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A heavy flow, the crashing waves of Zeus flood the sky. I find myself kneeling at the shrine in front of me.

"Apollo, oh lord of light, all-seeing guardian. I beg of you to grant me sight. Through your most versatile gift, something akin to your apostle Delphi, even if just for a moment. I need your guidance, a greedy wish I understand. But I craventhe to knowledge of what is coming, my senses are awry. I feel a constant sway in this world. Every minute I fear the end, every moment I fear remorse. In strides I find myself fearing you, fearing the lack of you. I am here on hand and knee, pleading. Please hear my prayer and accept this offering, oh lord of light Phoebus."

My knees rot on this stone floor, a temple, a place of faith, a mausoleum for prayer fallen on deaf ears. I rise to find myself full of an empty feeling, easily describable to another, yet my heart suffers in magnitudes greater than word could share. I must escape this feeling.

I lay a libation of honey and milk, topped with Rhoditis, a gift from my father's travels. A fresh loaf and some fruit.

"It's not much, but it's the best I can offer as I currently am. I call to you again, O bright Apollo, grant me sight that transcends the self, grant me the heart to share what I bear witness to."

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