you can be the talk

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‎   "What's gotten into you? After his disappearance, you've been a lot more.. bitchy."

Heterochromatic eyes looked at the person whilst he prepares a custom bouquet gently. "He disappeared without telling me anything. How would you feel if your lover just... poofed without telling you?"

"Uki, have you even tried visiting him?" Alban crossed his arms, leaning onto the archway of the store.

"I visited, called, texted.. hell, I even sent a letter!" Uki frustratedly huffed.

"Man.. Uki, how long has he been gone?"

The violet haired psychic turned his head to look at his friend. "It's been around three months." He breathed out.

"Yikes, you should tell Detective Mysta. He's the best in solving disappearance cases. I heard he was once kidnapped but was found few weeks later by his friends."

Uki with a sad look stared at the purple roses he was tending. "That's another problem." He frowns.

"Mysta's moving to a different city, I can't get his help. Besides, he's going to be with his lover and I don't want to be someone who takes his personal time from her."

"Oh yeah! He's dating that famous ex-idol huh? He's so lucky, I wish he was me."

"You're not helping with my situation. Who else can I ask other than professionals or you to help me out?" Uki crossed his arms, glaring at the taller male.

His friend shrugged. "Beats me but hey, I heard Sonny Brisko is up for the chief position in the-"

"Not. Helping." Uki said between gritted teeth.

His heterochromatic eyed friend pouts. "Well.. if you need my help, I'll be in the cafe. You know I work just a few stores away from you." Alban smiled.

The brunette waved as he opened the front door but he bumped someone with the door on the way out. "Ack! Sorry, are you okay?!" He asks the person with worry and guilt.

The other brunette nodded, rubbing his forehead. "Y-Yeah I'm fine, thank you."

Alban raised a brow. "For what?"

"Thank you f-for opening the door!" The other brunette blushed in embarassement.

Alban turned to look at Uki who watched the scene unfold. "Hey! You're Y/n Eveland aren't you?!"


"You totally are! I know Ike, he's my senior back in college."

"He is?" Y/n looked at him with interest.

"Okay, okay. Shoo, Alban. You have five minutes left until your shift starts." Uki jumped in, crossing his arms.

When the barista brunette left, Uki looked at the newcomer. "Never seen you around before, I'm Uki Violeta." He smiled, greeting him with a warm welcome.

"I'm Y/n Eveland. Youngest brother of the.. Eveland siblings." He shyly introduced himself.

Uki made way for him to enter. "Oh wow, Ike-senpai's brother! Come in, are you here for a reason or are you just looking?"

"R-Right, I came here for something." Y/n entered the flower shop and looked around in awe. "Everything here is.. pretty." He says, looking at Uki.

Uki chuckled. "Thank you,"

Y/n took a moment to realise what Uki meant then blushed. When he meant everything, he meant the flowers but he accidentally flirted with him-

"Y-You're welcome."

"So, what can I do for you? What are you looking for?" The purple haired male asks, leaning on the counter, his chin on his palm.

God.. he's pretty.

Y/n blushed, he walked closer to the counter, gripping the strap of his bag tight. "I'm.. l-looking for a.."

Uki furrowed his eyebrows, he leaned onto the counter more. "Excuse me, what was that?"

" S-Some.. I.." The shy boy's voice got quieter and quiter.

"Babe, if you don't speak up I can't help you." Uki frowned.

Y/n took a deep breath, mustering the courage to ask the shop owner: "Do you have any flowers that symbolise.. like.. betrayal a-and a break-up"

"A break-up bouquet?" Uki's eyes widened. "You're going through.. a break-up?" He sympathises with the newcomer.

"Yellow roses are a go-to. There's also.. some black dahlias but I don't have them in the shop, they're in the garden somewhere on a quiet section of the town."

Y/n's eyes seems interested. "You know a lot, are you very interested in flowers?"

"I am." Uki walks out from his counter, he gently caressed the flowers he passed by. "Every flower has a meaning Y/n. Those yellow roses I recommended? They might look pretty but they mean a break-up and betrayal."

Uki picked up some flowers he found nearby, he goes to his counter and does something with them then puts it on Y/n's head.

"You look cute with those violets and white orchids on you." Uki smiled, fixing the flower crown to perfection. "There," he says softly.

Y/n stayed quiet, he looked at Uki with admiration. "W-What do these mean?" He gestures to the flowers on his head.

"Don't worry about it, cutie." Uki pinched Y/n's cheek. "Whoever you're planning to break up with doesn't even deserve you at all." He whispered.

Uki cleared his throat. "Ahem, well. Come back tomorrow and meet me at the café nearby." He writes down something onto a memo and gave it to T/n.

"Your.. number?" Y/n asked, looking up at him.

"My personal number." Uki smirked. "Oh, and one more thing." He grabs another flower and gives it to him.

"You really like the colour purple, huh?" Y/n said, looking at the purple rose he has just been given.

"I'll help you arrange those yellow roses and black dahlias tomorrow." Uki ignored his question, pushing him out to the front door. "You have to come, okay? I'm not taking no as an answer." He smiled.

"Ah, but-" Y/n interjected.

Uki closed the shop's doors and waved bye at him, flipping the store's sign frome open to closed.

Y/n sighed, the flower crown on his head and the purple rose in hand. He looks at it and smiled, no one has ever given him flowers before.

The small thing Uki did for Y/n just made his visit much more hopeful.

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