Arylie ss - Phoenix Chapter 52

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Hey guys..i am so sorry i have been neglecting this book, but i will try to update the book more often..and here is the next chapter..

Imlie blinked and then laughed merrily..while he sat pouting..the high he was in was coming down..

Im- Oh my pyaara ABP..she pulls the bedsheet closer to her body and she opens a drawer and pulled out a pack of condoms..while Aryan looked at her with open mouth..😲😲

Ar- You brought condoms??

Im- Come on ABP..tum hi bolte ho ki i am your 50-50 partner so is this is so difficult for me?..he took the pack and said..

Ar- You really are serious about this na??

Im- Are you having second thoughts about us??😔😔

Ar- Hey no...come here..he pulled her closer and kissed her again..he felt a tear on his hand..

Ar- Jungli..why are you crying..??

Im- Bas aise hi aaj tak i never felt like this..itna pyaar aaj tak kisi ne nahi kiya mujhe..

Ar- Aur koi kar bhi nahi sakta hain..she went to kiss him again..but this time he said statue..

Ar- You are not wearing anything..and i am in a towel..not fair..he smirked and removed the towel..Imlie's eyes widened a bit..he was quiet thick..she was starting to feel nervous..

Im-(thinks)Oh brain had short circuited..Aryan saw the nervousness on her face and quickly puts the towel back on..

Ar- Hey look at is okay..if you don't feel comfortable..we don't have to do this..

Im- It is just..i don't to shied away..what if..i am not good enough..

Ar- Imlie enough..okay..this is important in a relationship..but it is not everything..we can learn from each other okay..but aaj nahi.

Im- No..she held his wrist..i know how much you want me..please..don't stop yourself..please..waise..tumne over toh bola hi nahi tha..

Ar- You always create trouble na..she huffed and yanked his towel..what the hell jungli!!

Im- Get in..she pushed the bedsheet away and he got in..they cuddle for a minute and kissed each other again..the need returned far too quickly when they weren't clothed anymore..Aryan quickly puts on the condom..

He hovers slightly and kisses her sweetly as he slowly pushed himself in..Imlie was crying as she felt immense pain ..and he apologized again..

Ar- I am sorry..

Im- fine..ABP..slowly the pain fades away she adjusted to his size..he pulled her as close as possible..while he moved in and out of her..and after few minutes of bliss he came and few seconds later she did too.

He pulled out and threw the condom into the dustbin..he went into the bathroom and brought a wet towel and wiped her down..

Im- Thank you..

Ar-(kisses her)Aaram karo..he goes into the bathroom and cleans himself as well and gets into the bed with spooning her..

Ar- How is the pain??

Im- It is okay..but are you sure it was okay for you..she asked feeling a bit insecure..

Ar- Hey..look at me and she turned in his was the best feeling in the world to be that close to is your first time..take rest jungli..we have all the time in the world..

Im- Hmm..okay..she yawned she feel asleep quickly..while he just smiled looking at her..he felt an overwhelming surge of protectiveness matter what he will not let her go ever..

Ps- Hey i have tried to make it as mature as possible..but still do comment on how it is..and i kept my promise to post it on please do comment and check the message board regularly..

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