies inside whereas the man and Imlie stood outside the ICU after sometime the man said,

M- Thank you.

Im- Mention not..mujhe ab chalna chaiye Mr..

Ar- Rathore..Aryan Singh Rathore..

Im- Tum Babusaheb ke boss ho??

Ar- Babusaheb?? Who is this??

Im- Aditya Kumar Tripathi.

Ar- Oh that idiot..she glared at him but deep down she knew he was right..he was an idiot..

Im- I should go..she left..

When she returned home, she thought that atleast one person would have asked her where she was till now??

Ap- Imlie tu aa gayi..woh actually Malini ko teri haath ki bani moti roti khana ka maan ho raha bana na dena uske liye..

Ap- Humne khana kha liya..tu bhi khana kha lena.

Im- Ji..she left to the kitchen to make the food for Malini..she made something for herself..she took the food and went towards Adini room.

She heard them giggling and talking about some old stuff..for the first time she felt like an intruder..what if Aditya and her were not meant to be..for the first time she was questioning what she was doing with her life..

She knocked on the door and gave Malini her food,

M- I hope you haven't poisoned it.

Im- No..i wouldn't do that to my own sister..for a minute Malini was surprised usually Imlie would give her long lectures  today she didn't say much, she again hides her emotions and closed the door on Imlie's face.

Imlie went to the servant room which she shared with Sundar, she opened her potli and looked at all her certificates which she had struggled so much for..

Im-(thinks)I have to make something of my life..i can't always be a problem solver for this family..i cannot let my mother and Dadda down.. she slept crying and hugging those certificates.

Ps- Hey guys i hope you like the changes i have and please do comment how it was and i am keeping the target system in this story.

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