Chapter 17- Jin

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Great. I'm lost. Note to self: Think before running away and NOT noting where I'm going. Wait, that's a city! There'll, most likely, be a map there somewhere and I'll be able to navigate my way back to Chukiche! See, I'm smart. Not...

I entered to city gates and took a quick look around for a tourist building or no prevail. Then I spotted something that looked strange but rather familiar. Two girls holding hands. like, not in a friendship way I mean as a couple. Like their fingers were intertwinded and all.

One had bouncy, blood red hair and emerald green eyes. She was wearing a yellow cardi over a purple tank top with black shorts and knee high boots.

Her partner in romance wore a pink dress top and blue jeans with black and magenta striped pumps. She had long, butter coloured hair and ice blue eyes.

The weird part was everyone who looked at the two smiled friendlily and nice, no hatred or disgust present in their eyes like the people back at Chukiche who looked at any LGBT people. It was heart warming to see these townspeople accepting them for who they were, instead of being judgemental assholes.

I smiled and decided to continue my search for a map. I turned a corner into an alleyway and walked out the other side onto a street. There was a café on the other side of the street, an electronics store to my left and a travelodge building to my right.

That should have a map of the area

I walked inside and saw some brochures stacked in a corner. I took one and opened it out, and of course, there was a map. Turns out I was back in Uaymai...great. Next thing you know I'm gonna be jumped by a-

"Hello" I flinched and turned around to face the person who had spoke to me.

A boy no older than nineteen wearing a purple and white hoodie over a grey rimmed black t-shirt with light grey jeans and purple hightops stood before me. He had longish black hair cut so that part of it fell over his right eye and soft, brownish-hazel eyes. I blinked at his towering figure and smiled sheepishly.


"What's your name?" He asked with a friendly return of my smile.

"I-It's Am, but you can call me Sky. Everybody does"

"Ok Sky. I'm Jin" He said putting empathy on my nickname. I smiled.

He doesn't seem so bad.

"You seem lost, and by the looks of it you're looking for...Chukiche? Are you not?" Jin asked. I nodded.

"Yeah...I kinda ran away when I made a mistake with my crush and got lost..." He nodded knowingly.

"I feel ya brother. I did the same when I kissed my friend/crush Ross. I'll help you back to your town on one condition" I bit my bottom lip, wondering what the condition was.

Please don't be something weird, please don't be some thing weird.

"Stay AWAY from the lakes here before you get kidnapped by squids again Ok?"

"Wha- How'd you know that?"

"You and your friends were on the news the other day"

"Oh..." I looked down at my feet in embarrassment and I heard a giggle come from Jin.

"Just kidding, lets go bring you home now shall we, Sky?" I nodded with a grateful smile and he grabbed my hand, leading me to a purple car parked outside the café.

That must be his car.

"Thanks Jin. It means a lot to me"

"No problem kid" Why does everybody call me a kid? I'm seventeen now, I'm not a kid anymore.

"Earth to Sky?"

"Sorry...lets go"

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